3/31/2024 –
Not gonna lie, this is probably the most boring night of dreams I’ve had in quite some time from a visionary standpoint. First I’m doing the typical thing where my family’s heading home from vacation and it’s taking forever to pack up my shit. In all honesty, it’s like the whole family is taking forever rather than me honestly, and I have to wait.
Now we’ve actually gotten back to the right city and we’re waiting for our shuttle van from the airport when I’m realizing I’ve brought too much shit with me after gathering it all from the baggage claim. It’s going to be very hard to carry all this shit on the shuttle van but wait a minute. The bulk of the stuff I’m taking with me are these large college textbooks. Why don’t I just throw those all away in the airport? Obviously. I start trashing them and this woman I’m traveling with can’t believe it. You can’t just throw those away she protests.
“When was the last time you’ve looked at an old college text book?”
I ask her. Fair point, I maybe kept a few I couldn’t sell from 20 years ago and haven’t looked at them since.
Now, at home, I’ve woken up and want some food before I have to go to work. So I go to the stocked kitchen. I want some cereal but I can’t find a bowl. What the fuck? I can find everything but bowls. Then I have this odd contemplation where I’m thinking about how odd it is to use kitchens you’re not familiar with. My stepmom eventually helps me find one but it’s this small crystal bowl that’d typically hold candy. I guess this will sort of work.
Again, pretty bland. I will mention though that I rarely have sober meditation visions that I remember but on this morning I slip into a state where I’m watching these fantasy tinged painted floating heads in the sky. They’re all bald and made up to look like those classic happy/sad face actor’s masks, painted white with different color pastels around the fringe of their faces. I somehow know intuitively that they’re supposed to represent Greek gods and they are communicating with this overwhelming sort of subjective telepathy as they interact with each other and the humans beneath them, floating around the clouds in the sky.

All of this is very odd and excellent and truthfully the thing that stands out the most is how it’s definitely got fantasy vibes. Fun facts about me: I don’t like fantasy anything. True story. I love video games, fantasy is the most popular genre of video games, and I don’t touch the stuff. I have never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones and I genuinely don’t like The Lord of the Rings. Just not my vibe and yet, I do in fact have a decent amount of fantasy inspired visions despite never ever consuming the stuff, which is def intriguing.
4/1/2024 -
I was going into the office for the first time in a couple months and this influenced my entire night of dreaming. Well, first off, I installed some mods on the video game I was playing before going to bed and this theme permeated my dream states.
They've sort of shown me this before i.e. that the human experience can be modded and for most of the night I'm creating these mods. As for what they do? Well, make me feel like I'm awake all night even though I'm sleeping for the most part. I also feel like I'm existing inside of this glowing bubble. I will say there was a strangeness to it. I'd fall asleep and immediately feel like I was wide awake in a golden bubble while sleeping and I woke up incredibly rested.

As for dreams. I know that I'm going into the office so for some reason I decide to have my brother drop me off at the office the night before. I'll sleep there tonight to prep for tomorrow morning. Except that wait. People at the office would probably think it's a bit weird that I slept there.
How about the YMCA right by the office? I can sleep there for cheap. As I'm relaxing in my cot in a room full of other peeps my brother wakes me up?
"You sure?"
"Yeah, this is cool, I tell him."
He leaves but not long after I'm realizing I haven't been sleeping very well. In fact, it's a fairly crowded room with a lot of other people and I'm one of the only ones trying to sleep. Honestly, this isn't why I'm having trouble sleeping though. I'm just having trouble sleeping and this isn't helping. So I pack up my things and decide to head back to my house.
The next thing I remember is being in this kind of charity thrift store type place, which has really good vibes. Everything seems cool here, then I walk into the other room and realize it's my townhouse. Oh, I run a charity thrift shop thing in my townhouse apparently. That's pretty sweet. There are lots of other dogs here and my pups are getting out of bed to play with them. That's about all I remember.
4/2/2024 –
I’m doing this exercise where I’m illuminating sections of the interior walls in these buildings with yellow light. This is particularly weird because I can’t actually illuminate like an entire room’s walls, just a section of the room and the section isn’t set up in any logical way. What I mean is that there’s a jaggedness to the sections I’m selecting. It’s not like I’m selecting one or two rectangular walls but it’s almost like the way the states are cordoned off by borders on a map. I can choose this jagged weird looking section of wall space (which often extend into other walls), or this one, or this one.

I must confess that I do not understand this exercise at all, but eventually I select a section of my childhood neighbor’s place. Now I’m walking my dogs outside this neighbor’s house while trying to call him on one of those retro cordless landline phones with a green see through exterior. I believe I had a green version of one of these phones back in the day, which is where this imagery is coming from but I’m not entirely sure. Anyway, I’m calling and I’m just getting the “bleep bleep” pause “bleep bleep” busy tone.
I then put the phone down on the ground outside his place and start walking back to my house across the street but since I’m walking by, and since I put up that energy field in one of the rooms in his house, I can peer into the inner workings of his home. When I do, I see the same phone sitting on the floor near the first floor stairs and left off the hook, which is what’s causing the busy signal. Then I think to myself:
“Hmm, I probably shouldn’t have left that phone in the back yard. I should go grab it and bring it in the house for him.”
The same phone that was sitting in his house on the floor off the hook I believe. I gotta be honest, normally the meaning of my dreams is fairly easy to decipher but in this case, uhhh. Pretty cryptic I must say.
A couple other things. While sober meditating the next morning the phrase:
“Neurological Extradition”
Pops into my mind. Again with the cryptic messages but wait there’s more. I leave this meditation sesh with an image of a small circular mirror floating in a blackened void. Is it even a mirror or just a small circular shiny object? Hard to tell. It’s got these precision horizontal line cuts running from the top half of the circle down through slightly below what would be its equator. Why? Not sure but it looks cool. I suppose if you looked in a mirror like this you’d see multiple reflections of yourself. Oh hey, maybe a metaphor that actually tracks.

I love the floating God heads in the sky and it feels like one of the realms I often visit, pastel fantasy colors are what my realms are made of! Also I feel like throwing away the textbooks and not being able to find a bowl (which I feel symbolizes the holding of gnosis, or the mystery) is significant and related!