6/28/2023 -
In hypnagogia there's a glass bottle and it's a weirdly shaped glass bottle. Not like a typical liquor bottle but similar. Tall and angular but also with twisting curves. Anyway, what's important is that there are people inside the bottle and there are freaky next level entities like myself in this scenario outside of the bottle. The entities outside the glass bottle are controlling the entities inside. That's the premise and it's beamed into my consciousness for hours. Typical shit.

Then I slip into a dream within a dream state. On one level of reality, I'm sleeping in my upstairs bedroom in my old place in Ohio and it's the night before Thanksgiving. Tons of relatives are coming to town and I'm hearing the sounds of them arriving while I'm sleeping. But I also keep drifting into another extended dream.
Here I'm in some sort of corporate conference room, except that the general attire of the people attending this meeting isn't corporate at all. It's beyond casual. We're planning something unspecified and we're watching these plans on a TV screen in the front of this wood paneled conference room on the second floor of whatever this building is. When we're all on the same page with the plans, we break up into our separate groups and hit the streets to accomplish whatever this goal was.
I'm with this group of about 5 people and we're going to get to it. Several of the other peeps break off to accomplish a certain piece of this goal and I'm with this slightly overweight, taller balding guy with unkempt hair and a mustache to work on another piece. He has this beat up van that we're going to head out in, but when we do, he wants to make a stop up the block first. Where? At this convenience store. When we get there he points out to me that this place cooks and gives out delicious free chili daily. And hey, wouldn't you know, they totally do. Even in a dream state I wonder how this proprietor makes money giving away free chili at a convenience store but that's neither here nor there.
The guy is clearly a regular and he tells me as much. He stops here several times a week because it's right on the route of whatever job he has. The clerk behind the counter knows him and in chatting with her somehow my name comes up. She's a bit weirded out by this because she's like:
"Thad McKraken? My brother just had a dream about you last night that he went out of his way to tell me about, even though I have no idea who you are. And then you show up and my job. Crazy!"
I agree that this is trippy but we leave the store and are back on our way. Now I'm waking up back in bed again and my little brother has shown up for Thanksgiving and apparently pissed a bunch of people off with his behavior. He comes in to tell me about it but I'm half asleep the entire time and now I'm back under.
We've apparently now convened with the rest of the crew we were working with, who are at least 2 other rocker looking white women covered in tattoos. Our destination is this modern looking classroom and we're not there very long. I don't remember the details of the lesson but we're out pretty quick. We're supposed to be hitting this unspecified venue right by the classroom but as we head over there, a shooting breaks out. Not a mass shooting mind you, but an argument between people leaving an adjacent club that turns into a shooting. We're all sketched out and I try to reconvene at the van, but I can't find anyone. I keep looking but I do not know where the rest of my crew vanished to after this shooting. Also, I'm periodically remembering my pug and wrangling him up throughout all of these scenarios. It's like I'll suddenly remember him and there he is, off leash and needing to be wrangled. I don't think I've mentioned that yet.
And so I go back into the classroom (which is still mostly full) and sit down at a random desk. I'm sitting there for a minute before the guy behind me taps me on the shoulder.
"Hey, are you Thad McKraken? I had a dream about you last night and here you are."
To which I respond:
"Wait a minute, does your sister work at (whatever the hell that convenience store was)?"
Yes, and wow, that is in fact fascinating.
From there I wake up on the night before Thanksgiving again. Steven A. Smith is loudly booming from downstairs and I'm impressed that Steven A. Smith is apparently going to attend our goddamn family Thanksgiving. That's about all I remember.
I'd like to briefly analyze a couple of aspects of that sync though. First, it was as much a precognitive dream as it was a synchronicity which is right in line with my own experiences. It was a precog dream that lead to a sync. Well, two honestly. Also, both sides of it involved unplanned events or behavior. I had no plans of going to the free chili convenience store but somehow there I was. Same deal with sitting right in front of the guy who had the dream. We were supposed to be going to some sort of a show but the gunfire derailed those plans. This is exactly what I've noticed the more I've tracked synchronicities. In my world, they often involve plans changing or anti-structural behavior in general. I'm planning to do one thing, those plans change for unexpected reasons, then the sync hits. If I were trying to glean a lesson from this fun excursion, it'd be that I'm absolutely onto something with all that.
