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Thad McKraken
Aug 3, 20239 min read
Throwing Black Rubber Jets Into the Sand
7/31/2023 - I get under in this deep dream state but when I pull out of it all I can remember is that I arranged an amazing end to the...

Thad McKraken
Jul 31, 20237 min read
Autoimmune Synaesthesia
7/28/2023 - I go to bed super early on account of the COVID and wow. It's like this golden light energy force spent the first 4 hours of...

Thad McKraken
Jul 28, 20236 min read
New Adventures with the Crackling Energy Kid
7/25/2023 - First yet another episode of riding the great wave of the bleeding worlds. I had an odd dream about a Salvador Dali looking...

Thad McKraken
Jul 25, 20236 min read
Ride the Bleeding Worlds
7/22/2023- I'm in what seems like either an airport or a gateway to other worlds on the astral plane with some friends. We're waiting to...

Thad McKraken
Jul 19, 20239 min read
Without the Shady People, It'd be Shitty Art
7/16/2023 - And one of the most common recurring dreams I have yet again. I'm in my old basement apartment and I know I'm not really...

Thad McKraken
Jul 16, 20237 min read
Look at the Freaking Clouds
7/13/2023 - I'm sleeping in my old room in Ohio and my brother is in a separate bed next to me, kind of hotel style. All of a sudden he...

Thad McKraken
Jul 13, 20236 min read
The Pre-Cog Private Eye
7/10/2023 - I'm in what feels like a newspaper or magazine office in Manhattan, I'd say back in the 60's maybe. It's this crowded office...

Thad McKraken
Jul 10, 20239 min read
Spontaneous Sorcery
7/6/2023 - Same sort of vibes as last night: I'm manipulating blue energy. Except this time it's a slightly different type of blue...

Thad McKraken
Jul 6, 20235 min read
Mind Painting in the Lower Dimensions
7/4/2023 - One of those times where you slip into a ridiculous state of consciousness so far detached from human reality that's it's hard...

Thad McKraken
Jul 4, 20237 min read
Ancestral Spirits
6/30/2023 - In this vision I'm presented with a question, which is in itself a metaphorical telepathic scenario. This character who I...

Thad McKraken
Jun 30, 20238 min read
Dreams Within Dreams Within Dreams
6/28/2023 - In hypnagogia there's a glass bottle and it's a weirdly shaped glass bottle. Not like a typical liquor bottle but similar....

Thad McKraken
Jun 28, 20235 min read
Magickal Cape Simulator
6/25/2023 - I've been playing this detective game The Sinking City and this night's hypnagogic visions were all riffs on that theme. I'm...

Thad McKraken
Jun 25, 20235 min read
Ethically Sketchy As Fuck
6/22/2023 - First I'm dreaming about driving around my old neighborhood in Ohio, which I haven't been to in my waking life in over 25...

Thad McKraken
Jun 22, 20238 min read
The Paranormal Party Scene
6/19/2023 - After last night I was told my dreams would carry over to the following night and this night starts off with a very similar...

Thad McKraken
Jun 19, 20236 min read
When You Don't Want to Believe
6/17/2023 - Dreams of boredom and isolation. First I'm in this white metal walled party pod type environment and this short very bookish...

Thad McKraken
Jun 17, 20239 min read
There is No Corporeal. There is No Corporeality.
6/14/2023 - Continual liminal state visions about being entities of light in the higher exerting our control over entities of darkness on...

Thad McKraken
Jun 14, 20236 min read
Missing Time Ritualism
6/11/2023 - New iterations of the most common recurring dream I have. Here I'm once again bored out of my mind while taking college...

Thad McKraken
Jun 11, 20236 min read
Get In, Do What you Need to Do, Then Get the Fuck Out!
6/8/2023 - I'm for some reason walking home from what is apparently school in downtown Seattle to Ballard with a bunch of other people....

Thad McKraken
Jun 8, 20235 min read
The Future of Fashion
6/6/2023 - So many dream vignettes that I can't actually remember all of them. First I'm at a massively crowded wedding. I know I've...

Thad McKraken
Jun 6, 20235 min read
Another Space Anomaly
6/4/2023 - The night starts off with the basic hypnagogic themes of higher dimensionality. This version is clearly influenced by the game...
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