May/June 2021
Even being able to start this little tale requires a decent chunk of psychic backstory. In July of 2019 I had this vision where I was the wild fires ravaging the forests in the deep heat of summer (publicly documented of course). It was like a first-person rapid destruction style video game and I could tell this ancient shaman looking motherfucker was actually the one controlling the whole experience in the smoky background. Also, it was fun in a seedy feeling sort of way and on a certain level, I was that shaman looking motherfucker.
Then, in February of 2020, I had this other visionary dream (again publicly documented). In it, Captain America and the Hulk were investigating an unknown disturbance. When they find the problem, it’s like a lower realm that Dr. Doom has conceived in his basement. The Hulk sort of dives in without thinking, but Captain America isn’t sure of the sitch. After a sec he goes down to look from a distance and sees that the Hulk has been subdued by robots and creepy scientists in lab coats, despite the fact that this could never happen outside of this subbasement lair.
This freaks Captain America out to the point that he immediately goes outside to request backup and he’s all scorched earth in the approach. Just burn it all to the ground type shit. Nuke it to hell. I was later told that the issue with a creepy cutoff authoritarian domain like this is that it might spread. Not like a disease, but like a wart. This was alarming coming out of the mouth of the hero who’s supposed to be the paragon of untarnished virtue in the Marvel Universe.
Now, in this astral excursion I was playing the role of Cap, but not long after I came to understand that this wasn’t the point at all. I was actually the Hulk and COVID was the Avengers bombing the shit out of our world, a world I was currently stuck in. This vision was publicly documented right before the pandemic hit I might point out (as well as several visions involving profound emotional isolation).
Getting the vaccine reminded me of both of these things. Why? Because I somehow accidentally ended up channeling the same sentiment shortly after my jabs. Super odd. First off, the second shot made me sick as all get out but the hyper-peculiarities started going down a few days later while I was having a few drinks, when out of nowhere I was essentially possessed. This thing that minorly irritated me went down and it was like this minor annoyance created an opening for the dark bolt of living energy that then shot into the depths of my primal monkey rage formatting. I managed to keep it together that night but for the next few days I was out of my goddamn skull.
I wrote about a similar sort of “satanic” possession experience in my first book, and have continued to be shown how these dark negative spirits can inhabit people and alter their behavior with depressive states over the years. Here’s it’s happening again and this time I was informed that I’d "accidentally" sort of connected with the virus quite specifically. What did it have to tell me? Well…
I have it pretty easy here in this lower hell realm, but even a lot of my life can come across a bit like torture at times, can't it? Cruel and unusual punishment. It went through all the crap aspects of what I would consider a fairly charmed life and reminded me how shitty it actually is when looked at from a cosmic perspective. Terrible writing. Absolutely fucking terrible. And again, I’m one of the lucky ones but it's not like they don't have a point.
There are a lot of very dark and very weird plotlines involving my existence that I have zero control over whatsoever, so I sort of do my best to ignore them. You can’t control things like family or you know, dork Nazis invading the exact internet spaces where your writing once flourished. I can smoke my way into a pleasantly distanced oblivion but that bleak shit’s always there and there’s jack I can truly do about it when you get down to brass tacks. The forests are still gonna burn.
And they’re burning for a reason. That’s what this goddamn virus was reminding me. It’s on our side and I’m on its side ultimately. The ethics involved with our society continuing in this capacity at this trajectory are crazy sketchy at best. It doesn’t need to be destroyed per se, but evolve into something so unrecognizable it might as well have been annihilated.
I was later told that there was so much suffering due to the pandemic that I needed to at least feel some of that. Later I had an insightful visionary exchange. In it, I’m an administrator in charge of how this humanitarian aid is going to be spent (or something to that effect). There are a line of clients I regularly work with coming through the door and I’m not sure about this one guy as I’m not entirely confident he’s going to use the resources to help with the cause or simply help himself. The first time he shows up he looks somewhat disheveled and possibly a bit on edge. I trust him. Then the next time he looks all slick and cleaned up. I’m suspicious. He wants more resources but again, is he going to use them for himself or to elevate humanity?
I’m later told there was sentiment in some astral circles that I’d become: “too comfortable”. Later I learned my thyroid had suddenly gone berserk. That explains the bouts of sudden over the top depression I’d been experiencing for several months. My headspace had been worse than ever and it eventually went so far south it became obvious. Went to the doctor and levels had suddenly spiked for unknown reasons. Here I thought it was the isolation from the pandemic but it was a reminder. I felt that shitty and continually cantankerous for quarter goddamn century. Can I be trusted now that I’m not that guy? Do I still want the world dead? It does need to die before it can ascend. That’s what I’m here for right?
The virus reminded me. It also told me that while COVID slowed the rise of idiot fascism as intended, it didn’t quell it entirely by any stretch of the imagination. Even on the ground level that’s pretty obvs. Far more horrors to come.
On a final note, I did have one more fun liminal state vision that seemed to be related. First I’m in this odd college class and you could tell the professor was extremely off kilter and animated in a bit of a disquieting way. Later I’m back in the same class and a fellow student with platinum blonde hair sitting in front of me turns around and remarks:
“I’ve never been in a class like this before.”
I reply critically:
“He’s not even teaching us anything, it’s just satire”.
And yet we’re supposed to be learning. Therein lies the problem.
