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  • Writer's pictureThad McKraken

Care Bear Apocalypse Letterhead

9/1/2024 –

Long sunny day auspicious dreams that defy human comprehension. Good vibes and I get that it has to do with my magick lair as it were. Both my body and my townhouse as one is a metaphor for the other. That’s the vibe I get but the cooler part is this super graphic designed almost corporate logo looking sigil that looks like a nautilus shell from the side, divided into sections looking like sacred geometry. Each subdivision is colored with a different vibrant hue against a black and silver background. Just an amazingly cool looking shell logo implanted into my mind from the astral plane.

The most compelling aspect of this is that I immediately get robots to draw this concept and while they don’t quite do the mind’s eye version justice, they do in fact point out to me that this idea should include both the concept of the fractal and the eye of the storm. So it was absolutely a more well thought out concept than I consciously realized, check it:

9/2/2024 –

Only one transmission on this night. MOTOR. That’s it and yet I understand the intent, which is a reference to a regular hardware electronica night that I used to attend as much as I can. I need to find today’s equivalent of that. That might not be the easiest thing to find but I could def look.

9/3/2024 –

The only thing I remember from a long night of dreaming is that at one point I’m discussing Steph Curry’s night night celebration in the gold medal game in the Olympics. Then while meditating I’m reminded of the fact that I’m a warrior. That is my archetype and I’m reminded of my god name, which I’d sort of somehow forgotten.

I’m then shown an image of a golden light superhero encased in a cubic cage of black living energy, floating in the outer reaches of the astral plane. It seems like he could just use his god powers to escape the cage if he wanted to, which is I believe the point.

9/4/2024 –

At a certain point in the night another golden light entity warps into my soul.


This time I’m told it has something to do with me being a talking monkey actor and that this entity is my schizophrenic brother. Later in a meditative trance I’m reading paperwork about some sort of apocalypse and it has this super cool colored rainbow logo at the top. I also seem to be reading the paper work from the bottom up, which is a bit strange. That logo though. Almost like Care Bears graphics with the rainbows and shit but somehow not targeted at children and far more interesting.

Then a vision of a thin white lawyer dude with a closely trimmed beard wearing a brown suit pacing around his office. He wants to get this care bear apocalypse shit right.

9/5/2024 –

The only thing I’m told tonight is that there’s a secret surprise that’s going to be excellent that I will stumble on in the near future. Also a reminder that the mystic swims in the same waters the madman drowns and I AM THE GODDAMN WATER ITSELF!!!

Always a good thing to ruminate on.

9/6/2024 –

In hypnagogia I’m told that alien forms of intelligence can absolutely incarnate in human form and that I am one of those beings. Not extraterrestrial or even omni-dimensional, but alien internally. Not from around here.

After this I actually remember a bit of a dream. I’m in this crowded theater watching this unknown film on a ginormous screen. Eventually I get slightly bored of the film and I believe want some popcorn and when I get up to leave I’m realizing that the aisles are packed with people. It’s like an oversold concert where just getting back to my seat will be a bit of a maneuver.

So I sort of decide to just not find my seat again. Instead I’m going through what’s like an omni-dimensional customs check. It’s like airport security except they’re removing blemishes and such before allowing people to enter. They’re extremely polite and excellent about it too. I have a wart on my finger that they’re going to take care of before I’m allowed in. In waking life I had that wart removed like 25 years ago but truth: I still get psoriasis on that finger from time to time where the wart used to be. The whole time I’m thinking about how amazing it is that these people would give you free medical care just so you can enter their portion of the astral multiverse. Americans are just that backassward.   

9/7/2024 –

I bolt awake with this image of a portal to the world of obsidian eyes. A circle appears in the periphery of my perception and a highlighted tunnel to the thousand eyed god within sucks my attention to it with a jolt, pulling me out of my sleep state feeling joyous.

Later I’m told I don’t really have to take anyone’s shit because of the connection I have to the conscious diversity of the beehive cluster. This is the way.


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