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Advanced Sigil Projection IV: It’s Not a Human Conspiracy

Writer's picture: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Hmmm, how’s the best way to put this. Delving into things like the Occult and astral projection has lead me into some experiences where I’m just like, ummmm, yeah. I see what you’re showing me there, and ummm, wow. Human’s don’t have a fucking clue what’s really going on, do they? We never have and we never will. That’s sort of the point. The joke wouldn’t be funny if we did. We’re supposed to be in the dark about this shit. That’s the great Occcult conspiracy. Not that there’s some secret forces trying to summon people into the Occult, but that there are forces at play keeping us as far away from this stuff as humanly possible. Not to hammer home a point and beat the dick out of a dead horse, but mainstream science barely has an explanation for dreams at this point in human history, largely because it’s organized religion’s bitch. But lest we not forget that religion is merely a tool of imperialism. The most dangerous idea to expansionary capitalism is in fact the idea that you can get far greater kicks by manipulating your own brain patterns and chemistry on the cheap than you ever could buying a million dollar yacht. What’s a lavish vacation when you can take a trip to alternate universe telepathy Mars for free. Gnostic spirituality runs counter to the culture of expansionary capitalism. Say it with me, counter culture.

Yeah, whatever happened to that? Something I can contemplate while I work on retooling my personal brand. Let’s not kid ourselves here, corporate psychology is more dangerous than guns, terrorists, killer viruses or whatever other imminent threat the media happens to be selling you whenever you’re reading this. Utterly fucking terrifying, and guess what? It won. First companies became people and now we’re literally talking about how people need to become more like corporations. I had to look for a new job recently due to a corporate buyout. I was at one point paid to sit in classes where this was explained to me quite specifically. What I’m getting at is that there’s some supremely unholy shit going down behind the scenes on this talking monkey freak show planet. I don’t even know where to start.

First off, I’ve mentioned this before, but here’s the main problem with our current state of spiritual/scientific development. We think that consciousness must be constrained to a physical body and exist within a linear timestream. From what I’ve been shown, neither one of these things are true. Now, you’ve got to keep in mind that all human logic is based on the idea that this is the case. It’s not. Not only is this not the case for the incalculably vast number of alternate forms of intelligence that exist in the cerebral multiverse, but it’s not even true for us. We just all behave as if it is because we’ve been forcefully hypnotized into the concept. It’s a linguistic pattern virus stemming from an embedded insistence on dividing our world into the binary concepts of real and not real. When you really manage to undo yourselves from the chains of that virus, well, that’s when things gets hyper weird. As for how to do this, reading my book’s as good an exercise in hypnotic deprogramming as anything ($5 download, just sayin’).

Here’s what I’ve been forced to deal with. Not only do countless forms of hyper strange extradimesional entities exist, but they’re all around us at all times. Not just all around us at all times, but influencing our reality continually. These are the secret forces pulling the strings of the marionette film that is our world. It’s entertainment to them. I’ve had multiple experiences now where this has been hammered home, several just recently I might point out. I’m in a lucid dream state and there’s another entity with me, teaching me. Guiding the dream’s contents. I know that I’m dreaming and I also know that I’m not consciously in control of the dream. Something else has taken control of the scene and is now educating me. I’m looking down on humans from a third person perspective from above. I’m shown that not only can I get into their heads and control them remotely from by sort of focusing my will and doing so, I can also fly into their heads and take control for brief periods. The thing is, I’m not just shown this, but I do it. I live it. I have the experience of swooping in and entering the head of another individual and somehow absorbing its plot while retaining control of the situation. I alter the course of this particular narrative then jump back out, again now looking at the situation from a calculated distance. In one recent encounter, I was viewing all these little subjective microverse portals into various individuals and choosing which one’s direction needs to be altered. In this case, as I entered these people’s worlds, there was a faint trail of black mist emanating around the entrance and exit point. Later while meditating I was told that I this dark psi-substance represented “depression”.

