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Thad McKraken
Mar 16, 20234 min read
Hulking Out In Heaven
3/15/2023 - First I have this continual liminal bombardment. I am a floating technicolor energy orb, not a human. Obviously. This goes on...

Thad McKraken
Mar 15, 20233 min read
Existentialism Among the Energy Tubes
3/14/2023 - The best way I can describe this is that I'm am living energy coursing rapidly through translucent energy tubes against a...

Thad McKraken
Mar 14, 20232 min read
Spiritual Bankruptcy
3/13/2023 - Here I find myself watching a rather odd advertisement/PR film. It's about this slightly overweight blonde sort of standard...

Thad McKraken
Mar 13, 20232 min read
A Pact is Made with an Ancient Daemon God
3/12/2023 - In this scenario my dad is an archaeologist who's accidentally made contact with some sort of discarnate intelligence and I...

Thad McKraken
Mar 11, 20235 min read
Peak Intuition Zones
3/10/2023 - I'm in this dream state where my entire consciousness becomes a guitar finger picking cyclone. It's this very particular...

Thad McKraken
Mar 10, 20231 min read
Don't Dream the Music, Be the Music
3/9/2023 - First I'm shown this vision of a hyper color 5 paneled comic about a podcaster. He's born, then he does a shit ton of...

Thad McKraken
Mar 9, 20235 min read
Elite Psi Ops Recruit the King of Slackers
3/8/2023 - I'm in the same resort I keep finding myself in (the one with the drug tunnel to Mexico) and I'm with a group of several other...

Thad McKraken
Mar 9, 20233 min read
The "Classic" Oprah Movie that's Obviously Terrible
3/7/2023 - I have to head back to my old apartment to pick up some things (again with the old apartment), which I do but when I have them...

Thad McKraken
Mar 8, 202318 min read
A Mind Invader Searches for Sacred Fire
2/28/2023 - First I'm hanging out with all these fellow NBA nerds and they're all discussing how disappointing it's been to be a die hard...

Thad McKraken
Mar 1, 202317 min read
The Sci Fi Queen of Shamans
2/21/2023 - I'd call this one the drunken monkey shit show. Here I find myself in this very odd state. I'm getting drunk and partying in...

Thad McKraken
Feb 22, 202311 min read
Overthrow the Fundamentals of Everything
Back in late August of 2021 I arose from a dream and into a liminal state where I was informed that I was going to start dreaming: "Every...

Thad McKraken
Feb 15, 202315 min read
A Psychic Surfboard of Many Colors
Back in late August of 2021 I arose from a dream and into a liminal state where I was informed that I was going to start dreaming: "Every...

Thad McKraken
Feb 8, 202317 min read
Technicolor Infinitude Gets Lost in the Black and White Nightmare
1/31/2023 – I’d call this one “Postmodern Sleaze” or “The Day I Tried to Live” As I’m walking my dogs I’m slowly ensnared into the orbit...

Thad McKraken
Feb 1, 202315 min read
Infrared Atavist Eve
One small note before we get into our second edition of: One week in the dream life of a mystic. I wasn't even considering it but in the...

Thad McKraken
Jan 27, 202316 min read
You Are a Galadrian Time Monkey
Does anyone remember how back in August of 2021I was told that I'd leveled up as an oneiromancer and that because of this I was going to...

Thad McKraken
Jan 18, 20232 min read
Ack AttAck!
So on November 29th, I finally get around to posting about a crazy dream/synchronicity that happened a few weeks prior, which bizarrely...

Thad McKraken
Jan 18, 202310 min read
The Surreal McCoy
One aspect of achieving my “dreaming every night” power up badge months back that I wasn’t at all considering has to do with the fact I...

Thad McKraken
Nov 29, 20225 min read
Holy Synchronicity Batman
Fall 2022: So I bought the trilogy of Batman games in a bundle back in January for a whopping $20 with tons of bonus content because I...

Thad McKraken
Nov 22, 20225 min read
Beatific Monuments From the Witch Cults of the Future
Fall 2022: I believe I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve been increasingly running into this thing where I wake up in a freaky liminal...

Thad McKraken
Sep 22, 20227 min read
You Are the Tech and Vice Versa
And for my next trick, watch me demonstrate what inhuman entities have been trying to explain to me forever, which is that everything you...
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