In the course of everyday conversation, if you were to make a remark about humans being controlled by nefarious inhuman forces, you’d typically get people calling you overly paranoid and probably accusing you of smoking way too much ganj. On the other hand, you’d be entirely and quite demonstrably accurate. We have an expansionary agenda we’re all seemingly beholden to in one manner or another, and we execute this subconsciously pre-programmed agenda through our desire to put up greater and greater numbers. Isn’t that the stock market is about when you get right down to it? Tracking our progress on breeding irresponsibly and churning out environmentally toxic bullshit gadgetry? Hey, we made a lot of new shit today. Number’s are skyrocketing. Go team nowhere. What the fuck are we doing with that exactly? When wealth equality’s getting cartoonishly heinous and our government breaks, you’d think we’d start wondering now wouldn’t you. As I was once informed in a colorful visionary trance (non stop magicks on Facebook, friend me), “we’re being forced to wake up”. Of course what this truly means is that we’ve turned our back on mysticism for so long that we don’t have a fucking choice anymore. We either wake up or we die. The world’s throwing surrealistic insanity at us at increasingly rapid rates to smoke us heavenward.
Which is kind of what I’m getting at when I call a profit margin daemonic. I can assure you that concepts of daemonic and angelick forces struck me as entirely preposterous fairy tale horseshit until I started dabbling in the dark arts. Then you start to realize there’s a reason these themes of duality reflect in everything we do. Angelic and Daemonic, Chaos and Order, Real and Sane, Structure and Anti-Structure, Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine etc. Now, we typically look at these forces as warring entities, but from the Occult perspective it’s better to think of them as fucking. Hate fucking maybe, but sex is the primary force behind all creation when you get right down to it, and these forces are creative beyond any measure of human logic. A lot of understanding internal otherworldly telepathy involves recognizing the visual communication that’s being presented. A daemonic entity would look sinister, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s our predilection to binary thought which compels us to categorize things in this manner. We also tend to think that spiders look creepy, but that doesn’t mean they’re evil. They’re the only things standing between us and an insectile overpopulation apocalypse. We need those fuckers. But they’re not impressed by us. They know we don’t like them, they don’t like us, or moreover, they’re indifferent to us and we’re indiffent to them. If we stay pretty much out of each other’s way, we’re good.
One could define the difference between black magick and white magick as more of a difference between manipulating terrestrial and higher dimensional unseen energies. Believe me, they don’t have profit margins in heaven, or if they do, you know, quote me that Bible passage that makes you think that. Profit margins are a force we’ve created on this level of reality to help facilitate action. It’s a psychological tool we use to make new weird shit and it works. I walk up the street and boom, new virtual GTA satire world in my fingertips. You click on Disinfo and I’m fucking with your head (also on Twitter). It’s great art, but as with all great art, it’s destined to show us what we need to hear rather than what we want. The profit margin driven media’s been feeding us that for years. Consumerism’s failing and it shouldn’t be surprising as to why. It’s driven by entirely daemonic forces (and yes, I put the a in daemonic because I think the word’s been a bit well, demonized over the years).
When was the last time you ever heard anyone in the popular media talk about the philosophical implications of money. I mean seriously. I’ve seen it, but it’s so very rare. Doesn’t fit the agenda of the climbing numbers. And yet, the concept isn’t bad in theory, in fact, it’s all about unity. The idea is that we create a system by which individuals are rewarded based on their contributions to society. Money does not reward people for their contributions to society in any rational way. That’s what it’s designed to do, and it doesn’t work…at all. Basically, the fatal flaw is that those who accumulate massive amounts of wealth have a disproportionate influence on society and they use this influence to absolutely guarantee that the game’s rigged in their favor forever and ever. It’s been going on this way ever since we can remember. Jesus was pissed about it.
Now again, if we’re going to talk about things being daemonic, all I’m saying is that a profit margin, absolutely, positively DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HUMANS. I think by most people’s definition, thaaaat’s demonic. And this is what we spend all of our time slaving away for (often quite literally). Something that doesn’t care if we live or die. All it cares about is going up. We designed it to not give a shit about us. It’s how we commit our heinous atrocities, right from the creature comforts of our own petty first world problems. Wasn’t me man, it was the money. Just business. See, we’ve taken ourselves out of the problem and made corporations into people. What is the behavior of corporations dictated by? Profit for investors. Shit’s gotta keep going up. Does this behavioral justification lead to the most horrific of ungodly atrocities? Fuck yeah it does. Why do you think we were really in these wars? Wall Street is all over it.
