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An Improv Skit About the Fecklessness of Religion

Writer's picture: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

6/1/2023 -

The night starts off with the thing where I'm hovering above my body and quite obviously not human but wow. Sometimes this hits a different level of intensity beyond the slightly unpleasant crackly electrical version. Here I'm surrealist hyper color god madness, manipulating the flesh forces of the lower realms with my 4th dimensional psi powers. Do I remember any of the details? I'm not sure what was going on would be able to fit into the confines of human narrative comprehension.

The dream portion of the night starts with me going on a date with this stylish white woman with very short brown hair. She's wearing this excellent red jumpsuit type outfit and seems I'd say at least a decade younger than me. For our date we go to this odd improv theater/audience participation type thing. There's this shorter slightly stocky black guy who's leading the troupe and the girl I came with enthusiastically participates in the first bit, while I sit in front row of the wooden school gym style seating and watch. I don't remember what it entails but I do remember that she nails it.

When the skit is finished, she comes back to my side exhilarated. I'm impressed. After a short break where I'm chatting with her the leader dude declares that theme of the next skit will be:

"The fecklessness of religion"

Oh my god. She's going to have to participate in this one as well if that's the theme. What's hilarious is that I literally just had to look up the word feckless as my conscious mind did not even remember what it meant but I mean, sure. That does in fact describe religion to a tee. Anyway, she rushes off to get the deets on what they're going to be performing and I'm smitten. I am definitely impressed with this woman and could see a future there but as I'm thinking this it suddenly occurs to me that I'm married and now I feel like an asshole.

In the next dream I for whatever reason move to Atlanta. Why? No idea. I'm worried about not knowing anyone or having any history there but when I arrive, I realize that through my writing I do in fact know at least one person. What's odd is that this actual person lives in Boston but used to be a contributor to Disinfo. Why this is taking place in Atlanta I haven't a clue, nor have I ever been to either Boston or Atlanta. Anyway, he's going to audition for this cover band and wonders if I'll tag along with him, which I do.

When we get to the spot where the audition is set to take place, it's in this upscale and quite hip vegan restaurant that specializes in fancy pizza. Not only that but the guy's band who my friend is auditioning for is the owner of this hopping establishment. My friend sort of checks in and lets the people know he's there for the audition, but we have to wait around for a bit before they'll be ready and so we spend this time just sort of checking out the place. Seems cool although it's a bit awkward because we're just hanging out standing around a restaurant not ordering anything, trying to kill time all casual like.

Now it's audition time and we're escorted to this huge back room/performance space that has this rather large stage. This is apparently where this band practices which is nuts. The leader of this outfit is clearly quite wealthy and this band is quite popular because there are at least 20 or so people there just watching the audition. In fact, it's weird because there are like these white sideways picnic tables that we're sitting on and the second I sit down, this thin blonde woman with shortly cropped almost early 2000's emo hair immediately starts clinging to me quite literally. As in, she legitimately wraps her arms and legs all the way around me and won't let go as she's whispering in my ear. Clearly she's thirsty as hell but this time I remember my wife and am not biting. She seems very young and I am straight up just ignoring this pretty woman who is literally clinging to my right side.

This goes on for the entire time I'm waiting for them to set up and when they're ready to start, she finally gives up and walks across the room to hang with her other friends. When she does, in looking at her from a distance I realize that not only is she quite a bit older than I for some reason thought she was, but she's goddamn gorgeous. Leading lady professional actor good looking. I sort of sigh internally thinking to myself what an amazingly satisfying snack that would have been but also knowing I did the right thing.

Now it's time for the audition to start. The lead guy restaurateur dude is wearing full guyliner type make up with a sleeveless leather shirt and I'm like, wow, just for practice huh? Also, they are a metal band which isn't what I was expecting at all because not only does my friend typically play jam band music, but you just don't expect a cover band to be metal. Anyway, they start into their first song and my friend is auditioning for the second guitar player gig. He goes into some chugging riffs and it's immediately obvious he chugged in a few bars early. He seems slightly embarrassed but as the song goes on, I can see him literally reading the sheet music and getting more in the groove. That's all I remember.

Oh, one more thing. On the sync-precog front, the morning after I had a dream about adopting a psychedelic octopus who immediately escapes into the sea, one of the pugs that I follow on Instagram was dressed up in an octopus costume. That maybe doesn't seem that pre-cog-y or synchronous in itself, but I swear to god the octopus costume has the exact same color scheme as the aquatic alien creature I saw in the dream. Here's a terrible time stamped screen shot and I didn't describe the color scheme in my original post (although I picked the image specifically because of the color scheme similarity) but it does in fact verify that a pug in an multi-colored octopus costume came up in my feed just after I posted a dream about buying a multi-colored psychedelic octopus.

And since that image is crap, why not a few more psychedelic octopus jumping off a pier outtake images I made that look way cooler.


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