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Deja Vu for the Man Who Never Existed

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

11/2/2023 -

I'm time traveling and for some reason I'm visiting my brother who's seemingly doing some sort of work in a Suburban garage. I tell him that since I'm back in time I bought a copy of the first Queens of the Stone Age album and let him know their next two albums are going to be gold. But then you know, the quality drops off. He tells me he's already bought a copy so he's good. To say I understand this would be lying. I mean, is an original printing of the first Queens of the Stone Age album going to be worth a lot some day? I, uhhh. Also, I did in fact buy a copy of that CD on the first day it dropped, completely confusing the dude who worked at the CD store who was baffled by the name I was asking for. Maybe I should have kept the case and not thrown it away when I converted everything to mp3.

In the next scenario we're trying to catch a date rapist/sexual predator. I'm working with this attractive short young white woman with long red hair and bangs. The guy we're trying to catch is this conventionally attractive clean shaven thin white bro with floppy mid length brown hair wearing a stylish blue almost sci fi looking hoodie. She agrees to date him as bait and by the third date, yep. He turns into a total creep. It's almost humorous because he actually says:

"When I buy a woman a basket of fries I expect something."

Which then isn't funny at all when he and his friend pull out these ridiculous sci fi looking guns and throw her on the ground. We're recording the whole thing to take the guy off the streets and that was the point but I am slightly concerned. We have someone on the ground ready to jump in and stop this right?

I'm not sure but now I'm riding a bus. There are 2 attractive women riding the bus both sitting across the aisle from me, one in front of the other in rowed seats. I wonder if they're into me so I keep doing the eye contact thing and yes. Based on the eye contact social queue test they're both staring at me every time I look over. We're doing the dance.

Then shit warps back in time and the same women now have very late 70's/early 80's looking frizzy hair styles but they're still throwing their thirsty glances my way. My entire perception adds a layer of VHS haze to sell the effect.

Then I remember my wife and it's the typical shit where I wonder why the fuck I'm doing this. Eventually we get off the bus and adventures ensue. I wish I remember these adventures. In retrospect I could easily interpret the Queens of the Stone Age thing and time traveling as a commentary on the latent misogyny that still lives inside me, which seems to be a theme lately.

11/3/2023 -

I'm sitting at some sort of cafe and it's like I'm DJ'ing a booze breakfast, but I'm just sitting there reading a newspaper and enjoying my eggs while I put my iTunes on shuffle. This song comes on that's overly excellent. It's this long dirge-y super psychedelic sludge type of thing but not too metally either. I'd forgotten how cool this cut is and obviously it's the last sort of track you'd typically hear in a restaurant while eating breakfast. The feeling of falling into this black hole of stereo sound strangeness in the dream is sublime.

This guy comes over and starts asking about it because he's digging on it so much but he's convinced it's this one band and I'm fairly convinced that he's wrong about that. I can't quite put my finger on who this act is but I'm inclined to think they were friends with The Melvins.

While we're having this discussion I feel a minor tug on my back and a bunch of people start laughing. The woman behind me had just made a joke about whatever logo was on the back of my t-shirt, except that I don't even know what logo is on the back of my t-shirt. The joke was apparently funny though and so I turn over to chat with the gal who made it. She's this quite intoxicated thicc I'd say early 50's looking woman with long black curly hair tied into braids and a small gap between her two front teeth. She obviously foreign (I'd guess Eastern European), tells me she's here on vacation, and in very rudimentary English also informs me she's only here to:

"Get high, party, and be a pest."

She pokes me on the arm as she says this but I'm absolutely not biting. No way.

The next thing I remember I'm getting a transmission that's seemingly coming from an Unsolved Mysteries style paranormal show. It's about a Tacoma man who was found dead in the woods and yet, no one in Tacoma had any memory of him whatsoever. He grew up there, went to school, worked a job for years, etc. The records and the body are there but no one has any memory of the man ever existing. That's it, that's the bit and what's super peculiar is that I feel like I've heard this story before. Deja Vu for the man who never existed.

Now I'm in another gathering that feels like like a funeral without the overwhelming grief. We're all ritualistically looking out a huge window at a ceremonial sunrise. As we're leaving I'm standing up chatting with a few peeps. We're all wearing suits and this short older woman starts grousing at me for blocking her way. I didn't realize I was blocking her way but since she was so rude about it, I sigh as loudly as possible while I slowly clear her a path through the crowd.

She then strikes up a conversation and reminds me that she knows my friend who ended up being a sex creep. She apparently doesn't know and so I'm forced to tell her how he seemingly got his life together to become a high school teacher, then fucked one of his students and thus ruined his life. He's now drinking himself to death apparently. It's a super fun story and I feel bad I'm the one who has to break this news to her.

11/4/2023 -

No dreams tonight for the first time in I believe 8 months but I'm going to have to check. As to why? I had a lot on my mind due to some personal issues and I drank too much. Both of which are related but I must say getting to a point where it's weird that you don't remember any dreams is fascinating.

11/5/2023 -

It's the same thing I was getting last week and obviously inspired by Starfield. I'd say I'm a spaceship hovering over a planet but I'm not. I am space itself looking down on a planet and honestly, I think humans are boring so I'm going to try and create some humans that aren't as boring, which I do. This comes across as this odd bubble like portal on the planet with these weird percolating blue entities in it. In a way these almost come across like blue versions of the M.U.S.C.L.E. figures from way back in the day. That's the impression I take into the waking world and apparently there were in fact blue versions of those M.U.S.C.L.E. figures, which I didn't even consciously remember.

I get the vibes that this project worked and these people are more interesting than your typical boring humans, except in a very different way than what was intended. It is not at all what the designers expected and it's almost like they're slightly disappointed and amused by this development in equal measure. I'm getting the vibe they come across as more wholesome than they were expecting but they have a YouTube show where they give advice and it's great. Totally recommended.

In dreamville I've just gotten back from the airport. Now I'm taking a bus home but it's the typical thing where I'm not entirely sure this bus is the right one that'll take me where I need to go. Now I fall asleep on the bus and go completely lucid. I'm controlling this artic waterway and the water is the deepest blue imaginable. Not like the light powder blue of the M.U.S.C.L.E. figure humans. This water is as deep as deep blue can get and I'm flying around manipulating it with my psi abilities.

Now I'm waking up back on the bus but it's in a bed. I was just lucid and I know something's off here but I'm not grasping it. I went from lucid back to not being lucid very quickly. I look though and it does appear the bus is going to take me back to Ballard.

I'm continually bringing up how I have a very hard time bringing anything back from sober meditation sessions but on this morning I do. I'm told.

"Losing is hard work."


"Your world will continue to fall apart because of it."

That about sums it up. Ahh the capitalist concept of hard work, where you gotta work hard at exploiting others and destroying the planet. It's all a goddamn pyramid scheme and the bottom's going to fall out sooner or later. It's only a matter of time.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!


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