And you know what? I have a minor amount of empathy for the people on Wall Street and the super rich in general. A basic study of social psychology should essentially illuminate the fact that people are alarmingly conformist. Very few have much of an ability to dissolve the confines of the persona they’ve created for themselves and break on through to the other ride. Most people go with the crowd. I have no idea what it’s like to grow up pampered beyond belief. From their perspective, they’re winning this game we’ve created. What would they be apologetic about? From their view they’re like, “hey, there’s this game that we’ve been taught, and we are kicking the living shit out of you at it. You want us to apologize for being way better than you at something?” They get rewarded for all of this Ayn Rand psychosis. How many people are strong enough to seriously question the thing everyone else is praising them for. I suppose it’s the same reason when I look at 20 year old from nowhere keeping her second kid I just have to shrug my shoulders. I have no idea what it’s like to come from that world. They’re just doing what the people around them are.
Which is why the legalization of psychedelic drugs should be of paramount importance at this particular moment in human history. I know, completely off everyone’s political radar with all the absolute shite going down. How is this relevant? How is it not relevant? Listen, if you must subscribe to the idea that consciousness is rooted in the brain, then our brains can do a lot of weird ass shit that we intentionally program it not to do. That’s not a debatable opinion. Absolute fact. What, are you going to say Ayahuasca, DMT, and Acid aren’t things? Go read up a bit on that. What about out of body experiences? Near death experiences? Lucid dreams? I don’t know what to tell you. If you must insist it’s the brain, then again, the brain can do a lot of hyper-weird shit. As someone who’s experimented with a lot of this weird shit I can tell you, sort of makes owning a mansion you don’t share with the world seem like the most pathetically small minded life goal imaginable. And that’s what’s behind this population spiking high strangeness when you get right down to it isn’t it? People wanting to live these exorbitant consumerist lifestyles they’ve either grown up in the midst of or fed to emulate on TV. No one ever tells you to try and attain internal godhood. That’s exactly the way the profit margin wants it.
As a matter of fact, as someone who’s read a reasonable amount regarding the history of psi research, let me sum it up for you a bit.
Military Remote Viewing Research – Essentially proved the reality of the hive mind interconnected consciousness, failed to weaponize it or come up with a way to otherwise turn a profit. Project discontinued.
Sony’s Psi Research – Proved the existence of conjoined consciousness. Couldn’t figure out a way for it to make money. Project discontinued.
Princeton PEAR Research Labs – Showed interaction between consciousness and things like random number generators. Closed. Couldn’t figure out to make fat stacks.
See, these are the things that would destroy the daemonic forces of obsessive profit gouging we’ve embedded in the darkest reaches of our psyches. How do you sell people on consumerism when they know there’s greater things they can do by manipulating their own brain chemistry for free. These are the forces of higher dimensional magick. We’ve been far to fixated on the flashy terrestrial stuff. We’ve cornered ourselves into a blind alley, and we’re going to need an expanded imagination to solve our way out. Making weed legal is certainly a great step in the right direction, but we’ve got to continue to expand.
These are dark times people. An expansionary impulse has embedded itself deep within us that’s fueling our directionless psychosis. We need to pull it together. We can’t just keep blaming it on the money, because eventually the money just looks back into our souls and tells us we created it. The fear is teaching us.
It’s fascinating. The more I’ve ventured down these avenues of inquiry the more I find myself thinking about the book of Genesis. That’s the book where God punishes us for attaining sacred knowledge about the material world at the suggestion of a serpentine (daemonic) entity. As I recall, he’s a total dick about the whole thing and says we now have to slave away tilling the soil in this materialist prison we’ve created by taking snake drugs. It’s all like, “If you all want terrestrial knowledge, here you go motherfuckers”. As I’ve opined a billion times before, the spiritual ignorance of the human species certainly seems conspiratorial, and there it is, right in our supposedly holy books, resonating through the spiritual consciousness of so many. How could they be so completely oblivious to the occluded intrigue? What is it that we lost when God banished us from the Garden of Eden? What did we gain from our reptilian alliance with the lower earth dimension? Challenging the dark forces of profit driven avarice is the only way we can transform these questions into mysterious and expanded psychic confusion. Playing the skyrocketing numbers game will only drive us increasingly insane and this psychosis is designed to snap us the fuck out of the plague of materialism we’re immersed in. On the other hand, man are there a billion great albums out there these days. In a way, it’s been a good run.