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DC Talk – Secret Chiefs of the Illuminati?

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

Posted By: Thad McKraken DEC 18, 2014

Oh, the weird shit you find on the internets. To preface this, earlier in the week I quite randomly had a dream that featured the impressively god awful Christian rap group DC Talk (which I wrote about on Facebook, Friend me). In this dream, I was in a classroom where DC Talk showed up to perform. We couldn’t believe our teacher actually thought this was something that we’d find interesting. So we students just mockingly encouraged them all hipster irony style as they did their crappy thing. Didn’t seem like there was a lot of substance to the dream, but upon waking up I realized that the only reason I’d heard of DC Talk in the first place had to do with them being forced on us in Church youth group as a kid. The dream had an incredibly similar vibe. “Hey kids, stop listening to that satanic secular music, these guys are church approved.” Being impressionable and somewhat open to the idea, those of us in the youth group took the tape home and gave it a listen just to discover that, wow, this is the worst rap group ever. Terrible, just terrible. I mean, at the time we were listening to stuff like NWA. I’ve offhandedly made fun of DC Talk ever since.

So, why is this significant? Well, someone on FB mentioned that one of those guys was involved in some sort of sex scandal, and although I couldn’t find any evidence of that whatsoever, what I did find astounded me. Yep, even terrible Christian musicians get accused of secretly being Occultists involved with some sort of shady Illuminati conspiracy. Seriously. That’s how unbelievably paranoid these conservative Christian sex repressos are and why anytime anyone accuses me of being crazy I can quickly point out how unbelievably insane our accepted beliefs in regards to spirituality are. We love to just ignore how Bananas with a capital B this stuff is, but these people vote far more than disaffected Pitchfork reading scenesters, which is a big part of the reason our political system is irreparably fucked and why we’re cutting social services in favor of war. No, a satanic force couldn’t be behind all that. No way. He’s too busy telling musicians what to do clearly.

If you google “DC Talk Illuminati” or “DC Talk Occult” an unbelievable smattering of articles turn up. Here’s one of the better one’s I found regarding DC Talk and member Toby Mac’s solo stuff. They’ve caught a lot of shit for these album covers:

TobyMac has had occultist symbolism for a while now, but out of hope that he truly is a Christian artist, I will give him the benefit of the doubt on some of his past album covers. I will not assume the occultist color themes and the triangle radio tower,with the equivalent of the all seeing eye on top, are intentionally occultist. I won’t judge the “All Seeing Eye” that showed up on DC Talk albums. This of course was before the internet was significant in shining a spotlight on occultist symbolism, so did they think people just wouldn’t know, or did they themselves not realize the similarities?

However, I cannot give the same benefit of the doubt with his current album. It is an in your face occult symbol.

So, does TobyMac agree with all of the occultist on the power of the “mind’s eye?” Is that a Christian belief? No. Christians who know the power of the Pineal Gland, understand that there is a Spiritual Warfare going on, and by opening the “Mind’s Eye” with the use of drugs, stimulants, forms of witchcraft or other methods are opening themselves to being attack by evil spirits like so many stars today. Beyonce claims Sasha Fierce possesses her body on stage, and Nicki Minaj claims that she has several spirits who take over her body.

So thaaaat’s why Nicki Minaj’s music sucks. Got it. I sort of thought it had something to do with the repression of sexuality by the Christian right unintentionally creating an enormous market for overly sexualized music. As Robert Anton Wilson liked to say: imposition of order equals escalation of chaos. Here’s a fun film about the evils of DC Talk:

And another one that’s been watched over 100,000 times:

Editor's note: I could not track down either of these YouTube videos unfortunately.

Unbelievable, and the lesson I’ve learned is, you know that terrible music that gets pushed on you at church? Yeah, even that shit’s too out there for the Christian right. I had no idea. But as an admitted practicing Occultist I can say one thing. Fuck, they’re onto us. Toby Mac is not only a part of a vast Illuminati conspiracy, dude’s the fucking ring leader. He’s the one that brings the child prostitutes to our pot parties. Shit, I shouldn’t be talking about this publicly but I’m now going to let you in on our 3 point plan for world domination:

Phase 1: We’re going to take your guns

Phase 2: We’re going to take your land

Phase 3: We’re going to convert you all to Islam which is the one and only true religion.

Sadly, I’m pretty sure that’s precisely what these people want to hear. My actual take? Well, this is what’s been shown to me in various visionary states of consciousness. There is a conspiracy going on in the mind’s eye of humanity and it involves keeping the population as far away from shamanic or Occult ideas as possible. What do you think that whole story in Genesis about God cursing us for eating the fruit of knowledge is all about? The fruit of knowledge represents materialism and westernized scientific thought in general. The upside down pentagram represents the triumph of materialism over the spirit and if you’ll notice, it was God that cursed us, not Satan. The question is why. Just my two cents but what would I know, I actually live this stuff. Next up on the docket of things to write about, why do conservative people suck so bad at art? Oh, and I’ve been meaning to do a roundup of the worst Occult/Illuminati conspiracy videos on Youtube as well. Holy God are there a lot of them. Stay tuned true believers.


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