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Art as Spiritual Technology: Twin Peaks Edition
Screen grab via YouTube When I refer to art as spiritual technology, what I’m getting at is that art embedded with esoteric spiritual...
Thad McKraken

Advanced Astral Linguistics
Buy here! Not everyone gets to dream every night so when it started happening to me, I did the most logical thing I could think of, which...
Thad McKraken

They Grow Their Trees and Spite Their Food
8/4/2024 – As if responding to the Holy Trinity Magick I’d been partaking in, I’m given a message in 3 grades: Zeke is the key to all of...
Thad McKraken

Wisdom of the Stars
8/1/2024 – A vision of a gathering of these almost comic book character looking Native Americans but full-on real-life video. When I say...
Thad McKraken

Egyptian Hieroglyph Death Mask Magick
7/29/2024 – An image of this woman in what looks like some sort of African death mask, dressed in a nun style leather daddy outfit with...
Thad McKraken

A Toke and then Toke Kind of Guy
7/26/2024 – These guys in these modernized hot rod versions of classic boxy mustangs (or modern day Challengers) with slick customized...
Thad McKraken

A Collaboration With Smoke
7/23/2024 – I’m in an airport in this circular terminal area with windows on all sides. It’s almost like a UFO shaped section of the...
Thad McKraken

Deep Blue Time
7/20/2024 – The only dream I really remember tonight involves me waking up and dreaming about lying in bed. Except that I’m lying in bed...
Thad McKraken

Like Smoky Ectoplasm Static
7/17/2024 – I’m in class and I’m bored. This fellow student is starting a new project involving trying to further the work of Genisis P...
Thad McKraken

Infinite Bubblegum Powers
7/14/2024 – I’m listening to a podcast and these 2 guys are talking about something that sounds relatively heavy but that I can’t recall...
Thad McKraken

The Ancient Mystical Church District
7/11/2024 – It seems like I’m in band class here and an ensemble is being formed to play a particular piece. They need a guitar player,...
Thad McKraken

Time Jumps Kill The After Party
7/8/2024 – In this vision there’s an old man with gray hair and a beard living in a small farmhouse. He’s looking at my life and judging...
Thad McKraken

You Can Really Feel the Lack of Compassion
7/5/2024 – I’m at the Invisible College and super annoyed that I’m still taking classes here. I’m making phone calls on what seems like a...
Thad McKraken

Drone Distortion Vibes for the Win
7/2/2024 – For the second night in a row I’m not remembering a whole lot here. First I’m once again at a family gathering and it’s like...
Thad McKraken

Ghosts of the Present
6/29/2024 – This night starts off very cool. I’m in my old basement apartment and there’s this awesome array of windows that has this...
Thad McKraken

That's How I Fly to the Heavens
6/26/2024 – I started watching the Fallout show while I was working out and shocker, this lead to a bunch of Fallout inspired dreams....
Thad McKraken

A Drunken Dance Party in My Dreams
6/23/2024 – This vision of a brown skinned shaman dude taking control of this balding white business man and warping him through a bunch...
Thad McKraken

New Lucidity and the Land of Flying Eyeballs
6/20/2024 – So much going on this night and I’m only able to recall a fraction of it. Most of the events at the front end involve a party...
Thad McKraken

What Strange Intuition Brought Me Here?
6/17/2024 – I’m hanging out with these people that seem like they’re in their early 20’s. This one leather matrix outfit woman is coming...
Thad McKraken

A Top Down Game of Telephone
6/14/2024 – I’d been harping on the concision of astral linguistics and this extended night of dreaming is a classic example of what...
Thad McKraken

Dreams You Can Taste
6/11/2024 – I’m in this odd situation where a bunch of us are holed up in the same sort of bland communal living space and we’re like...
Thad McKraken

The Concision of Astral Linguistics
6/8/2024 – Three separate in depth vignettes that I only remember the conclusions to, which strikes me as entirely intentional in this...
Thad McKraken

Why Hasn't The Future Happened Yet?
6/5/2024 – This long winding dream about all these people in this massive ship at sea that’s being attacked by these glowing sea monster...
Thad McKraken

Am I a Goddamn Vampire?
6/2/2024 – I have these adventures in the fictional neighborhood of North Seattle that I created on the astral plane. The ridiculous...
Thad McKraken

Routine Surgery at the Aquatic Alien Server Farm
5/30/2024 - I’m at a party hanging out with my dad and he leaves to go play poker. Not long after, my wife comes over and says she isn’t...
Thad McKraken

She Said She Wants to Watch You Die
5/27/2024 – As it’s getting to the end of the night I’m genuinely confused. I went to bed slightly early and I haven’t had any dreams...
Thad McKraken

