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Behind the Illusory Walls

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

3/9/2024 –

I’m at a fancy New Years Eve party my family has booked and it involves us getting wasted on the beach and riding around on little motorcycles. It’s like we’re hopping between different upscale shindigs on the beach on these miniature motorcycles, as well as just shitfacedly racing them around the beach for sport.

Then the next day I’m supposed to hang out with a different group of friends, who are all women. We show up and it’s this very funny sequence where this other woman arrives and they’re super welcoming and accommodating to her, but then the second she leaves they’re immediately talking shit behind her back. Mean and a tad disconcerting on a lot of levels but also bitingly hilarious.

After this charade this other woman arrives and immediately starts aggressively flirting with me. I haven’t seen this woman in ages but she did have a crush on me back in the day. It’s like she’s playfully tearing off my clothes and all the other women ask why I’m so dressed up in the first place. I didn’t really notice until they mention it but I am wearing this absolutely excellent brightly colored green, blue, and gray modern paisley looking suit. Just phenomenal and it’s like I’m wearing shape shifting animation rather than any kind of waking world fit. I explain that I was at a New Years Eve party the night before and just rolled in still dressed up. What I’d do at this New Years Eve party they ask.

“Well, you know, got drunk and drove motorcycles all over the beach.”

The second these words come out my mouth I start contemplating what kind of parents would arrange such an event. Kind of irresponsible now that I think about it but whatevs. It was fun.

For most of the rest of the night I’m in this scenario that’s a reference to the video game from the night before. I’m wandering around these void like alternate dimension office building rooms and there are all these black ink almost peacock feather looking objects protruding from the ground. I’m shown that the exercise here involves choosing which of the almost vaginal looking heads of these objects to activate.

Now, I have to keep in mind that all of them are the right answer. That is made clear. These already represent the glowing light folders I grabbed previously, but they’re dormant now as a force has dampened them in this upside down realm. The question is which one or ones do I want to re-illuminate. Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of this exercise. If all of this already happened and there are no wrong answers, what’s the point really? Can’t I illuminate them all? I suppose I could if I truly aspired to but I’m not sure it’s even worth it. Maybe just one or 2 will do, given my level of interest. Fascinating.

3/10/2024 –

I have this experience where I wake up in my room and yet I’m clearly in a slightly distant state from normal consciousness. My place looks exactly like it does in waking life, except that there’s this cartoonish aspect to it. It just feels fake in a way, which leads to this immediate profound understanding that it is all in fact an illusion. Obviously this is just an elaborate construct. I can feel the true reality just behind the illusory walls. Normally I get this deep feeling when I’m floating outside my body slightly, here I’m in bed staring at my room in an altered state and the room is clearly fake. I can see how it’s just a cartoon and there’s far more behind the façade.  

This is followed by many dreams where I’m playing some sort of a game. I can feel these games going on for hours but I can’t put together anything as far as narrative goes. Eventually this leads me to a situation where I’m staying in my family’s old place in Ohio. Same sort of deal where it goes on for a long time but I don’t remember much. What I do recall is that I have the upstairs back bedroom that I only had for like a year as a teenager and I’m genuinely comfortable. I’m working from home and this is an acceptable setup. I’m fine with this.

In fact, at one point some unidentified person asks me if I’m coming back to Seattle and I have to pause to think about it.

“You know? You would think that I would be coming back to Seattle, wouldn’t you? But I guess I’m going to stay here for a bit.”

The strangeness and nonsensical nature of me living with my parents in Ohio should have made me go lucid here but somehow it doesn’t. Why the hell am I living with my parents anyway? It admittedly seems like a really odd thing to be doing with my life but I can’t quite crack the case. Instead I find myself waking up in the creek that’s now formed where our driveway used to be. There are several kids playing in the water and I just wake up there somehow. I get up from being immersed in the water with the dogs and give them some treats. My pug is doing this adorable thing where he’s sitting underwater but just sticking his nose right above the surface to breathe. It’s clear water so you can see the whole thing and it’s an adorable bit.

I then realize the water is suprisingly warm and gets deep the more you head into the driveway so I start swimming. This is when another unidentified person asks me if it’s normally this nice in Ohio and I’m like:

“Oh god no. Normally it’s super humid when it’s this hot, which absolutely sucks.”

I then start to see rain forming in the sky and with that the dream ends.

3/11/2024  –

Why is it hard to bring some dream experiences back into the waking world and cram it into something that makes sense to my human form, let alone anyone else’s? Because of situations like this. The best way I could describe it is living art. I’m in this odd negative space blackened void cityscape. That’s exactly what it feels like, and odd painting or something. Am I even a person here? It doesn’t feel like it. What I do remember though is that there’s a black sky and all these pointy gray scale buildings surrounding a glistening street.

I’m supposed to be in downtown Seattle near the Showbox theater and I cross to the other side of 1st avenue on this glistening street, except that I just zap across the street magically rather than walking. Then I zap back to the original side but I realize I left my house slipper in the strangely shiny street. I need to go back and grab it, but do I? How? Is it even there? It looks like there’s an imprint there but what the fuck is going on? I’m not even a human and it’s like I’m existing in someone’s odd art experiment.

In the next scenario I’m in this like buddy comedy where I’m attending an exclusive but very small university south of the city and I have this quite nerdy/uptight roommate. Just the classic, nerd and bad boy become friends scenario and the only things I really remember is looking at the glorious views of the mountains with my dorky compatriot on campus and both agreeing that the school certainly has this going for it.

I also remember heading back into our dorm room where our other roommates are like stuck to their beds. This one woman looks like an entangled combination of swirling pools of water that we can see her reflection in. I have zero clue what’s going on here until the straight man in this comedy duo busts into the room having proudly returned with plenty of snacks. Ahh, everybody’s incredibly high and the odd pools of water thing was a metaphor for that. It tracks now.

Later in the night I’m working at a high floor of this incredibly swanky office building but again there’s only so much I remember. I remember noticing that a lot of other people working here get dressed up way nicer than I do for work. Hell, I’m wearing shorts for some reason and I never wear shorts. I’m not the only one dressed down as I peruse around the office’s inhabitants though. Then there’s the party that a coworker was supposed to drive me home from but accidentally almost drives into the water.

Now I’m back in the fancy high rise office and everybody’s standing around a table getting high. While this is happening, I go into a prototypical old man rant on purpose all:

“Kids these days will never know. Having to buy weed from a sketchy dealer, who you sometimes have to pretend is your friend and sometimes is, which almost makes it more awkward. I still sometimes see cops when I’m high and get paranoid.”

I’m paraphrasing but it’s a funny rant and everyone’s amused, particularly the old heads. Interesting point though. There’s been booze at nearly every corporate function I’ve ever attended to but pot smoking has never been out in the open like that. Will corporate culture eventually embrace weed in a similar manner? It’s still a long ways away somehow.


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