7/28/2023 -
I go to bed super early on account of the COVID and wow. It's like this golden light energy force spent the first 4 hours of my sleep cycle quite effectively clearing all the shit out of my lungs. Impressive in it's efficiency honestly. I mean, that's it. A golden light energy force quite rapidly cleared most of the COVID gunk in my chest and I woke up feeling a million times better. The way all of this felt is not something a typical human circa 2023 gets to experience at all.

Of course it got stranger though as when I woke up, then got back under my liminal dream states are now flooded with imagery of this solar energy floating city in the sky. It was partially flying in the astral cloud structures and had like lighthouse castle turrets around the edges. Just this glowing, glorious, surrealist energy city in the sky with artsy perimeter lighthouse turrets.

And this represents the forces that cleared out my chest congestion apparently. Later I'm even told that if you provide them with bread, people will happily work together like this and I have a vision of this free event where all these citizens come out and repair the center of the floating city structure. Seems about right and maybe a pertinent message about how to survive the coming climate apocalypse. I did eat a bunch of cereal before going to bed super early. I gotta be honest, all of this seems exactly like something that would happen to me.
A few hours before getting out of bed I have a dream that I'm watching a basketball game. It's like I have the cheapest tickets but there are some open spaces in the top row of concrete bleachers and you know what? These are pretty damn good seats. I almost feel like I'm cheating the system somehow. Is this allowed? Who cares, no one else was taking them. This is all outside as well, which is def weird for a basketball stadium.
Eventually this loud and sort of obnoxious overweight bald white guy shows up next to me and starts loudly commenting on everything around him including the game. Normally this would absolutely suck but I'm personally finding the dude charming. He's enhancing the experience for me at least and the main thing he's complaining about is how long the final minutes of the game are taking. If you're a fan of the modern NBA you know this is a completely legit complaint with all the new challenge rules and shit and something they should in fact increasingly work on.
The action does start again and now it's like I'm watching a Harry Potter style version of basketball. I don't know what happens but people are flying through the air and flinging the ball through these multiple layers of what look like life sized baseball mitt dimensional barriers. There's a goalie beneath several of these layers though and she completely blows the save and the other team scores a crucial basket I guess. Seemed more like a goal.
I have no idea what just happened but now my perspective shifts and it's like the general manager of this team is bitching at the goalie who just fucked up, and she's this super sassy very young British blonde girl with a bunch of fancy pants braids in her hair. I'd say 8 years old at most.
"You know, a lot of people would kill to be in your position and maybe you're not ready."
The shady GM dude quips at her from almost a super villain like desk set up. You can only see the back of his fancy suit. She's not taking his shit.
"You pull me over here and immediately throw me into your stupid American Olympics bullshit. What did you think was going to happen?"
Again, very thick British accent and I feel like both of them maybe have a point not only from an intuitive level but also from their body language. Ahh the WTF factor on that one.
7/29/2023 -
Speaking of WTF, on this night I find myself in the midst of a vision about a fictional vegetable called a rassup. I'm being informed that the thing about rassups is that getting the freshness right is critical, at least as a matter of capitalist taste making. They have a fine window of being neither too fresh nor too ripe. This is how a rassup will be judged and I'm telepathically shown this diagram of a rassup where there's this middle window range laid out in the center of the rassup shaft. In this white range as laid out between the 2 black line markings specified, that's when you want to serve a rassup or people will be disappointed.
Now I'm bringing a blonde woman in an office cubicle her morning rassup and it's like I'm the office rassup guy or some shit. As I drop the rassup off on her desk I notice how amazingly phallic it is. It's like a long white shaft looking vegetable that also seemingly has ball like protrusions of some variety at the bottom. A more phallic, white stalk of rhubarb perhaps? Noticing this, I pull out of the vision and am like:
"Wait a minute, there's no such thing as a rassup."
Also, if there and I was a rassup salesman I'd set up a stand downtown and in the morning and be all:
"Get your rassup! It's 8 in the morning, get your rassup!"
Because obviously. In addition, in looking up the term rassup, it is apparently a rarely used slang term (rass up) referring to a group of people getting together and smoking shit tons of weed.
Now I do the spontaneous sorcery thing, which is a very new thing honestly. This time I instinctively and quite spontaneously create a pinkish red other dimensional portal room directly above me and slip into it to commune with a higher version of myself with way more eyes who enters the room from the realms above. Again, this is something I just do without even a second thought and honestly, this organic room I've created is very vaginal. Cronenbergian in a way but without the creepy vibes.

