3/25/2024 –
I’m in the Invisible College and it’s this huge super packed classroom with the younger hip English teacher guy. I’m sitting in the back of the class near the large window with the cool kids and for unknown reasons the prof gives me a special assignment that I’m supposed to complete by the next class and the next class is supposed to start with me presenting about this special assignment.
I have no idea what any of this entails but what I do know is that there’s like a time warp forward and class is starting again. Now I’m remembering about the special assignment and how I blew it off. I’m sitting with the cool kids at the back of the class again and I’m all:
“Oh yeah, class is supposed to start with this thing I blew off. That’s going to be awkward.”
But then somehow it’s like the professor forgot about all this and just starts the lesson plan as if it never happened. Whew. What’s very odd here though is that everyone is super excited about this class, including myself. I’m not sure if I ever remember anyone being excited about these classes before, particularly me. Eventually the professor gets over to me and rather than asking about the secret assignment he tells me to go over and see Linda at desk 101.
I do not understand this request at all so I kind of start wandering around the perimeter of the classroom trying to figure it out. What am I supposed to be doing? I eventually wander back to the professor who’s now morphed into this short pretty woman with black hair and she tells me that when she appoints people to assist her students, she needs them to go through certain protocols. OK then.
With this I leave the class and am escorted upstairs into this other room with about 10 or 15 people working on training AI art. Uhh. They lead me to this one area and explain to me that they really need me to help identify images that have to do with things like seances and other esoteric spiritual phenomenon and I’m like:
“That tracks. You would need help with that, and I would be the best person for the job.”

The next thing I know I’m now hanging out with the functional family as I call them. We’re just hanging out chilling when out of nowhere these two very attractive white women show up in formal business attire.
“Oh yeah, the legal team that was supposed to be coming over to consult with me. I’d somehow forgotten about that.”
Since I’d completely forgotten I’m now all:
“Uhh, let’s go downstairs to the basement and we can find a clear place to do this thing.”
When we get down there I’m now sort of embarrassed by how messy the basement is, although it’s not even my basement. We eventually find a couch to commence with the consultation and in doing this I’m realizing I have no clue how to answer these women’s questions. What the hell is this even about? The murder I was unintentionally involved with I suppose, but I can tell I remember zero details whatsoever in whatever persona I’m currently inhabiting. Maybe that’s the point.
Pretty much the second we sit down, all these people start flooding into the basement and start playing super loud music. I’m semi-annoyed and they do turn down the music a bit but I’m just like:
“I don’t know what to tell you, I guess this is the best we’re going to do here.”
They’re fine with it, in fact, we chat for a while on the couch and they don’t ask a single legal question. They’re just bullshitting with me. There’s a party breaking out and we’re just chatting about nonsense as if we’re at a party. Truthfully, I’m slightly confused as to why they came over just to hang out with me at a party essentially and that’s where I lose track of the proceedings.
3/26/2024 –
A vision of both of my dogs pooping at the same time (which is a rare but not unheard of occurrence). Now I’m interviewing The Rock at the very bottom of these descending white steps in front of his palatial mansion. Rock bottom. Not the most subtle of metaphors. Hmm, I hope both my dogs don’t pass away at roughly the same time but you never know. I’m later told that I need to sing more. I just finished yet another instrumental album so you know, fair point.
Then the dreams. This starts off where I’m in this cafeteria and this round faced blonde woman, who’s supposed to be my love interest in this situation is sitting next to me. Who the hell is this woman? I get the distinct impression there was a lengthy prologue to this romance that I’m completely forgetting.
Regardless, she implores me to come sit at this other table with her. I’m now realizing we’re at an evening work party. Uhh, OK. Not sure how that happened but I’m not complaining when she bows out and all these other people surround the table and start passing weed around. The first offering that makes it my way is this blunt with a black plastic smoke funnel that you hold and inhale through on the end.
“Oh man, that was fucking excellent!”
I say to the gentleman next to me as I pass it and it just keeps getting more excellent. Everyone has brought fucktons of weed and are generously passing it around the table and I’m apologetic.
“Not that there’s any shortage of weed here but I am sorry. I must confess it did not remotely occur to me that we’d be getting high at a work function so I didn’t bring anything.”
Everyone understands and the smoke circle continues for quite some time until I’m now somehow in “the new place” scenario. This is the new pad my wife bought and I spend quite a while enjoying it. There’s always the place out back with the nature view and I remember that I’m continually mad at myself for not taking enough advantage of that.
So I head out back. I’m always talking about how sometimes the intensity of certain dream states just skyrockets into odd unknown territories. This would be one of those times. I’m staring at the nature scene behind our place and it’s like this gorgeous marshland beach environment that just pops. More unreal than real, more inhuman than human.
Wow, I’d never noticed that when the tide is out you can walk quite a ways out on the beach if you’re OK getting your feet a little wet. Why I have never done this I haven’t a clue but I’m contemplating grabbing the dogs and venturing through the marsh as soon as possible. When I head back in to get the dogs though I somehow get distracted by the insanely intense and excellent ocean view right outside the living room window. For the first time, I’m suddenly putting together the parallels between this metaphor and David Lynch’s ocean of imagination. God, it seems so obvious and I can’t believe I never connected those dots before.
Now shit gets weird. It’s like I’m watching a TV rather than looking out a window and there’s this Swedish team competing in an unknown sort of water sport. They seem to be winning. Then the ideas just start flowing out of the TV/window into the unconscious and flooding the room. There’s also an odd kind of lucidity to it as I’m controlling these ideas and I know that I’m dreaming, yet I’m also just sitting on the couch, completely intent with riding the flow.

