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An Aurora Tsunami

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

10/3/2023 -

Prototypical Invisible College dreams. First I'm taking this English class. I'm mostly disengaged from it because it's so boring but I'm vaguely paying attention and taking notes. When that class is over I'm now going to an unspecified other course upstairs. Except that the professor never shows up to this one and because of that it devolves into an argument between 2 students about the merits of the concept of overpopulation. The rest of the class is honestly sort of annoyed with these students and eventually I just leave. Where the fuck even is the teacher?

As I'm walking out the door of the school I'm thinking:

"Screw that class. It seems like I only need to show up for one more session of my English class to pass but I'm out on that other one, whatever it was."

Then, as I'm walking out the door, this older woman with pinned up gray hair wearing a blue almost medical looking coat accosts me. She then reaches into my backpack and pulls out my English notebook.

"We've been looking for these."

She tells me as she pulls out a manila envelope with lines of hand written signatures on it from my black ring binder. As far as I can tell it looks like a record of attendance cards or something. I don't entirely get it but she's confiscating my entire folder of notes for my English class as well.

"What the fuck lady? I need those!"

I argue but I eventually realize I probably don't as the last class is the next one. I figure I've got it by now. So I head back home and here's where it gets trippy. I'm lying on the floor at what's supposedly my wife and my new place but isn't at all. I'm lying there thinking about how I haven't remembered any dreams tonight and how I need to focus. I'm also contemplating all of these recurring dream themes like the weird back balcony on our new place that we never use and how I'm constantly living in Ohio for unexplained reasons.

Then I realize that our new apartment is essentially an airplane hanger. There are giant ass commercial jets pulling out of the hangar headed to the runway. It's doing the thing where the jet fuel distorts my vision and I'm contemplating how peculiar that can be, except in a dream state I'm actually getting it confused and thinking that something about the propulsion system actually bends space and time. As it heads out of our living room area onto the runway I'm also contemplating how quiet it is somehow. Like, you'd think it'd be super loud living at an airport right by an airplane hanger but it isn't. I know I'm supposed to get up but I'm so comfortable I just keep drifting away.

10/4/2023 -

New dream environment which is this modest brown one story house in a residential neighborhood with a mostly wood paneled tan interior. 3 different scenarios in this environment. In the first I've just either gotten home from some sort of trip or stayed up partying all night with several friends. It's morning and now it's my job to figure out where everyone is going to sleep in this brown house. This takes quite a bit of effort but I eventually figure it out. Everyone has their place and I'm going to sleep on the black leather recliner but I gotta be honest, I'm not sure I'll be able to get a full 8 hours on it. Oh well, it'll have to do.

In the second scenario I'm visiting and there's this gorgeous blonde woman who's the daughter of the people who own the brown house or something. I'm there with my brother and most of the dream is me getting the vibes that this woman is flirting with me and really hoping she is. But I'm not entirely sure. Maybe she's into my brother. This goes on for quite a while and it's the same vibes the entire time. I feel like this woman's into me, is she? Maybe I'm just reading into her kindness too much because I want it to be true. She's also unbelievably attractive but it's like she doesn't know this somehow. Am I the only one who finds her this alluring?

Man, I really hope she's into me. I get the vibes she's into me. This ends with an extended sequence where I'm trying and failing to find an outfit for going out to do whatever we were planning on doing. I'm now realizing that this is actually a fairly common recurring theme in my dreams. I need to change for some event and then massively struggle to find the right fit. Since they've used wearing clothes as a metaphor for wearing a body repeatedly, I suppose there's a deeper meaning to all that.

The next scenario involves me working on some project with another of the mystery house's mysterious inhabitants with Batman. Yup, Batman's just hanging out with us in full blue and gray costume, encouraging us to go on some adventure with him and I'm all:

"I guess you have more lessons in crimefighting to teach me."

He apparently does.

10/5/2023 -

Some dreams are just different as there's a level of intensity that pervades the experience that transcends my typical nightly excursions. This would be one of those instances and it started with the familiar sensation of floating above my body as a freaky solar energy form. I then dive into my head and now I'm at a downtown music/arts festival and genuinely enjoying myself. I watch the sets of at least 3 bands and this feels like it lasts the exact amount of hours it would in waking life. When it's over the unidentified friend I was watching the show with has to jet and I'm kind of disappointed. I know there are more bands and I really want to stick around because I'm having a good time but for whatever reason I don't want to go it alone.

Now the intensity ramps up. I'm out on the downtown streets either trying to find my way home or trying to find another person to check out some more bands with and I am completely disoriented. Nothing makes sense and often this would make me go lucid but here it doesn't because it legitimately feels like I am drunk off my ass. When I was talking about intensity, this is what I getting at. I feel like I drank 8 beers in a 2 hour stretch. Nothing makes sense. The streets are bending and warping in nonsensical configurations but I can explain this all to myself by the fact that I've gone way too large. It legitimately feels like I have, despite the fact that I'm goddamn asleep, you know. I'm drunk as fuck and yet I haven't drank a thing.

I stumble along the streets outside of crowded venues for a while before I somehow end up in a random woman's like 5th floor condo sitting on a trendy looking couch by a window with a view. She's a slightly hipsterish looking white woman wearing a loose t-shirt and light yellow jeans with intentionally messy gel infused graying chin length hair. I am still very wasted, to the point that I don't even realize she's seducing me. We eventually start making out and she starts giving me a handy but I stop in the middle. What the fuck am I even doing? We chat for a bit longer and I leave back into the streets. I tell her I'm going to be back for the next day of the festival tomorrow and she asks for me to stop by again.

As we're parting ways on the streets, I give her my phone to put her number in and it's the typical thing where finite details make zero sense on the astral plane. She hands me back my phone and I legit don't know if she just didn't enter her number or I drunkenly hit a wrong button. Honestly though, because I essentially just shot her down mid sex act, I can't imagine she ever wants to see me again.

The next day I'm back at the festival with another unidentified bro and we've watched a few more bands in the middle of the day. We're going to head home but first we stop at another unidentified friend's modest downtown pad. They're your standard fairly attractive white mid 30's couple and we chat for quite a while. Eventually we need to head back to Ballard and the guy insists on driving us. As he pulls onto Aurora I'm actually thinking about how overly nice this is. I mean, it's way out of his way and we could have just took the bus.

Then, as we're heading over the Aurora bridge an absolutely enormous wave hovers several hundred feet above it. Holy fucking shit! We're all freaking the fuck out as the towering waves crash over our car.

This is certain death but it isn't somehow. We're not even crashing. In fact, I'm waking up in my old room on Beacon Hill. I go over to check the time on the alarm clock by my bed. It's not even 8am. My brother's kind of pissed that I'm waking him up.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do


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