7/23/2024 –
I’m in an airport in this circular terminal area with windows on all sides. It’s almost like a UFO shaped section of the airport. I go lucid here and wander around the spot for a minute, but I don’t remember to execute any of my advanced lucidity techniques, which is why I’m guessing the scene fades fairly quickly.
The next thing I know I’m attending a party up in Shoreline with my wife. I don’t remember the party much other than that at one point I’m left in the same upstairs bedroom with my ex-girlfriend, who immediately starts taking off her clothes. She looks amazing. Aged appropriately and like someone who puts a great deal of effort into staying in shape. She’s literally shaking her ass right in my face and as alluring as it is, I promptly ask her to stop because not only am I married but my wife’s at the goddamn party. She doesn’t and instead lies down on the bed with me asking if she’d be into a threesome.
I do not believe she would be. The next thing I recall my wife and I are leaving the party very drunk. We’re looking for our car. We see a police car and for unknown reasons think the guy can give us a ride home. Except that as we approach we now realize he’s actually in the process of busting a drunk driver, who’s going through a sobriety test and is quite hilariously trashed. So we walk in the other direction and realize we can probably take a bus home no problem. But there’s still the matter of the car we can’t find.
I have no idea how this happens but the predicament is eventually resolved and we’re now in a spaceship overlooking the earth from above. That’s about all I remember.
7/24/2024 –
I’m in the college dorm type recurring situation and this spot we’re staying in is modeled after the apartment I shared when I was attending Miami of Ohio in the late 90’s. I wake up and I’m hanging with my roommates in this pad when I realize that we have a dog, who’s a frowny faced Brussells Griffon. We’re planning our day when I realize: Wait, shouldn’t I have taken the pooch out to pee after I got up? Yeah, I probably should have. So we start searching around the apartment for the dog calling out:
“Gizmo! Gizmo!”
Because that’s apparently his name and we can’t find him. The bonkers thing being that in a waking state I search to see if there is a popular Instagram Brussels Griffon named Gizmo and yes, there absolutely is. Nearly 70k followers and I did not know this on a conscious level although admittedly I would almost assume there would be. As we’re searching around I’m realizing how ridiculously intricate and weird this dorm room situation is and of course it keeps morphing wildly but does this make me go lucid? Nope. Do we ever find Gizmo? Also no.
After waking up and getting back under though, I’m back in this odd dorm room sitch again except this time it’s with my actual dogs instead, and they’re absolutely there. In fact, we eventually head to this one room in the place that has a pool in it and the dogs have an amazing time playing around in the pool. The pool keeps morphing wildly too but does this make me go lucid? No.
Eventually we get bored of the pool and we head downstairs to let the dogs outside. Man is this place ridiculously swanky. It’s very much like a resort rather than a dorm or condo complex and as we’re walking back inside I’m told that we’re in the Bahamas.
“There’s a branch of Miami of Ohio in the Bahamas?”
I ask my compatriots. In this weird ass scenario, yes apparently.
7/25/2024 –
While drifting off, a vision of these older men playing with these amazingly excellent looking sci fi Hot Wheels cars. Now a vision of a side view of these different, very strange looking men wearing suits with round faces and plumes of smoke permeating through their minds. If I were to guess the meaning, I’d say that the smoke was a collaborative partner in the creation of these bitchin’ toy rides.

Now a series of visions where I’m looking at this circular metallic underground structure. Sort of UFO shaped and not that different from the airport situation I found myself in a few nights back. There is an entity that’s basically a small circle of hair that inhabits this space. Also, there is a black heavy weight to the whole thing. It’s a vibe.
The next thing I remember I’m in my old house in Ohio but it’s been completely re-arranged. I’m walking around with my stepmom noting how different the living room in particular is from what we did with it back in the day. Then we hear some tasty guitar solos coming from the basement and my stepmom gets pissed. My brother’s shredding down there and she’s mad that he’s playing solos that are far outside my younger brother’s capabilities. She’s basically telling him he’s not allowed to play anything that makes my other brother feel like he’s not up to snuff and I’m immediately pissed.
My brother runs up the stairs and I have his back 100%:
“It’s not your place to tell him what he is and isn’t allowed to play.”
Both of us confronting her leads her to have a meltdown and yup. I gotta be honest, this is fairly accurate metaphorical depiction of that family dynamic. My step siblings were always favored (still are) and my family was 100%, quite openly against me being a rock musician but totes okay with me playing shit like classical and marching band music. That was encouraged. Sad but true story.
For the next several hours I’m diving down into these black weighty realms. It is shocking that I can recall much here but I’m sure it was mostly beyond human comprehension. All I can remember is the feel of the black weight of the lower dimensions, which is fascinating because I was in fact just contemplating the black weight of the entity I summoned back in 2010.
What else? While meditating a vision of all these various people’s faces being submerged underwater as if being baptized. All women now that I’m thinking about it. Then soon after a vision of these very Mad Max looking post-apocalyptic sci fi hooligans standing out in the middle of a barren desert. Immersed underwater, then in the scorching heat of the desert. I’m sure there’s a metaphor there I’m not entirely grasping. Alright, let me take a stab. If the water is visionary madness, than some people essentially live in that madness and others barely ever have enough to get by.
