April 2021 -
All night in a liminal trance I'm immersed in the same vision pattern. I'm in an omni-dimensional state and looking down at all these worlds I exist in while simultaneously detached from them on high. There are hundreds of these glazy things looking back at me, like a wall of alien eyes, but not typical eyes. The best way I could describe it would be cosmic ovoid capsules containing swirling larval hurricanes. Alive, amphibious, and what hurricanes look like on a radar map, not what they look like when they're crushing a town on the ground level.
This scenario is beamed into me until it sinks in when another presence now takes over. A teacher entity. It has like a telepathic pointer device and it singles out one of these particular larval hurricane worlds on the lower left hand side of the grid and circles it.
"This particular realm has a lot of stupid and really strict rules."
I'm informed. Seems about right. The most fascinating aspect of this exchange being that in posting the "being shown my ridiculously intricate personal web of artifice" experience, I realized something. These visions are related. That's why I have to be constrained in an elaborate web of nonsense, isn't it? Otherwise I'd break all the rules, or as I put it in that post, would descend into pure madness. That is the truth we're all running from. It's our culture that's crazy. I have to be full of shit to exist here. We all do.
In any event I do have one more thing to report, which would be another synchronicity captured by surveillance tech. Now, I don't even find this one super duper compelling per say, but it was caught on tape as it were.
The lead up is this: I find myself internet sleuth stumbling on the fact that the Future Sound of London's more rock side project Amorphous Androgynous put out an album back in November with the lead singer from Van Der Graaf Generator.
This album is so excellent it reminds me of something I briefly researched a few months ago, which is that in the UK AA are almost more known for recording an album with Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds that Noel apparently decided to essentially scrap (I'm guessing because it made his other stuff look goddamn quotidian). All news to me in the year 2021 and I'm a huge fan of everything FSOL, this sort of drama simply never made it to the states back in the day.
But a few tracks are up on the internet and I hadn't dug in yet. So I finally decide to, listening to them on both Tuesday and Wednesday:

Then on Thursday (today) two of the like 5 total music sites that I look at regularly posted the PR announcement that Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds were releasing a greatest hits album.
As mentioned, maybe not the most gripping sync on the surface but on the other hand, when I just searched BV hadn't written about Noel Gallagher since 2011. Pitchfork hadn't mentioned them since their last EP in 2019, which they trashed. What's trippy to me though is that I personally had never fucking listened to this band or even thought about them beyond what I read about their collab with AA. Then the day after I'd been suddenly grooving on material they scrapped (which was posted to YouTube in 2012), they're mentioned in two websites I look at regularly.
It's not, not compelling. Oh, and those tracks are fucking amazing by the way, never mind that it's the dude from Oasis and an Oasis song I'd never heard before because like, do you honestly think I owned Oasis CD's back in the day? Champagne Supernova forever though.
Keep it surreal people.
