Posted By: Thad McKraken MAY 17, 2016
While reading volume I of this series (here if you missed it) some people might have wondered where the advanced sigil projection title was coming from as I didn’t write much about sigils per se. And that’d be the thing about sigils, I’ve never honestly used them in the way say Austin Osman Spare or Grant Morrison prescribed. I mean, it’s chaos magick, you’re supposed to be putting your own spin on it, customizing your practice to fit your subjective microverse. I took the basics and tweaked it more than substantially, partially based on what I’d read about remote viewing protocol. Both practices involve assigning meaning to symbols (in the case of remote viewing numbers) and the idea that the subconscious mind can pick up on that meaning. Here’s the thing though, when I was in my late teens and early twenties I also read a crap ton of books about alien contactees. It’s funny how these things spiral, and how I got into that was supremely weird and synchronous actually.
I was at the thrift store a few weeks after I’d first had my ontology aggressively reassembled by the super hallucinogen that is psilocybin. So I’m just picking up some new outfits for the weekend while processing all that and for some reason I feel completely drawn to a copy of Whitley Streiber’s Communion in the used book bin. Thing is, I’m looking at it with complete mocking disdain, then I notice it’s only 99 cents so I just have to buy it, as a joke. No really, that’s how effective propaganda is. As an 18 year old I was completely convinced that the idea of the aliens with the giant almond eyes was utterly preposterous. Conformity’s a bitch. Everyone else was acting like it was nuts.
So it was much to my surprise when I actually read the thing. Hmmmm, a lot of what he’s talking about seemed to mirror the multi-dimensional model of reality that had just downloaded itself into me because of the “drugs”. Wasn’t expecting that. As mentioned, these reading jags tend to spiral and still to this day I sometimes stumble on these nuts and bolts UFO theories (or say catch an episode of Ancient Aliens) and am just like, grrrrrrr. What about the hyper-weird spiritual element to it all? This is why we can’t have nice things. Truth? Because of the rut that supposed UFO’ology has been stuck in forever, it’s been probably a decade since I’ve even cracked a book about the topic at all, until just recently when I ran through The Super Natural by Streiber and Jeffrey Kripal. Great book and it reminded me of how much Streiber I’d read as a youth. Guy has more out there sex magick stories than any magickian I’ve ever read myself included, and I’ve seen some beyond far out shit (new channeled book, only a $5 download). Never been raped by a daemon goddess though. Never suckled at the art projective vag of hyperdimensional insect queen and tasted its vision inducing juices. I’d forgotten how unbelievably odd this whole thing with Whitley had gotten so the book was a nice refresher.
What I hadn’t forgotten in all my years of reading various contactee accounts was the somniferous telepathically projecting eyes thing. That story showed up in so many varied accounts it was sort of undeniable. When I started experiencing this in my dream states I wasn’t surprised. I’ve always said the magick is largely about the evolution of language toward telepathy, and what I’m getting at with that is that sigil magick needs to evolve. This is what you’re working toward when you cast your first sigil, which is only a rudimentary first step in a much larger process. What you’re honestly trying to do is get to the point where you can project arty metaphorical thoughts directly into the minds of others as a means of daily communication. I think with any real effort, we could solve this sort of mystery in another 50 years or so, but here’s the thing, I don’t think it’s going to happen in a wholly sober state. I think we’ll find some way to turn on and off a lightly altered headspace which will facilitate mind to mind communication. I love how we never talk about how weird hypnosis is when you get down to it. You read reports of people somehow picking up on the unspoken thoughts of the hypnotist from time to time. God knows I’ve had ESP type shit happen a bunch with my wife. We could figure out a way to hone this process, but opening ourselves up to this stuff will in turn open us up to the reality of the much larger multiverse of consciousness we’re embedded in, which is why we’re so biased against its potentiality.
