1/15/2023 –
In the: “It’s not that you don’t remember, it’s that you can’t understand” Category. Here I’m in a circular space station made out of pure orange and yellow art energy that looks a lot like Moebius stuff. As I’m flowing along on this circular tunnel I can tell that in this scenario I also resemble being a person in some capacity, which is why I can at least convert this portion of the experience into human terms. When I look at this character part of me that I’m playing, the part that I understand, it’s like a flat black and white picture. A flat black and white cut out of a picture of a person that’s floating through this orange art energy station.

While I’m floating through the station I’m also holding this contraption that feels like a circular dimensional rift in my right hand. The purpose to this device is to spread the specific type of art that it summons from the outer realm. I’m taking something that exists outside the solar station and injecting it inwardly. I’m merging this with the orange energy device and flat black and white polaroid me is gleefully painting this alternate world’s details into the fabric of the space station’s current. I think you’re starting to see why I’m having trouble putting it into words, it's art within art within art. I’m trying my best and this is the only part that even tracks at all. Once the black and white picture man’s gone, none of it can be converted into skin world dialect at all.
Later it’s like I’m watching the kind of British period drama my wife digs. There’s this younger man in an upstairs room packing his things to leave and another older authority figure comes up behind him to chat. I can’t tell if this is an employer/employee type relationship or father/son but it’s one of the two. The kid’s determined to leave but the elder keeps giving him gifts. At first it’s a couple nice things and the dude is very thankful but at a certain point the offer becomes too generous. Everybody has a price. He really doesn’t want to stay but at that rate it’s impossible to turn down.
This is then followed by a vision of a perfectly packed travel contraption that sort of looks like a fancy bass guitar case. You can just tell the thing is absolutely the most efficient travel rig imaginable, with every compartment designed meticulously. This was the gift he couldn’t say no to.
While meditating in the early morning another vision. Here I’m doing the drifting off thing but I’m fading into near where my family used to briefly live in Sacramento. It’s as if I’m creating this video game world based on that neighborhood and while I’m doing this I’m also fully aware that it’s a crap simulation because I barely remember the place. I spent like 6 months there 30 years ago. So it’s this ridiculous experience of creating a fictional world I personally know is garbage because it’s based on amazingly dated memories. I get why I’m in Sacramento though. It was an odd period of my life that relates to what I’m dealing with now. They’ve been showing me this forever.
As I once again lean into the drift I’m a doctor and I’m trying to help a woman that has a vaginal infection with another woman doctor. We’re trying to get to the bottom of what’s causing the problem and when we get the full story, we’re horrified. Her boyfriend broke a baby bottle on her vagina and some of the formula got trapped inside her, which is causing the rot. Jesus.
I’m told this vision has to do with the sex trade, which explains the darkness.
1/16/2024 –
Hypnagogic visions where I’m supposed to be categorizing my dreams into all these complicated designations but none of them truly fit. Each numbered description is several sentences long and again, I’m trying to fit these to their corresponding dreams but most of them can’t be easily categorized by the preset designations I’m working with.

After hours of this an actual dream and yep, it’s a common/boring one. It’s the classic scenario where I’m trying to take the bus home but I accidentally get on the wrong one, except there is a minor difference here which is that rather than the bus it’s the light rail (which I’ve never actually taken as it still doesn’t come anywhere near my neighborhood).
So I’m sitting in this light rail station in the U-district and I’m looking at this colorful map, trying to ascertain which train will get me close enough to my townhouse. Oh, and roughly the most random dude I went to high school with in the universe is there for completely unknown reasons other than to be cheery. I’m sort of annoyed about taking the wrong train to the wrong spot but this dude’s chipper as hell, which was sort of his personality back in the day now that I’m contemplating it. When I’m digging into it in a waking state I’m also realizing that as mentioned, no, there currently aren’t any light rail stations near where I live.
Dreams that can’t be properly categorized per the current classification system and a light rail system that’s also mostly useless to me in its current capacity. These things track and if you’ll remember, it’s not like the classification system or the light rail is useless, it’s just useless to me until it’s massively expanded.
In one other dream I got out of bed in a liminal state, only to find two versions of my phone going berserk on the floor, which weirded me out. In looking at my surroundings though, I was at least happy I was in my current townhouse rather than my old basement apartment. At least I got that right.
1/17/2024 –
In this vision I’m asking for a new prescription for my dog. It’s for the same ailment he’s been treated for before, but this time I’m wanting it to be less effective.
“Can we do something that makes the condition worse and slows him down even more?”
I must confess this legit feels like what dealing with my Hashimoto’s disease has been like over the last few years. This vision is followed by another one. Here I’m in an airplane and I’m opening one of the large exit doors. When I do I’m now looking into this insane burst of yellow and orange energy. I can somehow decode the narrative embedded in the swirling solar energy portal and I’m all:
“Wow, that is the most insane romance arc I can imagine. What in the absolute fuck?”

But in contemplating it there’s a revelation that’s directly in tune with the prior vision about the shitty dog owner. The romance arc is insane and ridiculous on purpose. It’s a farce. That’s the entire point. The film I’m stuck in is an over-the-top satirical comedy. If it wasn’t insane and ridiculous, it wouldn’t fit with the tone of the work.
Later I’m at the Invisible College once again. I’ve finished class and am walking around the campus courtyard when I realize that wait a minute. I often go to this other class after the first one but I’m in no obligation to do so. So I decide to bounce but to get to the standard bus stop there’s this rocky hill I have to climb up. I see another student doing it on the other side of the street. It looks like a bit of a pain in the ass but whatever.
About 10 minutes later though, after climbing for an extended period the thing has turned into a ridiculous climbing wall. I’m sort of hanging at the top on all these jagged white rocks thinking about how much more effort it’s going to take to get to the top. Then the absurdity of the situation makes me realize that I’m dreaming, which is odd because it also makes me contemplate how I legitimately feel tired from climbing this rock wall. The feeling of exhaustion is indeed strange since I know I’m just lying in bed but I also don’t care as I can just force myself to wake up rather than finishing the climb, which I do.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!