On November 18th, while meditating before getting out of bed I briefly started thinking about Hamilton Morris, which is odd because I haven’t given the dude a second thought in years. Then like an hour later when I logged into Twitter for the first time in over a week the first thing that came up in my feed was Erik Davis talking about how Hamilton had joined the super duper creepy Compass Pathways. My thoughts? Well honestly, I don’t expect much from the super privileged son of a celebrity. Then later in the day while finishing a documentary about Elizabeth Holmes, holy shit, there’s Hamilton’s famous dad! Apparently he directed several commercials for Theranos a few years ago. Trippy as hell.
So it’s actually pre-cog, then a synchronicity and the synchronicity is sort of tech confirmable. Davis tweeted this the day before I read it but there’s no way to confirm I saw it the next day. If HBO Max had a viewing history it’d be easier to confirm that I watched the Theranos thing on the same day. I did take some screenshots of the link and my browsing history. Not great on the confirmable front but there is a bit of a trail on it.

I will say though that thinking about Errol Morris for the first time in years, then accidentally watching a documentary that he’s briefly in = wow!
Then on Sunday November 28th I listen to a podcast where the most excellent gymnast/chihuahua duo Christian and Scooby are discussed for like 5 minutes. I haven’t given them a second thought in years but trust me on this one, if you haven’t checked out their act already do it now and you’re welcome.
Anyway, that Friday on December 3rd my wife texts me an Instagram link to, you guessed it, Christian and Scooby. Again, doesn’t seem super weird on the surface but just like Erroll Morris, I hadn’t thought of Christian and Scooby in years and then boom, twice in the same damn week. Here are the receipts on that.

The final sync in this banner year landed appropriately over the solstice and it’s a doozy. On our way back from a weekend trip to the beach my wife puts on Echo and the Bunnymen’s greatest hits. I’m not super familiar with this band’s catalog outside of the radio songs but I recognize the track Bedbugs and Ballyhoo primarily because it was covered by one of my all-time favorite Seattle bands Voyager One. I haven’t heard the E & B version in ages though, and so I go out of my way to not only notice but comment extensively on how the V1 rendition is exactly what a great cover should be as it puts an entirely unique spin on the original. This is not something I’d even once contemplated in my life until hearing the estimable Bunnymen sing it on the ride home.
Then on the 21st, I wake up, take some bong rips, put my iTunes briefly on shuffle and what comes up as track 5? Bedbugs and Ballyhoo by Voyager One. I’m stunned but not surprised. It was the solstice after all. It is a fantastic cover too so you should absolutely check it.
Until next year tripsters!
