10/15/2023 -
Here, in a liminal state, I'm shown how some people simply can't be reached from the higher planes. From my elevated perspective, these people have a circular icon on them with a number 11. That's it, that's the entire message. Certain individuals can't be influenced by higher dimensional entities and you can tell which individuals you can't reach by the circular icon with the number 11 floating on them. Ok then.

Now I'm in a school cafeteria. I pull up my tray and sit by Larry Bird. He doesn't seem to be happy with me sitting there and I joke that he could still kick my ass being 6'9" and all. This loosens him up a bit but he still doesn't seem to be happy. I know this seems random but Larry was honest about how he couldn't be friends with his fiercest competition, most notably Magic Johnson. Not something he was capable of.
The next thing I know I'm in a classroom. This one feels like a contemporary building on a second or 3rd floor. A classmate with a seat by the window wants to chat so I head over to her elevated desk. She's a slightly bigger pale white woman with a round face and long jet black hair, tied up mostly above her head. She wants to talk about magick and I pretty much start rolling my eyes, going into how I think magick is bullshit but she immediately gets pissed.
"No, it totally works! I've been doing it."
And I'm clarifying that it's not that it doesn't work, its just that there's a philosophy of toxic individuality underpinning it all. It only seems like it works as advertised. She proceeds to tell me that she'd made contact with some entity through her practice and the entity wants something specific from her.
She had a teacher that got her into magick and it wants her to expose how this dude is currently dating 2 different women at the same time and lying about it. In the process of this she telepathically shows me this odd sash with a black sigil in it, which almost looks like some Nazi bullshit. I'm not really sure what to say to this. That's what the entity wants? To expose this dude's two timing lifestyle?
I mean, do it for sure but you're making my point. If that's what this entity wants, then magick isn't really the prosperity gospel for goths selfishness bullshit it's marketed as, is it?
Now we leave and head out to this abandoned church in the middle of the city. Its pews are packed with young homeless people wearing translucent rain slickers to keep them sort of dry from the water penetrating the many holes in the ceiling. They all look tired, cold, hungry, and helpless as they blankly stare to the front of the church, looking for some kind of answers. The spectacle brings me to tears.
10/16/2023 -
I have this vision where a dude is going to tell a story about something that happened to him while playing a show as a musician. It's me and a few other people he's telling the story to in this dive bar but he gets up on a small stage and has created an enormous poster just to hype up his story. I find this very hilarious. Like:
"You created an entire poster just to promote this story you're about to tell us?"
Yes he fucking did. And yet, I wake up before I get to actually here the story to determine whether or not it was worth the hype.
Later in the night I'm back at the Invisible College but something's different. It's like I'm actually paying attention to this class and passing. I'm cordially chatting with my classmates rather than resenting the fact that I'm even here. The professor, who's this 70's looking, balding, much older white guy wearing a stuffy suit seems totally cool with me rather than irritated. He seems familiar and even tells me that he's got to head out a bit early and asks me to close down the room for him. He trusts me to do this.
When he heads out, I go to pack up my things and as I'm going through my seemingly completed lesson plans and homework from the class I have the typical existential experience. Why? Why am I still taking these classes? I've passed them a hundred times already. What is wrong with me? What is this compulsion? There's a profound understanding that I have some sort of mental illness.
I leave the school but some time down the road I'm back. I have this task, which is like a video game quest. The first step in this quest is placing some bait to round up all these vermin to a very specific area. The next step in the quest is to exterminate them. I accomplish the first part seemingly remotely by unknown means, now comes the hard part.
I roll out and show up at this abandoned run down building. I pull out my Scarface style rotating machine gun thing and start trying to blast everything in this building to kingdom come, but I can't. The thing won't fire and I have no idea why. Am I out of ammo? It doesn't look like it, but I just can't shoot.
More to the point, why do I want to? I was coming in firing without even thinking about what I was doing but now that I'm looking, these all seem like dogs, black labs specifically. I don't want to shoot a bunch of stray dogs. What the fuck is wrong with the person who programmed this quest? As I'm in the basement of this place, surrounded by undernourished black doggos who aren't being aggressive in the slightest, I'm thinking there has to be an alternate way to accomplish this mission.
But instead I wake up mildly disturbed. When I get back under I do find a solution that involves finding all the pups new adopted homes.

It doesn't seem like there was an intended alternate way of solving this quest, I simply created one because fuck this bullshit. It wasn't even that hard.
10/17/2023 -
As I'm getting under I'm informed that I'm going to struggle to remember my dreams on this night. Pretty much because of this declaration, a few hours later I pull out of one of those "it's not that you don't remember, it's that you can't understand" type experiences and I try very hard to piece it together. Here's what I can recall:
I'm some sort of entity comprised of arty colored shapes and I'm going on a journey to a distant land, also comprised of arty colored shapes. Except that I am both the entity comprised of cool looking colored shapes and the fantastical destination made of awesome colored shapes all at the same time. I am the character making the trip and the destination itself simultaneously somehow. When I travel I leave this bleed through of radiating orange color beneath me, sort of like a glowing snail trail tracing my path.

That's it. That's all I can put together and you can see why maybe it's a bit beyond me in a waking state.
A few hours down the road, having not remembered any additional dreams as predicted, I'm contemplating this experience and receive a vision of this trendy looking woman with shoulder length tied up orange hair. She's wearing an all black jumpsuit with cool zippers in a silver mirrored hallway and the image splinters into all these versions of this woman in the same outfit. It's almost like a huge multi-dimensional collage of a hundred slightly different moving video images from the same photoshoot but I get the vibe it represents all the different people perceiving her differently from alternate perspectives. Kind of like what we imagine a compound eye view would look like I suppose and honestly, completely tracks as to why it's so difficult to understand this perspective while locked into a monkey body.
Later in the night I do have an actual dream but it's a boring one. I'm yet again moving shit out of a hotel or temporary lodging situation and it's taking way longer than expected to get all of our belongings out of the room. There are no real highlights here, just that same boring scenario. It's taking way longer than expected to clear my shit out of a temporary lodging situation.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!