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Advanced Lucidity Tricks

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

5/21/2024 –

In this first scenario, I’m at my mom’s old place on Beacon Hill and after hanging out there a while I’m like:

“Wait a minute. Didn’t you sell this place mom?”

She says that she did but she still has it for a few more months. I buy this explanation and actually have this ridiculous inner dialogue where I’m thinking about how deciding to visit one more time was a great idea considering it was my last chance. Then I wake up briefly and marvel at the ridiculousness of what just happened as my mom moved out of that place more than 20 years ago. How could I be this dense, you know?

After getting up and getting back under the density continues as I spend what seems like another several hours hanging out in this exact house. Eventually though it clicks. I even look at my mom at one point and inform her:

“You sold this place years ago mom, and yet we’re still here. You know what that means right?”

She does. It means I’m dreaming. I then proceed to go lucid. After phasing through the walls a bit I do my typical thing where I fly outside and start traversing the city. The houses on the opposite side of the street look exactly like I remember them as a kid, which I’m noting but pretty quickly the whole scene goes dark. Here’s where it gets interesting. I know I’m not supposed to be flying around and I’m supposed to be experimenting with the advanced lucid dreaming techniques I’ve been taught but I don’t actually think I remember to do this. Instead it’s like I somehow end up on this hyper color waterfront area and encounter this woman with short red hair wearing brightly colored clothing. I approach her like:

“Hey lady. Can you help me out? I know I’m dreaming but I’m not entirely sure exactly what I’m supposed to be doing here.”

She is happy to oblige and walks around to my back, putting both of her hands on my shoulder blades while pushing me skyward. She also informs me that there’s still lots of evil meandering about the city that I can help mitigate. That’s not the exact terminology she uses at all but that’s the way I’m translating it essentially. As she’s pushing me skyward from my back I see this cloud of dark mist.

“You mean the dark mist energy.”

I ask.


She replies. Now my entire perception of the city fades and I’m flying through this white mist. Very much like flying through a cloud if I’m being honest but just like flying through a cloud, I can’t actually see anything. As she continues to push me by my shoulder blades through the mist you can tell she’s laboring a bit and she starts fucking with me.

“You really aren’t very good at this, are you?”

She playfully jokes. I uhhh, admittedly have absolutely zero clue what I’m doing. Eventually we end up in a certain pocket of the city though and I see the problem immediately. There’s a thin blonde woman holding an assault rifle and I immediately think to myself.

“Oh Jesus Christ, more mass shootings.”

I’m quite aware that this is what I’m supposed to be stopping. As a matter of fact, there’s another creepy guy holding a gun as well and the red haired woman darts off to stop him while making it clear that stopping the blonde woman is my job. Okay then, but I have no idea how to do this. I start trying to concentrate internally to manipulate her magickally but it isn’t working so I decide to just go wrestle the machine gun out of her hand.

After struggling for quite a bit while pointing the gun in the air, I do eventually wrestle her and the gun to the ground. No shots are fired and it’s particularly odd because I essentially phase her head partially through the floor. Once she’s phased out of the ground and phased back into reality, it’s like she’s cured.

I now have this vision of her working at a lunch counter downtown near an office building. She loves this job and remembers her regulars orders gleefully. I also get the distinct impressions she’s mentally impaired in some capacity. I’ve successfully removed the black mist energy that was possessing her though so mission accomplished it seems. With this, I wake up like, wow.

That isn’t actually the end of it though. After getting up and getting back under I’m now showing up at a friend’s place and we’re basically just napping together. That’s the play. Rather than getting together to hang out, we’re getting together to explore the dream space. We do this for a while and when waking up from a dream within a dream, it’s like I’ve just repeated the exact experience from before. Except that this isn’t true, I’m just sort of pretending it is.

Why? Because I detected a bunch of this black mist energy reverberating through my friends psyche that I only partially eliminated and for whatever reason, it’s like I don’t want him to know about this. He wants to keep collectively dreaming but I realize it’s late and I have to go to work, which is true in relation to the time of the morning. I do have to get up so I can go to work.

One more thing. While meditating in the morning I have this super odd experience where a friend and I are dream guardians who encounter this plant like face that looks like the monster in Little Shop of Horrors. It doesn’t seem threatening at all but the next thing we know it’s dead and cut open. We’re now looking at it’s exposed otherworldly entrails. Trippy.

Also, the whole pushing by my shoulder blades into the clouds thing? It sure did seem like she was pushing me right where angel wings would be and into the clouds, huh? Not the most complicated metaphor to grok at all.