Not long after a virtual friend probably far more adept at spirit communication but sort of in denial about shot me a message about a vision she had. There was a black mist like entity roving around her town, entering the minds of drunk people and spreading negativity and mayhem. As she was pulling out of the vision, she was told that this vision was intended for me, which is why she was telling me the whole thing in the first place. I get it, they’ve been hammering home this point in my world forever. It’s just that I’m sort of in denial about it. What I’ve been forced to confront is that not only is there a spirit world, but this the mysterious unbound forces that exist in these alternate dimensions of consciousness can get into people’s heads and influence their behavior without them even knowing that this is happening. In their little microverse, they just had an odd idea or notion. They might even say they were possessed jokingly. These spirit forms can hone in on your thoughts and your entire genetic history throughout cycles of lifetimes. We’re viewing one world, which is a maniacal carnie ride of dark humor, from their vantage point it’s just that much more of a ridiculously delicious spectacle. It’s hilarious that even high profile science nuts like Elon Musk are now speculating that our world is like a computer simulation, but they’re not really asking the question: who the fuck is playing the game?

The reason materialists can accept the computer simulation model and not say, the non-lucid dream simulation model has to do with the fact that in it, humans remain the center of universe. Computer’s are things that we created and they’re not really conscious in a way we can understand or empathize with. Which would be another fatal flaw in the current state of human rationality and “logic”. We can deal with the idea that unknown invisible forces are secretly influencing our world at all times (dark matter dark energy anyone?), we just can’t deal with the idea that those forces would possess some sort of conscious experience. It’s nuts, and honestly really depressing because like, ummmm, we’re dumber than rocks. The idea that we’re the greatest things out there sort of makes me want to crawl in a hole and take narcotics. Oh, shit, you see why they like this concept now? It’ll sell the shit out of some narcotics.

So it’s funny. I read so called Illuminati conspiracy theory stuff from time to time and just have to scratch my head like, umm, interesting about the bloodlines and the reptilian overseers and what not, but do you really think you know why this shit is going down like this? It’s not something you’re going to be able to wrap your head around. The people involved with these peculiar machinations most likely have exactly zero clue why they’re doing what they’re doing on a conscious level. They just think they’re doing it to buy a new house or whatever. To help their family. Their ideas are emanating from a dark underbelly deeper and more thickly caked in blasphemous disregard for the human condition than anything you could ever imagine. And none of this is bad in an evil sense per se. Wholly indifferent to human suffering? Sure, but not evil.

More to the point, this daemonic conspiracy has a fairly obvious motive: to make people breed the fuck out of control. Couldn’t be more obvious. What you do to make people breed out of control is repress sexuality, particularly among women. Oh hey, what’s the core tenet of all the world’s conservative religions? Yep, that’d be to repress sexuality, particularly among women. What this does is turn men into brutes and women into walking baby factories. Religious leaders are pretty blatant and over the top about this agenda I might point out. The take complicated tomes of ancient spiritual wisdom and break it down into one convenient message: more babies. Breed. Breeeeed! Of course, this constant stream of cheap labor is what corporate psychology feeds on. You think this is accidental? Yeah, no fucking way. Our culture did not expand as rapidly as it did in such a ridiculously short period without something inhuman manning the controls in the background. If we’re a computer simulation, someone’s got the controller.

From what I’ve been shown, here’s what the much hyped Occult “conspiracy” entails. You know how I keep mentioning corporate psychology here? The whole thing’s a comedic metaphor for our own psychic exploitation, a parody. Much like workers in a factory we were bred out of control for the exploitation of the higher or angelick realms. The thing is though, it’s not us they want, it’s the ideas that our nutso society creates. People are ephemeral, ideas are eternal. To a certain extent you have to understand art to process this I imagine. Long after someone like Stan Lee’s gone, we’ll be watching films about his creations, which will be far more detailed and interesting than anything he ever conceived of. These things now have a life of their own. They’ve embedded their way into the what Jung referred to as the collective unconscious and exist forever in the world of dreams. The world we wake up from when we die.

Anyway, this was supposedly a magick lesson of sorts and I’m getting to that. You’ll recall that in the last edition I talked about the importance of intent in sigil casting. Here’s another great way to frame that intent. I’ve been shown specifically that there’s a psychic grid of sorts tethering human consciousness to this dimensions. An invisible electric fence of forced hypnosis really. It is in fact a tad convenient that the entire rich history of human visionary experience has been edited out of the narrative in all our religious, media, and academic institutions. We need to start editing it back in. The good news is that I’ve also been shown that this barrier preventing higher dimensional wisdom from entering our realm has reached its apex. It’s weakening. A calculated attack on its central core could disable its efficacy entirely in maybe a couple of lifetimes, maybe sooner. It’s a long road but the daemonic forces are in fact slowly weakening. Now’s the time to attack tripsters. Focus your internal energy on taking the repression grid down with the internal light of God. Do it now.


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