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Thad McKraken
Apr 16, 20235 min read
Fresh Squeezed Pulp Fiction
4/14/2023 - Another variation on the monument at the end of the city dream except that this time there's no monument. The fascinating...

Thad McKraken
Apr 14, 20233 min read
A "Banana Channel" Jumps the Shark
4/12/2023 - I am a form of disembodied consciousness and I somehow separate from myself to look at what I am from a distance. From this...

Thad McKraken
Apr 12, 20232 min read
Handcuffed to the Classroom
4/10/2023 - I'm putting together this remote presentation with a couple of coworkers. I'm doing the main presentation with the PowerPoint...

Thad McKraken
Apr 10, 20234 min read
The Black Vortex Energy Band
4/8/2023 - This is actually the first time since I've been keeping a daily dream blog that the astral Invisible College lesson was a...

Thad McKraken
Apr 8, 20236 min read
That's What This Was About?
4/7/2023 - First the prototypical bored on vacation with my family dream. I swear I'm never going to come on one of these tedious ass...

Thad McKraken
Apr 7, 20233 min read
Enjoy The Blossoms
4/6/2023 - First the most inane hypnagogic vision I've had in a while. My brother is making pancakes in my old apartment and he's...

Thad McKraken
Apr 6, 20232 min read
The Daemonic Mafia
4/5/2023 - In this vision there are rows upon rows of jet black yin energy orbs hovering over circular silver portals into human minds...

Thad McKraken
Apr 5, 20234 min read
Super Speed Lucidity
4/4/2023 - In the hypnagogic portion of the evening it's variations on the theme of cosmic astral entities saddling humans with dark yin...

Thad McKraken
Apr 4, 20233 min read
Nostalgiamancy (Continued)
4/1/2023 - No dreams tonight for the first time in nearly a month and a half. Unlike the other 2 times so far, I don't have a great...

Thad McKraken
Apr 2, 20235 min read
3/31/2023 - In this dream this guy is in town to have sex with my wife and in this scenario we're living in a high rise downtown. He...

Thad McKraken
Mar 31, 20233 min read
It's Not That You Don't Remember, It's That You Can't Understand
3/30/2023 - A wave of deep dream visions. There are floating blue orbs controlling all these handsome men who are building some sort of...

Thad McKraken
Mar 30, 20232 min read
Stay Under the Radar
3/28/2023 - The only thing I remember from most of these dreams is that there's a coordinated team effort. Everyone is practicing to make...

Thad McKraken
Mar 28, 20233 min read
Your World is Like Fiction to Me
3/27/2023 - I'd call this one "North Seattle Stories" as all of these vignettes all take place in my own fictionalized version of...

Thad McKraken
Mar 27, 20235 min read
Cosmic Clock Surrealist Racing Games
3/25/2023 - In this scenario I'm my one brother and I'm playing this unbelievably weird surrealist racing video game. The best I can...

Thad McKraken
Mar 25, 20233 min read
Friendzoned on the Astral Plane
3/24/2023 - I for some reason find myself visiting an unspecified Latin American country. We're there to party out with these three...

Thad McKraken
Mar 24, 20234 min read
Trick Dribbling Into Your Head
3/22/2023 - It's sort of amazing how consistent the theme of me being a entity of pure psychedelic energy that's only temporarily...

Thad McKraken
Mar 22, 20233 min read
The Man with the "Uptown Girl" Powers
3/21/2023 - I pull out of an intense hypnagogic state with the song Uptown Girl reverberating through my spirit. It actually sort of...

Thad McKraken
Mar 21, 20233 min read
Unsettling News from the Council of Planets
3/20/2023 - This vision starts with me looking at an org chart from above. It's this circular formation of all these interconnected...

Thad McKraken
Mar 19, 20232 min read
Peak Intuition Zones (Continued)
3/17/2023 - First I find myself in a liminal bombardment state that feels like calculated tinkering from my higher swirling energy form....

Thad McKraken
Mar 17, 20234 min read
The Church of Materialism
3/16/2023 - Same liminal state visions as the prior night essentially, except that this time instead of being a floating kaleidoscopic...
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