The craziest thing here is that the main ideas that I remember coming out of the TV are a couple of the kids from the show Home Improvement (Mark and I’m not sure which other one, in fact I think it was a girl who wasn’t even a character on the show). I find this so random and odd that I send them back into the set with my godlike powers. In fact, I don’t feel like I send the second one back into the screen properly, so I pull him back out and do it again, making sure he shoots right in the middle this time.
At this point there’s a whole group of characters in the room hanging out with me including a completely frozen version of Regis Philbin with red hair. I warn everyone else:
“Watch out for Ice Man Regis people.”
And they all laugh at the ridiculousness. Ice Man Regis Philbin? What the fuck? I don’t know what to tell them. He just showed up.
That’s about all I remember from the drawing ideas from the imagination portion of the dream and the next thing I know I’m sitting out on our lavish porch eating with my family. Eventually my dad comes out and lectures us on getting too extravagant to which I call him out.
“Fuck you! I never gave a shit about any of your rich people bullshit in the first place!”
This is entirely true. My family is all into stupid consumerism in a way that I’m not. Eventually I’m wandering around and slightly worried that the place is getting so crowded that I might not be able to rest in peace before I realize that wait a minute. This is my house. Typically I’m at someone else’s house in these scenarios but this is different. Fascinating.
3/27/2024 –
Another version of the crackling energy kid adventures except this is decidedly different. It definitely gets into “it’s not that you don’t remember, it’s that you can’t understand” territory and I’ll try and put it into words as best I can. We’re in the classic art gallery type structure and I see the multicolored energy stream the kid’s creating. I go and tap into it and the difference here is that the kid seems completely uninterested. The other primary difference is that I seem to become addicted to the thrill.
I keep wandering around and tapping into these energy strings and holy crap is this weird. For a temporary period I become a loosely tied together string of hyper color seemingly every day objects that aren’t directly connected. There’s like a string of just random shit from the human reality that’s been encased in radiant almost cartoonish color energy. They all look like a singular thread but much like the rings of Saturn, if you look closely you can see that they’re not actually directly connected, they just look like a singular stream of energy from afar. I’m looking at the art gallery space below and I can see how this string is tying me to it, despite being launched into the astral stratosphere. Again, beyond words.

As mentioned though, I seemingly get a bit addicted to the experience and each time I come down, I’m determined to find the candy-coated energy thread again. At first the crackling energy kid is sort of on board but after a while I’m annoying even him. I keep trying to find him to lock into the energy strings he’s created but eventually he starts avoiding me. The charges don’t always take me up to the sky either. Sometimes I rocket laterally through the art gallery space.
I’m starting to get on everyone’s nerves and at one point during one of these sessions I basically wreck these people’s living space in the lower floor of the gallery by rocketing around uncontrollably. And yet I keep hanging around, looking for more candy-coated string energy action. I actually head through the living space I wrecked at one point looking for my next fix and am surprised that they aren’t pissed at me. But I have to exit through the same space and as I do, I realize they’ve laid a trap as it immediately turns into this spooky horror show with this evil witch pursuing me.
I’m not remotely scared of this charade though and so I fly to this incredibly elevated perch and start working on cleansing the area with blue smoke energy. That’s about where I wake up and what’d be my take on all this? Well, they have shown me that this has something to do with DMT and despite being a 46 year psychedelic dude, I’ve still never done the stuff. I believe they’re explaining to me why this is. I wasn’t ready and would have annoyed everyone in the arthouse gallery with my constant irresponsible explorations. Seems like a pretty straightforward metaphor honestly.