By Thad McKraken - June 25,2013
The other day I got yet another question about the nature of sex magick on the Facebooks (friend me) and it occurred to me, you know, if I had a quick guide I could refer these people to that’d make my life easier, and hell, not everyone’s going to ask me questions on Facebook (or follow me on twitter @Thad_McKraken) so I might as well just get it out there. As a matter of fact, I actually directed this person to another article on the topic, but I’m not super comfortable with that either, mainly because I completely rejected a lot of the supposed fundamentals of that protocol regarding sigil design years ago. I didn’t choose magick, magick chose me and maybe a part of the reason magick chose me is because I’d revise the narrative on the subject of what sex magick is and what it does.
First off, what you’re doing with sex magick is developing your ability to communicate telepathically. Human language is the operating system by which our brains are tuning us into reality, but it’s also incredibly primitive. The other side communicates by means of directly projected subjective metaphor. We’re already evolving toward this more advanced means of inner connection unconsciously with our art, music, and films, which are now beamed into our lives via the synthetic telepathy of the internet. Like any spiritual practice, the primary trick you’re pulling with sex magick involves taking yourself out of traditional linguistic thought and evolving toward this next level psionic functioning. Before you get started, it should be noted that while the basics of this stuff are incredibly simple, the implications are potentially paradigm shattering in regards to the way you perceive reality. If you have much of an interest in fitting in with traditional society, stay far, far away as you might just start “talking to gods”, and everyone will think you’re totally batshit.
Choosing an Intent
This is probably the most important part of the whole process and the phrase “be careful what you wish for” exists for a reason. Don’t be a dick. If you request incredibly selfish shit that’s only going to benefit you at the expense of others, I’m not saying it’s not going to work, it’s just that you’ll have to suffer whatever pain it is you caused them personally and maybe not even in this life. You very well might be binding yourself to this lower realm for a thousand more boring lives for incredibly short sighted reasons. This is how the lower hellish realms operate.
When you say intent, what do you mean? Pick a plotline that you’d like to see manifest itself in reality. Frame it in the context that what’s good for you is good for the collective whole of our conscious time stream and do your best to live up to that. Write it down and save it in a word document or somewhere where you won’t lose it. Here’s where my take on this differs from the popular version: don’t forget this intent. That’s ridiculous. You’re trying to focus your will, so I’m not sure how forgetting what it is you were trying to accomplish would help you. I’m of the mind that the more you’re aware of these things you want to do with your life (or for the lives of others), the more you’re coming into contact with your maximized plot structure. Truthfully, I must have missed the part where you were supposed to forget the intent to your sigils when I started. I did the exact opposite. I spend a lot of time molding the contents of my mind’s eye into acrobatic contortions compulsively now, when I’m riding the bus, when I’m bored at work, at concerts. I will say that I’ve been at this for a while and in a lot of instances these narratives can take long periods of time to develop, so there certainly have been times where years after the fact I all of a sudden realize, oh yeah, that is what I asked for 5 years ago isn’t it? I sort of forgot about that.
Designing a Sigil
The traditional sigil design technique has been discussed ad nauseum and the thing about it is, I’ve never used it. When I was first summoned into my magickal practice, I intuitively rejected the entire protocol and focused more on the fact that Grant Morrison (who piqued my interest in the topic in the first place) was suggesting that the sigil look magickal. I say the more magickal the better, and with crap like photoshop, getting it to that point shouldn’t be tough in this day and age. Forget the whole writing down your intent and taking out the vowels charade. But, that’s the most important part. Really? That’s what Austin Spare suggested and yet when I read a biography about Crowley (I don’t remember which one) it seemed like when he wanted say, money, he’d just envision gold bars in his head during magickal states. So which is it, Crowley or Spare? I go with a bit of both. Write down your intent, and then attach it to an image, the weirder the image the better. That’d be the thing, as mentioned, this is about learning to communicate telepathically. The more complex the shit you can envision in your mind’s eye, the more you’re developing this ability.
Eventually you can become an entire planet. You’re trying to turn yourself into a god, and that’s the sort of thing that gods do. Limiting yourself to black and white, rather simplistic sigils isn’t going to help you on that path although it certainly works by the same principles. Fuck, they don’t even have to remain static. See them as living breathing thought forms. Make them dance in your head. Get your weird on.
Not an artist? Totally cool, just pick a piece of art you like, assign your own meaning and use that. Possibly designing a more traditional sigil that comes directly from you would be more effective. I honestly don’t know. Experiment. I’ve used art done by others and it has seemingly had the same effect.
On another front, I usually assign a 3 or 4 digit number to mine, so I’m envisioning a sigil and simultaneously a 3 or 4 digit number in concordance with said sigil. Why? Because I read a lot of books about remote viewing when I was younger and it’s been fairly well established that our unconscious minds can pick up on the meaning attached to numbers. Is it necessary? I have no idea. Does it work? Yep. I’ve often written the number next to the intent just like they do with remote viewing targets when saving them to my computer. A lot of spiritual people talk about seeing the same numbers everywhere, and I can tell you, if you sigilize a number pattern, it will start showing up everywhere you look, reminding you that the world is made of imagination rather than matter.
Creating an Altered Head Space and Charging the Sigil
What I never see anyone mention in articles like these is that the best way to create the altered headspace necessary for sigil projection is weed. I have no idea why so many occultists just gloss over this aspect of the practice, but as I’ve learned from blogging, people are really fucking uptight when it comes to pot. You’re a druggie, pot isn’t important. Well, I don’t know dick about Crowley, but Robert Anton Wilson studied his shit pretty extensively and his base assessment of Crowley’s practice (note: I’ve since learned more and think Crowley was a total hack) in the book Cosmic Trigger was that it involved hash based sex tantra. See the first word in that phrase? Yep, that’d be hash. Why is this crucial? Because it intensifies the sexual experience, particularly the orgasmic state. Pot is the most potent sex enhancer we have next to things like Ecstasy and LSD (which work even better), but hey, you’re not going to take those super often are you? Why? Because you’ll fry your brain if you do. Pot is basically harmless and can be used daily if you’re so inclined with far less consequence than even a daily drinking regimen (which does exactly nothing to intensify the sexual experience I’d point out, although it does tend to get people naked).
