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A Winter Solstice Penta-Transmission

Writer's picture: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

December 2020:

Segment I:

“The prisons of love and the poetry of war”

That’s it. I pulled out of liminal state one morning with that phrase reverberating through my experience. That’s how this all started. Days later while playing Cyberpunk obsessively I realized that in this backwards ass reality most of our treasured relationships further entangle us to the physical realm and some sort of simulated war is the basis for most of our popular entertainment. Just in case anyone was confused as to what this supposedly cryptic message entailed, this is sort of the underlying plotline to our world.

Segment II: Angel Tech

After playing Cyberpunk for hours before going to bed my sleep states are infiltrated by light invaders from above. I’m in this lower reality and I’m playing through all these arty narratives directly inspired by the game while they observe from on high. Everything I’m doing is incessantly recorded and I branch off in a thousand different choose your own adventure style directions. It could essentially go on forever and it seems to in a way, but they are making a point and it’s beaming through me in bolts of connective living energy that feel like they’re coming through as sunlight shining through branches in the dense forest surrounding me, but I know are actually me. I am the character living out these adventures and the cosmic observer, all at once.

What they’re showing me though is that this sort of world building gaming tech we’re designing is a metaphor for what it’s being explained to me is sort of like a heavenly genetic database. All of our subjective stories throughout what we know as history, all cataloged and coded based on the guided entropy of fucking. That is how genetics and familial lines are replicated mind you. According to them, this is what our computer tech explosion truly represents, which is an increasingly complicated metaphor for something far more expansive by a factor of infinity. All human experience, catalogued by bloodline and summoned telepathically via intuitive inner gesture. They remind me that all video games are a part of this tiny blip world, almost to point out how overwhelmingly strange and intricate the metaphors can get.

Segment III: Black Hole Sun Mode

I’m in sort of a normal non-lucid dream when something flips and absolutely gets trippy as all fucking hell. Suddenly, everything just seems very very off in sort of a doomed but intriguing manner. The sky’s crackling with odd radiantly infected energy. There’s now a negative exposure looking multi-tiered galaxy floating in the sky where the Sun used to be. I can internally sense how the rules have suddenly flipped. All bets are off, the impossible is now possible and yet, I don’t get the vibe this is necessarily a good thing, just different, arty, and weird as all get out.

As I’m contemplating the peculiarity of what I’m largely sensing internally it’s explained. Time backs up and I see myself entering the cheat code, which is awesome because I do this by performing some quick but unexpectedly elaborate secret hand gestures. Then in flips. We’re now in dark galaxy mode. I’ve summoned the black hole sun. This is something the programmers threw in the game, almost as a joke and I found it. I cannot stress the clarity of this feeling. Yeah, it’s just like a funny fucked up easter egg we tossed in the game for the heads. Be warned though, it’s pretty insane. The rules of the game no longer apply.

As I spend the next few days in 2020 America, I can’t help but think this is more than a metaphor for some distant land. Fuck, maybe we didn’t need to know what that particular button would do.

Segment IV: In Secret Enclaves of Perception, Conducting Strange Experiments Here I find myself attempting to explore the higher astral realms with a couple of friends. We’re wandering in and out of these almost unformed enclaves of perception, which is particularly strange because I’m observing this from outside the structure of it all. I see myself wandering inside this natural facade with my friends but it’s like I’m outside of a psychic anthill while another part of me is chattering away from a tunnel I can’t always see on the inside. I do get the vibe we’re trying to get as high as we can out of sheer curiosity more than anything else. When we do get to the top, we’re now outside and my consciousness rejoins itself together from its previously disjointed state. The part of me that was observing from the 3rd person perspective is now at ground level.

Except, where the fuck are we at ground level? We’re on the top of a round mountain covered in dry brown grass and all of us are baffled by this revelation? None of us expected to find this up here as there’s nothing going on at all. As we wander and wander we find some evidence of what look like abandoned settlements which confuses us even further. I do not know why but we did not expect this thing we’d spent our time climbing toward to be abandoned like this.

Eventually we find this field and we realize there are people here, but they’re all hidden holographically under it somehow. Yep, there are a bunch of people in these manufactured pod looking things kept in perpetual darkness, fast asleep in there. The field is an illusion designed to intentionally mask this reality. This creeps all of us the out more than a bit (for unknown reasons really) and we promptly decide to high tail it the fuck out of there. This escape gets odd really quick because as we do, we leave the top of this abandoned mountain and enter these populated man-made corridors descending to the levels below. I suppose this is why we were so surprised the peak was abandoned.

As we descend however, we’re accosted by these weirdo scientists and pulled into their lab, which is directly below where the hidden people were sleeping. They think we’re a part of that experiment and have somehow wiggled loose. They want to put us back under and both my friends go along with this without even contemplating it, as if they’ve been influenced by some sort of hypnotic coercion. I’m not having it though. Like, no fucking way, I was not a part of this experiment and I’m getting the hell out of here.

I slip outside of the lab and start running away as this older dude in a lab coat follows me, pleading with me to come back and continue the experiment. I dart around another corner and realize I’m in what seems like a crowded market. I’m relieved as I realize he’s not going to assault me in such a public setting. He tries to grab me and I put him in a headlock. He seems shocked that I would resort to this, but I pull him all the way through the shopping area until I find an elevator heading down. I then shove him on the ground, jump in, and hit the close door button over and over.

The elevator door closes with the creepy scientist on the other side but I now realize I’m headed to the lower floors with these 3 older women. They mention that the weirdo pursuing me outside was talking shit about me as I entered the elevator and I spontaneously start lying out of my ass in the most clever way imaginable. “I never should have gotten involved with a guy that much older than me” I explain to them. “I knew that wasn’t going to turn out well”. They all buy this spontaneous fiction and the next thing I know, the 4 of us are in these sketchy researcher’s lab inquiring about what the fuck happened to my friends. That’s where I pull out of it.

The only other thing I will add is that in a waking state I realized that the visual metaphor presented involved the hills around White Salmon, Washington, where I lived as a small child. It was so long ago I’ve nearly forgotten, but exploring the dry grass mountains was one of our favorite activities back then. Metaphors within metaphors. What the fuck did I stumble on in my astral explorations

Segment V: Don’t take the Quantum Realm Seriously

I have this continual liminal bombardment one night with a singular message:

“Hey, we’re the programmers of this game you’re playing and all the quantum realm shit is just stuff we wrote into the game to fuck with people. It’s a dead end essentially. Seriously, it’s just there to fuck with you and little more.”

Now, despite this being repeated into my spirit for the entirety of one night, I was so baffled by the message I just sort of forgot about it. Aaaand then the exact same shit happened a night or so later, but this time it was reminding me. Remember what we told you the other night? You need to write that down. Me: OK.


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