Just that thing where I'm communing with my higher multi-eyed self in a fantastical living pussy world of my own intuitive design after having a vision of fictional phallic vegetables. Say the line man, say the freakin' line:
"Just another episode."
7/30/2023 -
For the entire night this checklist of written phrases keeps showing up in my consciousness, very much like the case menu in the video game I've been playing. At first I don't understand this but then I realize my immune system is working overdrive fighting COVID and it's calculatedly checking off tasks from its to do list. When it gets to the final mark on its list I have this vision. Now I'm watching this pro hockey tournament from above. It's entered the final round and one of the teams has made it to the finals on the backs of their exceptional goalie, who's the singer from the band Starcrawler.
If you're not familiar with that band (and I'm only vaguely familiar), she has Marfan Syndrome and in this situation it's presented that her super long legs make her the ideal goalie. She's got these decked out hockey leg pads and because of her exaggerated stature it's hard to get pucks past her. I then witness this highlight reel of her best saves and she's doing this mostly with her legs. Half the time she stylistically goes on her back and artfully blocks these shots on goal.
Since I haven't given a second thought to the band Starcrawler in years this seemed completely nonsensical but when I woke up I realized something. I have Hashimoto's disease and I believe that's why my body is fighting the COVID so efficiently. Nobody I've known or even read about had a stronger reaction to those vaccines than I did. Jesus, the bivalent booster made me puke for 5 straight hours. Finally a minor amount of payoff to all that.
In the next dream I realize that I'm picking up some extra shifts at the 7-11 I used to work at in college on weeknights. Why? No idea, but when I show up it's packed and I suddenly realize, wait a minute. I really shouldn't be working right now on account of me having COVID. They honestly don't even seem to need my help so I walk out into the city streets and promptly fall asleep.
I'm sleeping quite peacefully when I'm awakened by an old friend I haven't seen in years. She's sleeping right next to me but sort of wakes me up and when she does I realize I've been sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk. What the fuck? Anyway, we both wake up and start walking together and once again I'm like, oh shit. Yeah, I have COVID. You really shouldn't be hanging out with me.
And so we go our separate ways but the more I'm walking through the city, the more I'm realizing that it doesn't look like any city I'm familiar with. Wait a minute, I know the answer to this question. I'm dreaming. When I have this realization I'm standing on the top of this elevated walkway and I start to attempt to fly but an older white guy in a suit reaches over to stop me. Oh shit. He thinks I'm committing suicide and I fully understand his concern. No, I explain to him. I'm dreaming and can absolutely fly. Watch.

And so I fly off into the distance but the guy chases me and I bat him down to earth with the palm of my hand but truthfully, I sort of feel bad about this. He seems fine though and flies back up to intercept me. When he does, now I'm no longer lucid and am listening to albums with another old friend in a completely unknown apartment. It's not actually an album though but a video by some legendary act I've still never gotten around to checking out. The whole time I'm sort of on edge because I'm remembering the COVID and am like, dude, you really shouldn't be here.
But he's intent on finishing the video and after doing so he goes into all these details and references in the music that I never would have caught but he knows because he apparently used to live in the same city as this band. That's about it and when I wake up I try to remember which band this is. I can't definitively pin it, but I'm coming up with both Arab Strap and Muslimgauze. Now I'm going to have to actually listen to both of those acts.
