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Thad McKraken
Oct 2, 20237 min read
Side Quests for the Talking Tape Dispenser
9/27/2023 - Pretty fascinating that I've gotten multiple dreams with the exact same vibes over the last week. All seem to be tied to an...

Thad McKraken
Sep 27, 20236 min read
Stained Glass Clouds of the Emotionverse
9/24/2023 - I'm in the the self created recurring dream environment I refer to as alternate Greenwood. I'm at the typical bar/bus depot...

Thad McKraken
Sep 25, 20239 min read
Calling Bullshit On Your Own Bullshit
9/20/2023 - I'm on a trip with some acquaintances from high school that I haven't honestly thought about in years. We're headed out of...

Thad McKraken
Sep 23, 20235 min read
An Astral Space Exploration Game
9/16/2023 - I didn't eat enough which lead to me not sleeping very well but I do remember one dream. My perspective is hovering in the...

Thad McKraken
Sep 18, 20237 min read
A Glimpse of Doggy Heaven
9/13/2023 - I'm in a small room in my mom's old place on Beacon Hill where this white rat is giving birth. As it starts to go into labor,...

Thad McKraken
Sep 16, 20235 min read
5th Dimensional Transmogrification
9/10/2023 - Transmogrification. I pull out of a dream state and the 5th dimensional part of me has decided to reset the parameters of...

Thad McKraken
Sep 13, 20236 min read
Typhonian Psychogeography
9/8/2023 - I'd been told years ago that traveling has the potential to massively influence my sorcerous abilities and honestly this has...

Thad McKraken
Sep 10, 20236 min read
Infiltrating the MILF Industrial Complex
9/5/2023 - I'm at this party in this all concrete room with a mattress in the middle of it for some reason. This woman I went to high...

Thad McKraken
Sep 5, 20237 min read
Higher than the Goddamn Saints
9/3/2023 - It's the I'm-sleeping-in-my-old-basement-apartment recurring scenario again but this time it actually leads to lucidity. Don't...

Thad McKraken
Sep 3, 20238 min read
An Exceptional Contraption
9/1/2023 - I'm at a family gathering on my dad's side. My little brother is sitting next to me on this sleek long modern stretch around...

Thad McKraken
Sep 1, 20237 min read
Too Cool for School
8/29/2023 - I'm in this huge building south of downtown which is seemingly a combination of a sports stadium and train station, except...

Thad McKraken
Aug 29, 20235 min read
Into the Vintage Video Game Art Dimension
8/26/2023 - I'm looking down on this old school video game which is doubly odd because the game is viewed from an overhead perspective...

Thad McKraken
Aug 28, 20238 min read
Please Don't Tap on the Glass
8/23/2023 - I'm looking at this low budget horror film that everyone's raving about and I think it's absolutely fucking terrible. I mean,...

Thad McKraken
Aug 23, 20237 min read
Gaming the Probability Machine
8/20/2023 - In this scenario I wake up in my brother's car as he's driving to work and pretty much immediately I'm like: "Dude, you're...

Thad McKraken
Aug 21, 20236 min read
The Ectoplasmic Lucidity Pug
8/18/2023 - I'm in what I now refer to as the "functional family" situation and for whatever reason a bunch of people have convinced me...

Thad McKraken
Aug 18, 202310 min read
Arty Black Mask Action
8/14/2023 - I'm taking a class in the Invisible College and there's this other guy in the same class that keeps trying to hang with me...

Thad McKraken
Aug 14, 20238 min read
Top Floor View of the Cosmic Clock
8/12/2023 - Liminal state images of immaculate spaceships of the sporty 4 max passenger variety. Constant snapshots caught in a bendable...

Thad McKraken
Aug 12, 202310 min read
Blazed Out Psychic Cabinetry
8/9/2023 - I'm walking down the street near my mom's old place in Beacon Hill with an old friend and he's telling me he's terrible at...

Thad McKraken
Aug 9, 20236 min read
Spectral Music of an Unknown Genre
8/6/2023 - I'd been playing the video game Observer: System Redux for a lot of the day and I have all these surrealist hypnagogic visions...

Thad McKraken
Aug 6, 20238 min read
More Surreal than Real. More Inhuman than Human.
8/3/2023 - I don't remember whether this happened on this night or the night before but at on one of those nights, on multiple occasions...
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