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Advanced Sigil Projection V: Reconceptualizing the Daemonic

Writer's picture: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

By Thad McKraken June 2016

Before I started practicing magick, I’d chalked up concepts of angelick and daemonic, or light and dark forms of spiritual energy up in the category of ridiculous shit I learned in church. Even though I was seeing this sort of thing in my astral projections states, I just sort of refused to acknowledge the obviousness of the patterns. And again, I’d be the first to talk about how dangerous binary thought patterns can be in general. The artistic part of my mind wants to reject the great duality but there it is. Chaos and Order, Dark and Light, Structure and Anti-structure Day and Night. Over and over again. There are metaphorical representations of it everywhere I looked which eventually lead me to concede that there’s supreme wisdom in it all. Moreover, the push and pull between the great dualities is in fact the primary creative force of the universe, which is sexual at its very core. The exchange of masculine and feminine DNA literally creates our reality. The structure of matter vs. the forward moving anti-structure time provides the narrative.

Which is why I think it’s impossible to understand how these non physical forms of consciousness are represented on the higher plains while looking at them as warring factions, which is conveniently how all the major world’s religions insist on viewing them. It should be of no great surprise that a culture steeped in a spiritual narrative involving extra dimensional warfare finds itself lost in a perpetual state of war. We’ve got to rewrite this conceptual misunderstanding of ancient shamanic wisdom if we’re ever going to pull ourselves out of this violent masculine nosedive. The strangest thing about our warring spiritual faction narrative is that it doesn’t even fit the material at all. Not even in the slightest. I mean, I’ve read the entire Bible as a result of being forced to in Sunday school. Where are you getting the idea that God’s this force of excruciating good and Satan’s this goth creep who feeds on human suffering? Last time I checked, the God of the Old Testament’s a total fucking asshole, and when I talk about an intentional psi grid binding the human cattle to our overpopulation slave world (like I did in the last edition), according to the Book of Genesis, this whole charade was God’s brain child. God cursed us, not Satan. The real question is why.

To back track a bit before I get into all that, let me first tell a little story. A few months ago I found myself in the presence of what classic Occultists would refer to as my Holy Guardian Angel (tons of stories about this sort of thing in my new book, $5 download, you know the drill). I was in a deep ganj-i-tative state and it happened very suddenly. Just sort of, hey, your higher dimensional overseer is here, you have any questions? I froze. Oh man, tough call. The one thing I’ve learned over the years is that in a lot of cases you don’t really want to ask omnidimensional weirdoes questions that you don’t necessarily want to know the answers to, you know what I mean? So I’m like, shit, now sort of embarrassed that I’ve completely clammed up in the face of a greater power. But I can feel this thing. It’s radiating white hot love energy from the hidden worlds of living light. Eventually, as if sensing my state of pronounced existential terror, it comes up with a question for me: “What can I do to help?”

Ahhh, good one. Also butt gustingly hilarious because your HGA is the metaphorical representation of your spiritual mother, and what a fucking mom thing to say. Unsurprisingly she (it) had a decent answer. “Just keep spreading the good news”, I was told. Roger that.

The good news. Christians love to go on and on about it and the entire concept has always resonated with me in a way that most of the other boring sermons I sat through in church never did. The more I’ve gotten into blissed out trance states far beyond the supposed limits of human pleasure the more its significance has truly set it. We don’t even need to be here. If we focused the intent of our technological progress a bit more specifically, we could give the transcendent godhead experience of the highest mystics to every man and woman on the planet. This is how we transcend the daemonic and soar spaceward into the sun. This is how we make things on earth as they are in heaven. We bring the heaven to earth. The fact of the matter is, the vast majority of human suffering arises from attachment. Attachment to the lower dimensional hell that is the flesh. Attachment to the consciousness constricting exercise that we call the human experience.

We take this shit way too seriously. Seriously enough to start wars. Seriously enough to fuck over the poor. Seriously enough to shortsightedly ass rape the natural world. All manner of primal assholishness ultimately derive from the same source: us giving a shit. Look, it’s not like our little purgatory isn’t fantastically demented in a lot of extravagantly tasty ways, but it’s just one little realm. There are billions. Consciousness can stretch in unlimited exotic configurations. The idea that it can’t is precisely what’s making us behave like such insufferable dicks. We need to banish the very concept that death is the end of existence and all visionary experience can be discounted as epiphenomenon of brain functioning if we’re ever going to mount our escape. That’s the daemonic aspect of ourselves and again, it’s not wrong.