6/29/2023 -
My brother and I decide to go to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3 except that everything about the situation is off. It's like this huge stadium sized theater and no one is really being quiet for the movie. In fact, the screen keeps appearing in different places. First it's in the front of the joint. Then it's to the side of us. We keep switching seats as well. After a while it feels like I've been watching this movie for hours and haven't seen anything.
At one point I realize that I left my shoes at one of the other seats we were sitting in and fuck, we have to walk a mile or so home so that's going to be problematic. I eventually find them and shortly thereafter wake up in another dream, where? Back in my old basement apartment, one of my most common recurring dreams. I wake up on the couch and immediately realize I shouldn't be here. I hear someone vacuuming outside the door and am like: fuck, fuck, fuck.
But now I'm in another dream state taking a bus downtown and honestly it's the same situation as a week back. I'm taking the bus to work but realize I didn't bring my computer so I have to head home. Here I'm in one of my other more common dream situations where I'm trying to catch the right bus and I'm looking at my phone but none of the information will stick.
Eventually this guy I supposedly know shows up at the bus stop with his white sedan that looks like an old Saturn honestly. And old white Saturn. We go shopping at some warehouse looking thrift store for a while but he can't find what he wants. Then as we're heading out he nearly hits a bridge overpass, then backs up and right into a river. I'm now looking back at the surface from underwater as we're sinking into the depths. It's honestly way blacker than it should be given the time of day and you know what? For some reason I'm not even worried about this. I'm not even going to try and get out of the car and swim to the surface because on some level I know I'm dreaming.

But when I wake back up in my old basement apartment again, I suddenly don't. It's the same old:
"Crap, what am I doing here?"
Routine. Then the new tenant walks in from the other room.
"Oh shit, sorry man. I know I told you this would never happen again."
He's this average looking thin black dude with super short hair but not totally shaved in a plain white t-shirt and sweats. He's slightly annoyed but understanding.
"Like, what the fuck? I'm so sorry. How the fuck does this keep happening? I don't even understand it but I'm so sorry. My wife isn't even here and she's normally the one that's pulling us back here? I don't even know how this happened."
He's very very cool about the whole thing and as I'm leaving I tell him I owe him a favor. What does he want? For me to play Spades in his group game on Sunday. Done deal. I have never played Spades in my life.
Here I wake up and am sort of annoyed with how obvious the lucidity triggers in this scenario were. The last time I had a series of dreams where I woke up in my old place it occurred to me how obvious this all is. I know something's off immediately. Why can I only embrace that on rare occasions? When I was sinking to the depths I absolutely knew that I was dreaming as well on some level.
But I have an hour more to sleep so I do manage to get back under. I'm back in the old pad yet again, but it is my wife who summoned me this time. Same old routine.
"Honey, we can't be here. We don't live here anymore."
She's not buying it as per the usual. In fact, I believe almost to shut me up she starts initiating sex. As I'm caressing her naked flesh in the bathroom on some level I once again know that I'm dreaming but still can't quite snap out of it. My exact thoughts as my fingers playfully paw at her curves are:
"This all feels so real. Just like in waking life."
You'd think that'd be a clue but no. As we proceed into the bedroom we open the door to realize that the new tenant and his boyfriend were asleep in the bed the whole time. They think the whole thing is hilarious and my wife runs away desperately trying to cover up her naked ass. This is finally the thing that makes me go lucid, but it really isn't as I just sort of warp back into another corner of the apartment and it now looks totally different. Finally I know.
I walk back into the bedroom which is decked out with some fairly bitchin' cabinetry I might mention. Sweet lucidity. Time to phase through the window and explore and wow. There is some fucked up huge street long open air mall right outside encased in a large wooden infrastructure. As I fly through it I go out of my way to check out some of the finer details of the environment a part of my unconscious seems to be spontaneously creating. There are colorful circus tent style ceilings in certain places. One shop (that seems to be free) is offering a shelf of weird porcelain rabbits. A thicc white woman in I'd guess her late 40's with brown curly in a sort of faux carnival outfit replete with an odd hat with a huge scribbled on piece of paper popping out of it is wandering around with a large book full of celebrity quotes.
"Does anyone want a celebrity quote?"
I track her down. Yes. Give me one of these quotes you speak of. What's the quote?
"Hello from Funland."
I did not recognize who the celebrity was that was being quoted but I did recognize that it was a message from the other side. We're always here, hiding from you. Shortly after this I did realize that I need to leave and sadly, I was right as I had slightly overslept.