5/22/2024 –

I’m sleeping in bed and having a discussion about basketball simultaneously. While doing this, I for some reason bring up how it’s increasingly possible we’re going to get a new Sonics franchise and I am very excited about this. In fact, I’m so excited that I’m sort of embarrassed by how excited I’m acting about it. I maybe should have toned that down a bit.

In the next situation I’m working at this job at an architecture firm I had, jeez, nearly 20 years ago now. It’s this swanky multi-level office, it’s starting to get busy, and I’m also starting to realize that I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. When I worked here, I was an administrative assistant, then a project assistant and this job seems similar. I’m supposed to be helping these people facilitate their work and do their jobs but again: what am I supposed to be doing exactly? It seems like I’ve been doing this a while so you’d think I would have an idea by this point but nope. I have no idea what my role is here and I’m just walking around aimlessly trying to look busy.

Later down the road it seems like I’m touring with my brother and another unspecified dude in NYC. We’re all staying in this small hotel room together and clearly trying to travel on the cheap. At one point, my brother almost wrecks the blue van we’re driving in spectacular fashion. The thing is bouncing through the city streets in ridiculously exaggerated fashion and it’s an absolute miracle he doesn’t hit anything during this misstep. The next thing I know we’re eating at this outdoor table on the crowded city streets in front of a deli and I’m discussing how bad the ending from Fallout 4 is. That game legitimately does have an incredibly terrible ending and I was in fact planning on discussing it with my brother but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

One more odd vision during my morning meditation session. Myself and another person are being fitted with these large metal butt protectors, that very much look like those old school diving outfits. Very thick metal pieces to cover out asses. I think I just explained the metaphor quite succinctly with that last line.  

5/23/2024 –

A basketball player takes a shot at the same time another invisible basketball player also takes a shot. The visible player’s shot would have missed but the invisible player’s shot knocks it in. In the press conference, the visible basketball player says he probably should be thanking the invisible player that knocked his shot in. I suppose the metaphor here is that they typically thank God and it’s far more complicated than that? Hard to say.

In the next sitch I’m working in this office that’s like a combination of home office and regular office. It’s like I’ve got a home office in a regular office. Anyway, I’m near the end of the day and about to head home for the weekend when I realize someone has put a gay porno mag on the shelves next to my desk. This is certainly odd because it seems like I would have noticed someone sneak in. I suppose I was a bit wrapped up in my computing for a while.

“Ha ha!”

I think to myself. Such a funny joke. It legit seems like prank someone would have pulled 30 years ago. I throw the magazine away but when I get back to my machine it’s been infected with a virus. Not only that, but the people infecting my computer are actively talking shit to me through my computer’s audio. I actually know one of the dudes doing it as well and I’m talking shit back.

“Yeah, mess with the dude who’s into black magick. See how that works out for you.”

It’s also ridiculous because I’m just going to have my IT department scrub the computer and they’re going to know I didn’t infect it myself. Regardless of all that, they continue to talk shit and now my machine is filled with this absolutely insane otherworldly animation. It’s mostly pornographic in nature and again, more surreal than real. More inhuman than human. Lots of radiant pink hues intermeshed with black and like arthouse horror porn if I had to put a finger on it. Bonkers. In fact, as I’m staring at it, I’m very much realizing that it can’t be happening in the waking world. Like, no way. It’s too out there.

And yet, do I go lucid while I’m realizing this? Somehow no. Instead I’m like:

“I’m out. I’ll deal with this on Monday.”

This leads to another sitch later down the road where I’m in like this musician’s practice space area classroom, and I watch another surrealist arthouse film with all these other people. I genuinely wish I remembered any of this film that seemed to last for hours but nope. I do not. I just remember that it had similar out of this world vibes.

One more thing. While meditating this scene spontaneously pops up in my mind. There’s an actor who’s apparently supposed to be me but played by a younger dude wearing an all black suit. He’s a great choice because he’s better looking than me but in a way where he just looks sort of deranged. One of those character actors that rarely plays the entirely good guy. He’s just got a look of deviance about him, which is further sold by the all black suit.

Anyway, he’s presenting his case for intervening in some lower human world in front of this white robed council in a clearing in nature. There are 4 or 5 elders in front of a non-eroded current loooking Stonehenge like architectural structure in this beautiful countryside. They do not love the idea of him intervening but simultaneously, he was tasked with scouting out the situation on this lower world and from what he’s telling them, it will in fact be necessary. It’s not like he wants to do this either but there doesn’t seem to be another alternative.  

Ok, one other thing. On the synchronicity front, I somehow found myself browsing through an article ranking Salvador Dali quotes today, then later in the day when I decided to work on editing my book, I realized I had left off on a dream about a dude who looks like Salvador Dali. I know barely anything about Dali and hadn’t given him a second thought since last freaking year when I had this dream. B-a-n-a-n-a-s.


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