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An Unlimited Prescription Script

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

4/27/2024 –

I’m on a classic school bus with the green vinyl seats and everything. It’s like there’s a bottomless lake in the seat I’ve chosen so I dive in head first with my arms pointed in front of my head. While under living water in the viny-bus-seat-verse I meet a blonde woman in a blue dress. Very reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland I suppose. While encountering this blonde blue dress woman I proceed to develop 2 separate romantic entanglements with her, that both also converge together in a way that’s hard to describe.

I’ve pulled out of the day-to-day narrative business and I’m in a gray clouded void space. Both of these romantic entanglements with this woman, that are also strangely entangled themselves, look like circular hurricane portal worlds from this elevated perspective. I come to realize that there’s another good looking man with short blonde hair parted on the right observing these scenarios with me.

“You were supposed to romance this character, weren’t you?”

I know this intuitively and he sort of shrugs. I’m not sure what to do with this information and more to the point, how was I not going romance this woman in this scenario? That’s the main thing. Like, knowing I wasn’t supposed to do this would have seemed impossible. In both situations. I met a beautiful woman who was into me and I was single. It would have taken and amazing degree of sorcery for either one of these events to be avoided. I get the impression the other dude completely understands this, which is why he’s shrugging indifferently.

After this sitch I’m now on a regular city bus headed south. I fall asleep and when I wake up I’m at the last stop. Fuck. Where the hell am I? I hear the bus driver tell another rider you can’t just stay on the bus as he doesn’t head back into the city. So I get out and of course, I don’t really see another stop for the same route coming in the other direction. There’s this odd teaching facility next to the stop so I head in and run into my mom. It’s genuinely nice and I’m trying to figure out how to get back home. Wow, the view of the skyline from this facility is amazing and it’s a beautiful day. Why am we here though?

As I dig into my phone I’m now living in this visual map. I’m up on the northwest corner of Beacon Hill looking at SODO and these fancy new high rise districts have been built. Fascinating. There’s this one strip in particular that looks super exclusive. I bet there’s at least a few great restaurants down there, I think to myself. We should go check it out one of these days.

There are at least 2 new high rise condo type districts that I’ve never been to down here and one looks fairly huge honestly. Also, wait a minute. I thought I’d gone much further south on the bus but I’m not that far away from downtown at all. It should be pretty easy to get home from here. All of what I’m just describing is far more surreal that I’m letting on. I’m legit flying around these districts with my mind and browsing around, while I’m unconsciously creating them on another level.

It also leads me to realize that I’m dreaming. Nope. I do not want to find a bus home, I want to erase this stupid situation, which I absolutely do by willing it to upside down blackness essentially.

Now I find myself in this very strange plotline where I’m back on the school bus and me and a couple of friends want to steal this guy’s drug use history to fuck him over, which we do. One odd benefit of this maneuver is that we essentially get these magick prescription scripts that allow us to cash in on shittons of drugs. None of us are super excited about this though. I mean, it’s cool but it seems like none of us are that into drugs at this point in our lives.

I score an entire vial of acid and we all take some. I wish this had any psychoactive effects in the dream world like it has in the past but no dice. The next morning in the back of the school bus like:

“Does anyone want any more of this?”

One guy takes one more minor dose. I’m going to take more eventually but like, obviously we didn’t need an entire big ass vial.

Now I’m back at the dead end of the bus route scenario. This time I have to first collect some of my belongings together in this napsack looking thing. As I head out into the streets I realize that wait a minute. I’m in Ballard. I can catch a bus no problem but in doing so while carrying this napsack thing it gets weird. Wait a minute. Carrying my belongings to catch a bus. This seems so familiar. It does because I was in the exact scenario a few nights prior, walking in the same direction, wondering why this all seems so familiar. Do I go fully lucid in contemplating this?


Instead I’m now in like a dorm room situation and my new roommate is this woman who vaguely looks like Meg White. She’s got the pale round face, the straight black hair with bangs, everything, and yet, it’s not Meg White. Just a Meg White looking woman and the premise is that we’ve got this secret prescription script we can cash in on.

(Psi note: Pretty much the exact second I typed Meg White into my keyboard a White Stripes song came on iTunes shuffle and there are roughly 25 total White Stripes songs in my entire collection).