Oh and hey, pot’s now legal in places like my home state of Washington. I still don’t believe this is necessary because I hate weed. Well, Grant Morrison was admittedly high the entire time he was writing The Invisibles and when he had his “abduction experience”. So was Robert Anton Wilson when he made contact with beings he interpreted as originating from the “Sirius Star System”. Alan Moore starts off The Mindscape of Alan Moore by rolling a joint. Phillip K. Dick’s VALIS transmissions were initially born from high grade hash. If you’re not using weed, you’re not really doing what those guys are or were doing now are you? As such, I wouldn’t necessarily expect the same results.
So, smoke pot and then have sex and visualize your chosen sigil in your mind’s eye while doing so. Doesn’t honestly matter if you’re masturbating or fucking, either way’s good and I do both. Throw on some trippy music while you’re doing so as it helps intensify this head space. Seeing as pot has been illegal forever and the majority of religions spend most of their time focusing on repressing sexuality, you see why this stuff gets slandered as devil worship? It’s the religion of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and let’s face it, we all knew there was something more profound there than going to church now didn’t we? How old timey religions are going to compete with freaks like me in the eyes of the youth I have no idea. Good luck with that.
Projecting Your Sigil
Now I know some of you may be thinking, why is sex so important to this whole process? Good question. Sure, you can cut sex out and do the same type of exercises using meditation or just weed and music (which can work quite splendidly), or dance, or whatever, but you’re not having what Shakespeare referred to as the “little death”. Another way of putting that would be, you’re trying to communicate with entities that exist outside of the human time stream, so you need to get yourself out there so they’ll notice you. The easiest means of doing this is by having an orgasm, and that’s where the projection aspect comes in. You’re projecting your consciousness into their realm. I’ve actually been shown in visions that they actually see these projections as bursting explosions of light from above. Just a few weeks ago I had a transmission re-iterating this where an entity explained to me something to the effect of, “I just checked out your plotline because I was bored and it seemed entertaining.” So if any of these visions have validity, it’s sort of like advertising to them and again, this is why weed helps, it really transforms an ordinary orgasm into an epically subjective time distortion. Man, throw in some LSD (and do this sparingly and ritualistically) and time basically stops. That’s how “they” get in. Try and envision your sigil leading up to this state and to the best of your abilities during, projecting it upward and into their realm. Truthfully I’ve found that I black out a bit during that state and have an easier time focusing on my chosen images during the afterglow of the orgasm. Ride that afterglow to cosmic paydirt.
Just one more note on sex. Doing these things has really made me think about just how sexually repressed we are as a society, and to further this point, as mentioned, the majority of the world’s dominant spiritual philosophies involve a strict regimen of sexual repression, usually stemming from misogyny of some form or another. Yet, why wouldn’t your sexuality be tied to your psychic abilities? I have no idea why this seems so crazy to us. Sex is the primary creative force in the universe lest we forget. We all came from fucking.
Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel
Ahhh, and here’s where that whole communicating with extra dimensional forms of intelligence thing comes in. The thing about supposed aliens is, they’re not aliens, they’re us. They’re the us that exists outside of the human time stream. Why do I think that? Because that’s what they fucking told me. Yep, they showed up in my room one day and explained to me that they are the beings who were communicating with Robert Anton Wilson (hadn’t read his books in years) and that they are also the grey aliens (among other things). They presented themselves to me as (you guessed it) me. Not just me, but an idealized version of me, one that I increasingly resemble every day. The real question behind UFO phenomenon isn’t what are they, it’s what are we?
They’re not from outer space, they’re from outside of time. Totally different shit, and why they’re constantly fucking with the staunch materialists who keep trying to pin them down with their reductionist philosophies. It’s not necessarily trickster phenomenon, it’s their way of saying…colder…cooooooolder…..coooooooooolder. Man they/we have a sense of humor.
So how do you chat with them? Follow the above instructions. After your orgasm, lie down on your back and put your hands on your chest sarcophagus style. Remain as still as you can and let your mind become receptive. Pot intensifies the hypnagogic state, and this is where you can chat with them. When I first started doing this, I went through about a six month period where they were seemingly building a telepathy translation device in my mind (note: this is discussed at length in The Galactic Dialogue I: Occult Initiations). It felt like nightly updates were being installed at speeds I couldn’t remotely comprehend. Then the conversation started. Voices in my head? Yep, they’d rather talk in telepathic subjective metaphor but I don’t always understand that (although I’m getting better), which is why they installed the link which translates the dialogue into human language. While I just admitted that I hear voices in my head, this doesn’t happen in sober states of consciousness, it happens during states of intentionally focused meditation.
Same thing R.A.W. talked about in Cosmic Trigger, and I can do it at will, any time I want really. What’s it like? Well, that’s what the rest of this book is about when you get down to it. On one last note, I should point out that I’ve been somewhat taunted by the spirits on occasion for thinking that what I’m doing is magick. That we would conceive it in this way is hilarious to them. The idea that a combination of sex, weed, and internal visualization exercises can lead to the development of telepathic abilities is something our science has refused to even touch at this point in human history, and that’s not going to change anytime soon. You need to go rogue, get out there, figure it out yourself, and tell the others what you’ve found. Godspeed tripsters.
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