6/4/2023 -
The night starts off with the basic hypnagogic themes of higher dimensionality. This version is clearly influenced by the game Alan Wake that'd I'd been playing, which by virtue of being a fairly simple game from a gameplay standpoint made for a more streamlined experience. Here I'm first person crawling through caves with these unknown entities guiding my path as if holding the controller. The only thing I really remember is a timing issue. In this one scenario I'm trying to get through this one wall which is supposed to vanish with my magick touch but it doesn't. Then I try the same thing quite a bit later after going through a repeating circular loop and it now works. I was doing the right thing, it's just that the timing was off.
For the rest of the night I'm living in the high rise condo I share with my brother and a bunch of other seemingly random peeps. Same dream I've had a thousand times and I still don't know what to make of it honestly. This time it's so familiar and since I'm here I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to try and enjoy living in this crazy downtown high rise situation. I remember the rooftop gym/pool area and I head up, except it's insanely crowded and also has a vibrant lunch room/coffee shop. I'd say that's all new but despite my awareness of this top floor luxuriance I don't think I've ever actually remembered to come up but rather thought about it and had images of what I thought it might look like theoretically beam themselves into my spirit. The reality is more crowded and corporate than I was expecting.
The only thing of real note here is the dream within a dream experience of having a bed that's directly next to a giant high rise window. I'm sleeping and right next to me is this sprawling night time downtown city scape glowing and humming along. In this situation I've been spending my time wondering why I'm bothering with these odd downtown accommodations and this is it. Getting to sleep with the sensation of floating on high in the midst of these towering architectural wonders is in fact pretty fucking cool. Of course, in the dream world this is actually quite a bit stranger than it would be in reality. In fact at one point a living moon portal opens up beneath one of the towers, then recedes into the ground. I'm in a liminal state in a dream where I'm dreaming about sleeping. Worlds within worlds.

5/5/2023 -
Almost identical liminal visions to the night before. I'm navigating through caves from a first person perspective while being guided by some sort of higher dimensional entities who are piloting the controls. Same deal as before too, I navigate through this one cave and my magick light touch is supposed to free up my passageway but it doesn't work. Then I go through this circular cave pattern again, come back and now the exact same thing works. It was a timing issue. This goes on for a while and at one point I wake up being informed that:
"He remembers that he's had this dream before."
Now the interesting stuff. Here I'm an actor on this set that looks like a small single piloted prototypical 50's sci fi spaceship that's in the shape of a UFO. Like a souped up Jetson's car and it's on this Hollywood soundstage that's made up to be a cratered planet like the Moon or something. But the guy making the show, the writer or director or whatever is out of ideas. I'm the actor piloting this ship and he comes down to me like:
"I got nothing. What would this show be about if you were writing it."
I'm kind of put on the spot but I decide to give a it a go and just start riffing.
"So I'm summoned out to some space anomaly...and when I get there it's this...black and pink hypercube thing...with like an all seeing eye in it. It then warps me back into my past and uhh...let's see...I used to be a very good soccer player. It takes me through when I started out as a soccer player and I wasn't very good. But, uhhh, it then goes through all these scenes of how much I had to train, practice, and study to finally get good at soccer. It then fast forwards to how all this training and effort paid off when I'm kicking ass at soccer.
Then it cuts back to the present me in the spaceship and as it turns out, this was all a metaphor for the kind of telepathic communication practiced by this alien race and how it doesn't come naturally at first, but if you work at it, you get increasingly better, just like you would with most things in our world."

The dude is stunned. Not only does he think this is brilliant but he has no idea how I came up with it. I explain to him that I'm into astral projection and it's basically just riffing on the themes of my dream life but he genuinely doesn't seem to care because of course. The next thing I know he's talking about turning it into a movie and on his phone talking to someone about how he can probably get Billy Ray Cyrus interested, which is hilarious.
Ahh, the way mysticism and sci fi are inherently linked. Ideas are planted in the minds of writers, then they make their way into our books and onto our screens.
Now I wake up back in my parents place in Ohio and I'm again amazed that they bought this house again after selling it so many years ago. It's so weird. Of course this never happened but in my dream life it's a fairly common and completely nonsensical theme. Or so I thought except that I then did accidentally end up living in the same metropolitan area as my parents. I'm going to hang out with my Dad tomorrow. The funny thing about this dream is that at one point I realize there is a tiny balcony strapped onto my bedroom window with a grill on it. Like, it's an accessory that's just strapped onto the house with these clamps. I try to step on it and it immediately starts to fall and I'm like, nah, I'm all the way out on that sketchy porch thing.
The next thing I know I'm the assistant of this creepy fucking goth celebrity weirdo. The dude literally had surgery to fuse a shotgun onto his arm and of course, this has lead to so many health complications that he's barely functional and constantly miserable. We're on a tour bus, the guy's lying in bed in pain and delusional from the surgery and yelling at me but I've had enough. I'm done. I go to the front of the bus and inform his manager that I'm out.
"But we're in the middle of fucking nowhere!"
He argues. I don't care.
"That guy is going to kill me. I'm done!"
And with that I get out of the fancy tour van and bolt into the night.