I don’t hear people say this enough, but what always struck me about supposed “alien” phenomenon, is that it seemingly has a fairly clear cut message at it’s core that not very many people are talking about much. Mainly, that humanity’s future transformative tech is going to arise from 2 emerging fields, genetics and psi. I guess the reason no one talks about this seemingly obvious interpretation of contact phenomenon would be that those are currently quite possibly the 2 most controversial fields of study imaginable. Seriously, the human imagination has limitless untapped potentiality. That’s just science fact. What are you going to say acid doesn’t make you trip balls? Are you saying people don’t have lucid dreams, because it’s sort of been proven that they do. But researching psychedelics was made illegal 50 years ago and getting research into psi anything done is going to get you completely ostracized by mainstream academia regardless of the results. Human cloning is illegal in 30 countries and is widely frowned upon where it’s not. Every time I watch people talking about building super AI I’m like, wouldn’t it be way easier to build super people? It’s like you’re trying to create rudimentary inorganic genetic technology when you could just be tweaking the far superior tech that’s you’re literally made of. Hell, people with zero scientific background made me this impossibly adorable little freak out of a wolf somehow, and they weren’t even splicing DNA:
Think of what other unfathomably weird shit we could pull off if we tried. Which is why I find this interpretation of alien phenomenon even more compelling. It’s like this repressed part of our psychology is reaching into our world and saying, look, this is your future. You idiots have to get over your primitive superstitions in regards to the ridiculous concept of forbidden science. We’re not alien warlords from outerspace, we’re psychedelic geneticists from outside of time. Totally different shit. When I was growing up everyone thought in the future we’d all be traveling through deep space on the regs. It’s what half our sci fi was about. So how’s that working out? Instead we’re looking at pug pictures on our synthetic telepathy phones. Sort of how I feel about this hyper intelligent robot AI stuff. We’ll see how practical that all sounds when the environment goes to shit, which is again, something you read about in contact reports continually, warnings of impending environmental doom if we don’t change course. You could call this shit crazy if it didn’t make perfect logical sense. Hell, what you’re dealing with in alien contact reports is the concept that something’s been calculatedly tinkering with our DNA from the jump, not that there are extraterrestrial warlords coming to kill us.
Again, not that this doesn’t make sense, it just makes a different kind of sense than we’ve been programmed by our culture to accept. Materialism is the yin to the Occult’s philosophical yang (I have no idea why that sounds dirty). When you’re getting into the realms of telepathic communique, you’re never going to understand the complexity of this stuff while thinking in terms of math. You have to look at it more in terms of art. In terms of novelty. In my now decade long pursuit of internal godhood through magick, this is the most continual theme I’ve been presented with. Your guardian entities don’t want to talk down to you, they want you to start talking up to them. To do this you need to learn the subjective and metaphorical language of higher dimensional interconnected narrative. The process starts by receiving and interpreting these visionary downloads. Eventually you should be able to project them outwardly as well. Not something I can say I truly excel at in this point in my development, but I try.
The thing is, your whole life is a metaphorical plot structure communicated to the larger part of yourself that transcends death. In interpreting dreams and visions, you can’t ask what the chosen imagery or scenario means, you have to ask what it means to you. Sort of what annoys me about a lot of dream manuals I’ve checked out. Trust me, the idea that your dreams and visions are meaningless is as wrong as thinking the sun revolves around the earth. It’s that incorrect an assumption (seriously, read my book and see if you still think this). You can in fact understand these things, but you have to learn the language and it’s a subjective language of living art. I always point out that we’ve been rapidly evolving into a half ape/half art hybrid for years now, which is something barely anyone talks about in terms of psychology. Why is that exactly?
So we need to abandon the classic squiggly line sigil thing. Hell, they’re in black and white for Christ’s sakes. It’s like listening to music in mono. My suggestion has always been take a piece of art and assign a meaning to it. Better yet, make a piece of art. If you’re not much of an artist, this is almost an even better exercise as it’s challenging you to use a side of yourself that you probably neglect. Take a cool picture with your phone and run it through some filters. Here’s a cut up piece that I did recently.

With technology, anyone can make competent art these days. The important part is assigning a meaning to the thing, a plot line you’d like to see manifest itself in the flesh. Do that and then fixate on the image continually. Whenever you’re bored at work, or high, or having sex, or meditating. Imagine it as a living breathing entity. Make it dance. Honestly, from what I’ve experienced, the intent to the sigil has far more to do with it’s efficacy than the design by a long shot, which I’ll get to next time. Sigil magick is like designing an alien language to communicate with the part of yourself that exists beyond the veil of death. The director in the 5th dimensional film that is your life.