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Beatific Monuments From the Witch Cults of the Future

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Fall 2022:

I believe I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve been increasingly running into this thing where I wake up in a freaky liminal state where my consciousness is hovering directly above the back of my head. It’s very much like I’ve dislocated from my body but only slightly. What’s important is that while in this state I know I’m not a human being. Just enough of my soul structure has detached itself from corporeal tethers that I’ve lost the fundamental aspect of my personality that ties us all to the delusion that we are in the first. What’s shocking is the blunt obviousness of the feeling. Like yeah, clearly I’m some energetic god being of pure imagination temporarily pretending to be a person. How did I ever come to be conned into thinking otherwise?

This lesson plan then progressed quite significantly over a manner of nights in early November I believe. It was very much like I was being shown a dream feature that had always been there but I had simply remained oblivious to. In these dreams I could detach from my perspective in much the same way I was vibrationally detaching from my sleeping body. What I was being shown was that if I ever find myself getting lost and confused on the astral plane (which happens often), I can focus on pulling myself slightly outside of myself because when I do I can attach myself to the dream’s intended plot structure. It was sort of like the classic video game “scan for clues” mode you can flip on, replete with the requisite change in visual aesthetic. I was now in an electrically radiating state of cosmic flickering green, black, and purple energy slightly outside of the environments I was inhabiting but sill partially inside of them. Again with the metaphors.

What differentiated it from your prototypical video game detective mode though was that when I turned on this feature by pulling out of my direct perspective, I started getting drawn toward relevant plot points and the level at which I detached determined how tapped into these other plot points I became. If I was only slightly out of my astral persona I could feel the dark energies and focus on navigating towards them intentionally.

If I managed to get further out, it was sort of like possession. A blur of galactic swirl force took control of me and I quickly and easily navigated through whatever narrative was intended for every scenario that presented itself. Very much like cheat codes in a way and there were a few situations I was put in that seemed sort of taxing at first before I remembered, oh yeah, I can just use the galactic plot energy matrix force to solve this in like 2 seconds. I can’t help but think that if I can manage to detach myself increasingly from my actual body rather than partially in waking life, I could tap into the dark energy psi grid and pull off some increasingly “miraculous” bullshit.

This lesson plan went on for 2 straight nights and the second night was much less intense, almost to hammer home the different levels by which you can tap into this force. One puts the sentient simulation on medium difficulty. The other on super duper easy. Fascinating, but much like with my lesson on how to kick flip out of dream scenarios into various levels of reality years prior, I have to wonder how effectively I’ll be able to implement this particular information. Maybe I should design some sorcery to help me out with exactly this pursuit. The issue is the personality distortion from the waking me to the godhead me. One doesn’t remember the other which makes it difficult to implement things I’ve grasped in the skin world back into the realms of boundless imagination. I suppose I need to address this deficiency quite specifically.

Particularly because not long after absorbing these new classes from the Invisible College everything kicked up more than a few notches in surrealist energy intensity. On this night I spent a few hours dipping in and out of a singular liminal sensation. I’m riding on the fantastic vibes blue light of a pyramid’s projectile beam. No, seriously. You know how there are two supposed air shafts projecting from inside of the Great Pyramid? I’m being shown that this is intended to represent the exact path of the soul I’m now coasting gently on. In the midst of this I wake up and head to the bathroom pretty WTF about the whole sitch, but this is me we’re talking about so you know, nothing too out of the ordinary honestly.

When I went back under the whole thing exploded in a dazzling array of more than I’d ever be able to describe with the written word. No medium of art could effectively convey these corners of aetheric otherwhere. You could come close to capturing the essence but the feeling would always be lacking by a significant margin. Hyper colorized lived experience unbound by anything resembling the confines of human concepts like gravity, space, and time. But it’s not like it’s fully anti-structural either. There’s absolutely a cogent super intelligence operating the controls of these dominions, it's just beyond anything we think possible and it was in these imaginal enclaves that I had a few spectacular adventures.

I have a guide who is roughly the living embodiment of the dark detachment plot force I was referencing earlier. He comes across like a psychogeographical scene legend who knows everyone on the grid and wants to introduce me around. First is the urban coven of psilocybin worshipers. I have to infiltrate their best prophet’s unconscious states to prove to them that I’m legit. As I enter her mind with my otherworldly obsidian freak visage, she drops to the floor in astonishment and calls out to her spirit sisters. They all agree.

“This would have only happened if he’s exactly what he says he is”.

I’m not fucking around here people. This is what I do. I don’t pretend to understand oneiromancy entirely but I am oneiromancy somehow. Next comes the long standing religious temple in the industrial neighborhood. It’s morphing into something new. Something beyond faith. My guide and I are perched above a flock of about 30 practitioners who are both bowing and meditating. I’m not understanding why we’re here when he’s all:

“Check this out”

Before diving from our balcony vantage point and directly into their souls, looking translucent as he phases right through them. While he does this I can see a wave of romantic information about some of their lived history merging. He’s just created an erotic entanglement between some of them by joining their stories together and I get that he was only able to accomplish this because of their heightened mental states and desire for ascension. What’s funny is that I’m not sure his motives extend much further than mere amusement in this particular situation as the intentions behind this action are entirely unclear.

What I do know is as I’m pulling out of this hyper intensified astral excursion I’m bluntly informed:

“This fixation with materialism has to end.”

Only the stoned gods of the psychic sky temples and beatific monuments from the witch cults of the future can make it so.


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