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Advanced Sigil Project VIII: Omnidimensional Protest Sigils

Writer's picture: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

By Thad McKraken - March 2017

Before the last edition of this series, I had zero intention of doing anything remotely of this nature at all but let’s face it, the times they have a-changed. I suppose I have to hold myself accountable for being too complacent about this sort of shit like nearly everyone else. First off, I never thought in a million years shit could get nearly this bad. I didn’t watch any of the debates and tried to avoid all election coverage like the plague because, well, I can’t listen to Donald Trump speak without wanting to vomit blood. He’s just too inarticulate, it makes me want to die. Sorry, I spent my youth obsessively reading books. Can’t deal with it. The week he got elected was of course pervaded by Strange synchronicities. Literally, the Dr. Strange film came out that Friday, and at complete random I had to pick my wife up from the airport the Friday it dropped, so I was like, fuck it, I’m going to take the day off and hit the IMAX 3-D matinee.

I’ve never been a horror movie Occultist at all, I suppose I’m more of a comic book sorcerer. Most people in the Occult world are wannabe Aleister Crowleys. I’m a wannabe Dr. Strange. He’s been my favorite comic book character forever and I’ve been obsessed with comics since I was roughly 8. So you watch this film about your fictional idol getting ensnared into an Occult battle he wanted nothing to do with, then the next week you’re like, fuuuuuck! Time to step up to the plate. A few weeks later the biggest movie in the country was Fantastic Beasts I might point out. Think about that one for a minute. Right after Donald Trump won the election, the two biggest films in the country just so happened to be about sorcery. What on earth is going on here? Things are getting hyper weird, that’s what.

I’ve been working on this for roughly 4 straight months now, had been honestly sitting on it for a bit, but was recently told to fire when ready. It took a lot of effort not to act out of anger and gather the proper intel, but I’m glad I did (read the rest of this series to learn why that’s so important). Let me get you briefed on what you’d be embarking on if you chose to protest in this fashion. Really interesting stuff actually. So, after Christmas dinner with my family the conversation inevitably ended up in the political spectrum with everyone basically throwing their arms up in the air all WTF style verbally. Later that night I’m shown how hilarious this all was to the spirit world. Why? That’s where it gets compelling. One, we all have these ideas about what’s going on, and all of us are essentially clueless. Two, we actually still think about things in terms our own country. That’s how primitive we are to these entities. That’s the joke that is our 5th dimensional film. Seriously, we still give a fuck about things like countries. We’re a bunch of fucking apes, but we’ll figure it out eventually. The entire plot’s interconnected. All consciousness is interconnected, which is why magick works. Magick works, because all consciousness is interconnected. I’ve demonstrated this I might point out (read my books).

Point taken. These sigil exercises aren’t about Trump. They’re about all the fuck boi’s like Trump all over the world. America is a tiny part of a giant, intertwined super story. The intent to this stuff is the same as it’s always been, to raise the consciousness of the species. Will a douche like Trump be affected by such a thing? Absolutely, but again, it’s not about him. There are millions of predatory garbage people out there. This puts them all on notice. That’s just oversimplifying things though, we have zero clue what’s actually going on here remember. The whole thing’s a parody and we need to try and get the joke.

On that front, I’m not going to lie, there’s some dark shit going down behind the veil. I’ve been pointing that out for a while. The good news is that it is in fact humor, humor that’d you’d have to properly distance yourself from the scene to comprehend. Man, very dark vision that it’d take almost longer to explain than it’s worth (wrote about the whole thing on Facebook if you’re curious), but I can give you the gist. It was maybe a bit like the show Superjail but darker. Sick shit. There are some entities writing this psychodrama that find our suffering hilarious. I get it, the point is that there’s a larger reality and we’re merely insects. From the other side of death, this would seem funny to some of us too. But therein lies the problem, why? Why all this low brow bullshit? Couldn’t we get better ratings if we weren’t always appealing to the worst in all of us? We have a goddamn reality TV show president. I mean, I get it, it’s a fucking train wreck, but can’t we make a space train instead? These sigils are designed to appeal to both the higher level writing team and the lower level daemons who execute their bidding. Everybody’s tired of this nonsense. We need to do better. Kick these repressed, creepily over masculine dickbags off the idea team payroll. We need more utopian sci fi and moreover, we need to alleviate the fear of death from the human condition. We start to do that, the ratings really pick the fuck up. We might actually get some female viewership for once. New models, new outcomes.

The other most compelling vision I had in regards to how to frame the intent to these sigils happened not long before the inauguration. I was shown how the entire point to all this was to pull people together. I saw protestors gathering, then my perception faded out to scenes of blood flowing through the body, almost like in those biology movies they make you watch in school. Over and over again. Protestors coming together, blood healthily flowing through body. That was the point. People say visions are meaningless, and it’s like, nope, just speaking in a language you’ve been programmed not to understand. If you can’t catch the metaphor there then you don’t have hands.

So with all that in mind, here are the exercises. Nothing super complicated at all by design. This stuff is supposed to be so easy anyone can do it. Let’s face it, we’ve been protesting one way for years, externally. Time to turn things inward. All I’m really suggesting here for the layman is to try these visualization exercises once a week or so at first, then maybe up it. I think it always helps to put yourself in an altered headspace by whatever means necessary. I’m a huge weed fan myself, but to each his own. Sober meditation works just as well, and hell, I do this shit all day every day. Once you start exercising the muscles of your minds eye, it can get addictive. Do it when you’re bored at work. Do it when you’re actually out protesting. Start with this image. What this represents is the higher dimensional sacred feminine. These would be what I was referring to earlier as the writers. We need the sacred feminine written back into the talking monkey plotline. We need to embrace the nurturer rather than the warrior. We need genetics rather than machines. We need to harness the power of the womb rather than death bots. That’s what this sigil represents.

Try and throw that in your mind and hold it there as long as you can, throw it into your phone and pull it up wherever you are. Then try and visualize it without looking. Try to pull it from the outside inward. When you’re getting good with that one, then try this. This represents the lower level entities who pull the strings and execute the directions of the writing squad. They’re the working class of the spirit world. Mainly, look at that fucking thing in the suit. I summoned that thing into this world by accident. Its job is to judge. What you’re doing with the first image is using the higher realms to put pressure on the lower realms to accelerate the evolution of consciousness. All this fuck boi shit is going to blow up in these people’s faces. It always does. This thing is going to speed up that karmic cycle. Which isn’t a curse, it’s just quickening a natural process.

So now that you’ve gotten decent at visualizing each of those images, start doing them back to back a few times a week. The idea is bring the painless wonders of the higher realms to earth. Think the words: As Above, then bring this image into your mind’s eye.

Then “So Below”, as you visualize Mr. Business daemon here:

Of course you can do this in unison with your breath. As above (in), so below (out). Throw it into your regular meditation practice, or if you really want to go all in, get super high and sexy with it. When you’re starting to more easily see these images in your stoned mind camera, now throw in a third step to engage the Holy Spirit (or 4th dimension). Imagine an upside down pentagram, then turn it right side up in your head. This represents the end of aeon of materialism and the free spread of telepathic information. As Above, So Below, then project without. Make the right side up pentagram project psychic solar energy into the mind’s eyes of others. Get as weird with it all as you can. Three simple exercises to be performed in order, each representing a key component of a corresponding dimension of the Holy Trinity. We need a better script down here. These exercises are designed to get the wheels in motion. There are better ways to laugh than at the pain inherent in life. We can laugh at how miniscule everything looks from such an impossible height. We can go from half ape, half art, to no ape, all art. Join me in my exhaltations of protest, won’t you?


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