Not Static but Constantly Changing
5/24/2024 – I enter a ganj-i-tation trance and my consciousness is taken over by this living magazine cut up collage art style piece that...
Thad McKraken

Advanced Lucidity Tricks
5/21/2024 – In this first scenario, I’m at my mom’s old place on Beacon Hill and after hanging out there a while I’m like: “Wait a...
Thad McKraken

A World of Dandies and Guitars
5/18/2024 – I had some stomach issues tonight that disrupted my sleep but did manage to catch a few things. While ganj-i-tating into...
Thad McKraken

Pure Evil Mode
5/15/2024 – For hours after I first fall asleep I’m going through this liminal state exercise where I’m taking control of these phantom...
Thad McKraken

Invading the Minds of the Art School Crowd
5/12/2024 – I spend the day hanging out with my schizophrenic brother, then pretty much immediately after slipping into various liminal...
Thad McKraken

A Crystalline Energy Church in the Sky
5/9/2024 – Psi vignettes: My wife is telling me about her new coworker who is also super into Star Trek: Next Generation like her. What...
Thad McKraken

You Can Never Turn it Off
5/6/2024 – Extended dream where I’m just driving around various parts of this fictional neighborhood of Seattle I’ve created at night...
Thad McKraken

It's Impossible to Out Sleaze this Guy
5/3/2024 – While diving into a ganj-i-tation state I’m confronted with this evil daemon capitalist character. He’s wearing a slick blue...
Thad McKraken

This Represents Fractal Consciousness
4/30/2024 – Very odd sequence where I’m pulling out of a dream and what the fuck is even going on? It’s like I’m a floating underwater...
Thad McKraken

An Unlimited Prescription Script
4/27/2024 – I’m on a classic school bus with the green vinyl seats and everything. It’s like there’s a bottomless lake in the seat I’ve...
Thad McKraken

Stars From a More Interesting Universe
4/24/2024 – This first sitch is trippy as I’m lying in the upstairs bedroom of my mom’s old place contemplating how I haven’t remembered...
Thad McKraken

I Detach Myself From the Spectral City as a Flying Eye
4/21/2024 – I’m at a very odd party at my childhood next door neighbor’s place (it’s very odd how often I find myself here in my dreams)....
Thad McKraken

The Show Closes with a Carrot Top Impersonator
4/18/2024 – I wake up in my old upstairs bedroom in our place in Ohio and walk downstairs. Oh, Jesus Christ. What the fuck? We’re doing...
Thad McKraken

Nearly Electrocuted and Mansplained to on the Same Day
4/15/2024 – Another run of the high rise condo scenario. Here I have a new small room in this massive structure and I’m just settling in....
Thad McKraken

A Tool to Open Any Mind
4/12/2024 – I’m looking at these shiny bronze almost Metropolitan the movie looking robot heads detached at the neck and lying on their...
Thad McKraken

Yacht of the Dead
4/9/2024 – I don’t remember what happens leading up to this, but here I’m leaving an underground bar and as I head up the stairs on the...
Thad McKraken

From Up Here, You Look Like a Ball of Mutating Art
4/6/2024 – In this scenario, I’m a part of a group of people trying to take down some kind of threat in a trendy urban neighborhood at...
Thad McKraken

The Shoegaze Vocal Mist Fragment Awards
4/3/2024 – Just a few visions before I wake up. I wouldn’t even call them vignettes necessarily. -  I am watching TV when I am sucked...
Thad McKraken

Drama Godheads in the Sky
3/31/2024 – Not gonna lie, this is probably the most boring night of dreams I’ve had in quite some time from a visionary standpoint....
Thad McKraken

Phantom Insects Carry the Junkie to Heaven
3/28/2024 – I’m in various scenarios where I’m creating these astral environments replete with corresponding soundtracks and I’m catering...
Thad McKraken

An Ocean of Imagination
3/25/2024 – I’m in the Invisible College and it’s this huge super packed classroom with the younger hip English teacher guy. I’m sitting...
Thad McKraken

Everything's Cool Because I Say It's Cool Sergeant
3/22/2024 – I’m on Beacon Hill and I decide to do this thing that I do where I create these odd invisible living beige cloud structures...
Thad McKraken

Solar Light Dossiers Made in Psychic Sand
3/19/2024 – Hours of the same liminal scenario presented in a pinball metaphor. There’s this orb that you’re trying to get through a...
Thad McKraken

Shady Dealings in the Secret Red Room
3/16/2024 – In this first dream scenario, I’m at the classic Real World high rise scenario. Here I set up my room, then I head out for a...
Thad McKraken
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