Face it, we live in hell. I can remember the first time this message was beaten into my hypnagogic states. It was a bit jarring but ultimately there was a message of overwhelming beauty and hope. Even in this heavily ordered monkey perception world, so much exotic beauty in the midst of all the horror. Only one way to go but up. It was later elaborated that purgatory was probably a more accurate choice of verbiage, but the message remains the same. You don’t want to own the world, you want to get the fuck of this shithole. The fact that we live in the midst of a culture that believes the precise opposite should be a bit of a queue that the whole thing’s a bit of a joke at our expense. We need to learn to laugh at the egregious stupidity of our war mongering past, and to do that we need to rewrite the underlying spiritual narrative.

The more you conceptualize the plot as a battle between good and evil, the further you get away from having even a remote clue. The best model currently at our disposal is the Taoist concept of yin and yang. That’s idea has wormed its way deeply enough into most of our mental lexicons that it should compute. It’s not that hard to understand. Rather than the universe consisting of warring factions of angels and daemons, it’s secretly governed by creative collaborators. From a sex magick stand point, I like to look at them as stoned lovers, but hey, whatever works in your strange little microverse. Remember how I was just mentioning that we’re in hell? Sort of what I was getting at is that we worship the daemonic. We’re obsessed with the idea that this world is the only world. All of our logic is based on this concept. We’ve completely turned our backs on the untapped potentiality of the human imagination. We’ve forgotten that there are a gajillion other ways to stretch perception. And it’s not like this imposition of spiritual ignorance has been all bad.

Here’s where in my mind shamanism and the Occult sort of differ. Shamans are more about communing with nature. Psych magick is a bit more about manipulating the dark daemonic energy coursing through our urban centers and modern hive mind culture in general. What I do is involves the merging of technology and mysticism more than anything else. And you know what, I don’t actually deny that in a way I’m a black magickian. It’s just that I define the concept differently. I’m trying to do materialistic shit. I’m trying to write transcendent books and warp minds to hyperspace with sound. I’m trying to channel visionary art via digital cut up processes. This is the purpose to all this overpopulation in the first place. To create all this weird technology, and the purpose of all this technology is of course to serve art. Art is magick because art transforms consciousness.

Before I got into magick I couldn’t even conjure enough focus to finish a proper book. Ten years later and I’ve now finished 3 (two of which you can buy on Amazon for next to nothing). Everyone has a daemonic guardian, and that guardian’s purpose is to let you know how much this world sucks. Nothing here is easy. Everything’s a pain in the ass, people are superficial twats, etc. In this world, you’re almost always going to get rewarded for doing boring ass repetitive shit. You know what might be the best advice I could offer any aspiring mage? Start working out. No really, when throwing yourself into some beyond out there fringe states of consciousness, that fundamental structure’s going to serve you well. It’s a binding ritual of sorts. When you look into it a bit, regular exercise is some of the most beneficial therapy anyone can get for almost any sort of mental health issue. It’s just that people are lazy and don’t want to hear that with all our pseudo-science psych drugs. Also, it’s not like it’s super easy to get those over the edge to adhere to blasting their lats on a regular basis, but it works. If I had to speculate as to how I’ve managed to hold it together despite you know, channeling entire books from the 5th dimension, I certainly have at least speculate that the fact I started working out regularly when I was 14 and never stopped.

Again, you’re in hell. We worship materialism here. We are the living embodiment of the downward facing pentagram. Your daemonic side isn’t the part of you that wants to be in a horror movie, it’s the part of you that wants to understand how to manipulate tax laws. Look, I’m so guilty of this myself it’s ridiculous, which has been thrown in my face quite forcefully just recently I might point out. I’m with y’all. I’d love to smoke pot and make head trip albums all day. Especially after working mind numbing office drone job 40 hours a week. But no, I can even be relegated to just churning out books and art in my free time. I have to learn shit about marketing. Man, need to get the website designed. I should totally get out and network. Fuck, let me work on my podcast booking schedule here. Jesus Christ, fuck all that shit. The fact that I have to think about business in my free time to help me focus on and further my craft makes me want to die, which is an appropriate reaction if there ever was one.

According to my contacts in the other realms, our culture has made us “schizofrentic”. Their words. What sucks is knowing they’re right and simultaneously knowing where you’re at. You’re in a lower level talking monkey purgatory. Boring repetitive shit kills here. This is your daemonic side. You need to get in touch with that if you want to succeed here unfortunately. Our entire narrative is plagued by a dark daemonic undercurrent of almost suicidal expansion. We need to turn that bleak energy around, but we’ll have to accomplish this by turning it against itself. Sometimes, you’ve got to fight fire with fire.


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