9/10/2023 -
Transmogrification. I pull out of a dream state and the 5th dimensional part of me has decided to reset the parameters of whatever narrative experiment it was working on. As per the usual, the further it gets out of singular timespace perceptual story telling, then more I can't track it. I do catch a glimpse though. It's controlling everything. The floor, the carpet, what's going on in my head, the beach, the water, the gigantic Columbia river tankers in the distance. It's operating on a level where it can see how all of these things are inherently tied together into a particular human experience and it's tweaking all of it.
In fact, it's temporarily pulled what we would call reality apart to reconfigure it more to its liking. This is what I briefly experience before rapidly springing awake. There's only so much of the distanced perspective that I can process.
I dream for the rest of the night but the only other thing I bring back with me is an image of a movie poster. Joaquin Phoenix is playing some sort of cyborg type character and his visage is matched on a green background. He's got the prototypical mechanical eye with the black metal tendrils and wires protruding from his face. Honestly, I am not intrigued by this poster. That's not to say this imaginal film is bad, but the poster ain't selling it. I feel like I've seen this shit before.
9/11/2023 -
Very similar sensation to the previous night except this time while pulling out of a 3rd dimensional narrative experience I'm being shown these various energy fields that can be manipulated to customize the subjective experience as a talking monkey. Very video game engine design vibes to the whole thing. The energy fields are coded in these sparkly patterns straight out of like a Care Bears universe design school. Brightly colored fields with shiny flickering particulates enmeshed in the energy flow.
My perspective now fixates on but one of these energy fields, which is the orange one. The solar one I suppose. This is the connective tissue field that we'd associate the most with synchronicities. They're showing me how they can turn this factor way up by creating circular patterns of the floating crystalline particulate thingies that focus the energy. Funny that they're mentioning this because wow did I head into some ride the bleeding worlds territory with everything involving my recent trip to Astoria. More on that here.
Not long after in dreamville we're eagerly awaiting this delegate on the astral space council to retire. He's presented like he's Aaron Rodgers here which is funny because honestly fuck that guy. Can't wait for him to go away. Anyway, I'm shown how he's fairly high ranking in this purple larval hurricane hierarchy diagram that's projected into my soul. Near the end of the second tier to the top, but the top tier is sitting right on the tier below them, so fairly integral. All these larval hurricanes are connected by design. When this dude retires, certain very specific rules in this realm are changing which are going to radically transform it right quick and I get vibes this will be quite auspicious for a 5th dimensional freak show like me.
In countless dream scenarios, I'm in a party like environment waiting for the official announcement. In the main one I remember, I'm on the front porch of a friend's house with a beer in one hand and the other fist in the air, yelling in triumph. It's like 4 in the morning. Everyone's amped. Something's coming.
9/12/2023 -
I'm increasingly realizing that I have basically the same recurring dream on whatever is my last weekend night, almost every week. Here the last day of my weekend is a Tuesday and yet it's the same thing. I'm supposed to be working from home but I'm also supposed to be going to class at the Invisible College and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to manage both exactly.
I'm heading out to catch the bus to go to class but I immediately realize that I'm dreaming and that because of this I can essentially fast travel, which I do. Why I couldn't use this lucidity to do something more fun than go to a boring college class? No idea and it falls into the multiple levels of lucidity category but I'm not entirely sure where. Anyway, after fast traveling to class I'm realizing that several of the more arty people I've known in my life are in this particular course and they're very enthusiastic about it, but I'm not. I'm bored out of my skull and you know what? Didn't I swear I was never going to take classes like this again? Yes, yes, I did. So fuck this shit. I'm not listening to a word of it.
But I stay until the end out of politeness I suppose and after class I start to go to catch the bus but once again realize that I'm dreaming and fast travel again. Now I've shown up for the next day's class but apparently only to inform the professor that I'm dropping. Once again all the other students are super excited. The homework assignment was to create a hang man game involving the course material and they almost can't contain their enthusiasm while pulling their fully drawn hanged men out of their backpacks. A lot of the images they've come up with seem well thought out but it isn't until I'm awake that I realize the hang man is supposed to only be fully drawn at the end of the game and theirs are fully drawn from the jump. I believe there's a metaphor there.
The next thing I know I'm in the professor's office explaining to him why I'm dropping the class. It's this wood paneled classic looking "university college office" setting and he's exactly what an American would think a college professor would look like, which is a late 30's slightly scruffy but good looking white dude with messy brown hair. He's the cool professor and the first words out of his mouth are:
"Is it the money?"
And I concede that it partially involves the financial commitment, even though I know it isn't really the money. In fact, that hadn't even occurred to me until he mentioned it. I go on to explain that I just have zero interest in taking this class or any classes at this point in my life. He says that he's gone out of his way to call on me in class and I've blown him off every time to which I respond:
"I didn't really want to get involved with something I was just going to quit, you know?"
The guy seems to be truly broken up about me dropping his course and as I leave his office I think to myself:
"Wow, no one has honestly ever cared that much about anything I've ever done, let alone a college professor."
Respect I suppose but it's also genuinely strange to me. I get why his other student's love him. The whole sequence ends with me in my home office getting ready for work, thankfully unencumbered by the stupid Invisible College classes that kept getting in my way. I look out my window and realize I have an amazing view of Seattle and the water as if I was right above Gasworks park on the hill in Wallingford. The dream ends with me sitting and staring at this amazing view. I need to get some snaps for social media because wow, what a fantastic home office.
As I wake up, I can't help but think to myself that this all has to do with the fact that I haven't done any sort of music journalism in years, which is legitimately kind of sad.
While you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do.