We’re sitting up in this it seems like at least 15th floor very bland/stale sparsely furnished dorm room and she’s telling me we can’t order prescriptions from the dorm phone for delivery because they verify the script with the room’s identity, so we’ll have to pick them up in person. Then I go sit very close to her and she’s telling me how she’s not going to have time to do any drugs over the next several days.

I think this means she’s not really that into them until the perspective shifts. Now I’m in an arthouse film and my consciousness is sucked into this world where she’s giving a monologue about what her plans are for Tuesday. Oh yeah, she’s going to do drugs. The shot is jittering in and out to mimic her fractured thoughts which is awesome. She is meticulously planning her drug intake for the week, detailing exactly what she’s going to take on each day and when. As much as this is excellent from an aesthetic standpoint, I’m also contemplating the obvious, which is? Shit could be a problem.

Let me give some notes here: I dig the 5th dimensional unlimited script plot point. Y’all should run that one back.


4/28/2024 –

I probably set some kind of record for the amount of dreams I forgot tonight but I do remember some vignettes.

  • I’m watching a television spot for the Elks Club and it’s like it’s trying to market the operation to a younger crowd, the kind that likes to watch sports. That’s essentially the entire ad. It’s this younger couple and the blonde woman goes on this very odd monotone monologue about what a great place to get drunk and watch a game The Elks Club is.

This is sooooooo weird. Straight out of a David Lynch film. As I’m watching it, I’m thinking to myself: why would anyone think this would get young people to come drink and watch sports at the Elks Club? Overall though, this is less random than it sounds. I have a friend who runs sound at the converted Elks Club music venue in Tacoma and he loves David Lynch. I am not doing justice to how strange this astral advertisement actually was though.

  • A woman has purchased a tree for her back yard. It’s either a fruit or nut tree and it’s healthy as ever and bearing ample fruit. It is exactly what she asked for but she’s still not satisfied with it. I pull up this visual of the contract and void it out in blood wine red on my mind screen device. We fulfilled our end of the bargain.


  • A white soup bowl on a table filled with tomato soup. There are multiple mouth like living openings in the soup bowl sucking in the soup as quickly as the bowl is filled.


  • Oh, also at some point I’m told that I’m now “a made man”, and that this is what all the stuff regarding Youngstown is about. They actually told me this earlier in the night, I’d forgotten, and they wanted to reiterate it. I did grow up in a mob run town and that was in fact weird. I’m always ending up back there in my dreams as well. Fascinating.


  • A green grassy hill on a sunny day. A message is written in the blue sky. May 19th.  I will say that the date looks like it was written in AI and that’s my immediate thought. It’s trying to say May 19th but it’s getting the date formatting slightly wrong because it’s AI generated.


 4/29/2024 –


A vision of a spaceship that’s made of all these brightly colored super intricate components. They look like interconnected micro-chips or micro-processors and it has the same vibes as a few nights back. This ship is being flown by 2 different pilots who look like they’re part of the components here. One’s slightly more gray scale in the middle of the ship and the other is multi-colored and more where the cockpit would be but they’re both controlling the ship. The multi-colored one looks more in tune with the colors of the ship.


Another vision of small remote cabin with a futuristic looking street light right outside. I genuinely don’t understand this vision until it’s explained to me that what they’re showing me is an idea farm. Ahh, the large light bulb is metaphorical. An idea farm. Interesting concept.


I do then have an extended dream sequence where I’m back in the Invisible College. It’s the first day of seemingly the exact same class I just finished last week. What the fuck? Why am I here? Why am I doing this? I look around and the class is absolutely packed this time. It seems like there are roughly 200 students in the room for the introductory lecture. But I’m not going to be one of them. Fuck this. I’ve already passed this goddamn class, multiple times.

I start packing up my things to leave and wow do I have a lot of books to carry with me. Except wait, this is so familiar. Having to carry an unwieldy amount of shit around for unexplained reasons. It seems like I’ve been here before and yep, I have. 3rd time in less than a week. Does the sensation of odd familiarity make me go lucid though? Nope.

For the rest of the night, more deep dives into the concept of an idea farm. I do not remember any of the details though unfortunately.


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