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Dreams You Can Taste

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

6/11/2024 –

I’m in this odd situation where a bunch of us are holed up in the same sort of bland communal living space and we’re like cosplaying as the X-men or some shit. I don’t entirely get it either honestly, but at one point these women enter the main room and indicate that Storm is injured and on the edge of death. This one younger dude steps up and is like, I’ll hold her while this other person tries to revive her.

Then I interject and point out that since I have psi abilities, they’ll need my help. The younger dude is annoyed with this because he thinks I’m stepping on his turf or whatever but I’m all:

“I have psychic abilities, this is what I do.”

They bring her in and start working on getting her back to our world while I sit by the wall near them with my hands in a praying steeple configuration. I’m meditating and eventually the woman who’s in charge of the operation states quite plainly that I’m the one who brought her back, according to Storm herself. I served as the beacon that beckoned her back to our world. We then head to the other room and the guy who was upset is all:

“So you are psychic, huh?”

 And I’m like:

“Uhhh yeah, I’ve been trying to tell you that for a while now.”

All of this is very odd because it seems very D & D cosplay so how a demonstration in this venue would convince him, I haven’t a clue. He is just a kid though and truth: I feel like I really leaned into the cosplay thing, which absolutely sold it.

Anyway, in the next sitch I’m having like a beer drinking/game watching party with 3 or 4 of my friends at my old basement apartment and of course, midway through I’m wondering why the fuck I’m in my old basement apartment. It doesn’t make any sense and eventually the guy renting it comes back. He’s totally cool about the whole thing but we do jet.

I walk out the back door and immediately walk into the front door of this other house that’s directly behind it in this scenario. The second I open the door I go lucid. What in the fuck am I even looking at? It’s this labyrinthine arty wood paneled maze. Like, none of it even makes any sense from an architectural standpoint at all. I’m not even sure how one would conceivably navigate through such a scenario but it looks so cool. Also, there’s just this intuitive sense that even though it looks impenetrable, I could get through no problem. As if it’s made specifically for someone like me.

As I test this theory, I find that it is. All of the angular cut architecture shifts itself around me, conforming to my movements almost like a cenobite puzzle box. This is far cooler than I can really elucidate with written language and at a certain point I stop and contemplate the nature of all the wood paneling in my dreams. I truly do think it’s reminding me how humanity is tethered to a larger natural reality. I mean, where does wood come from exactly, you know? As I’m staring at these glorious patterns of stained cut maze lumber I’m thinking to myself:

“Is that it? Is that the metaphor or is there more to it?”

I’m kind of thinking there’s more but eventually I find myself out of the living wood labyrinth and into a completely normal looking dinning room. I’m just sitting there confused and there’s this older white woman with gray hair tied up into a bun in the kitchen and she’s all like:

“Let me make you some pizza.”

Sure, all right. So she brings me over a couple slices. If I’m being honest, they don’t look particularly good but whatever. The odd thing though is that I know that I’m dreaming the entire time. In fact, I’m marveling at how I can taste things just like I would in waking life in this state. The pizza doesn’t look great but it tastes just like pizza. That’s basically the experience which is honestly very trippy due to the lucidity.

Eventually I somehow head back to the basement apartment. My wife is now there and it’s this thing where we’re trying to get all our shit out of the place, which is a way bigger task than expected. I’ve somehow lost the awareness that I’m dreaming at this point and the whole thing seems incredibly familiar but I can’t put together why. 

On a psi note: out of nowhere, literally the next day my wife asked me to grab some pizzas when I was at the store for dinner. I do not recall a single time when she has made pizza on a weeknight like ever. Def pre-cog.


6/12/2024 –

I wake up in the middle of the night in a dream state and I’m in the high-rise scenario. I have to go to the bathroom but the bathroom in my condo area is currently occupied by someone else. This leads me to remembering that there’s another shared bathroom out in the hallway, so I head out to use that one.

When I do, wow. It has this unbelievably amazing view of the skyscrapers and the highway beneath them. It’s like the view from downtown looking east at I-5 near the convention center but I mean, holy shit. Hyper-intensified. I’m taking a piss and looking at this like:

“Holy crap that is the most sci fi looking shit imaginable.”

The way it seems like a million cars are jetting by in an instant is downright otherworldly.

“This is the most amazing view in any bathroom I’ve ever encountered.”

I’m thinking to myself as I’m finishing up. Oh, and also there’s like free leftover dessert in the bathroom area as well so I grab a plate. This is fascinating because for the second night in a row there’s an emphasis on how I can absolutely taste things in dreams and this desert has an incredibly distinct flavor and texture. The best way I could describe it would be like a red velvet cake combined with liquified cookie dough. Not a cake but sort of a thick lumpy pudding. Very unique and delicious, although the texture is a bit strange, and no. I do not believe I have had anything like this in the waking world ever.

As I’m taking a few bites of this deliciousness and heading out of the bathroom I’m realizing there are like 10 women in I’d say their early 50’s on exercise mats completely naked. It’s like a naked yoga class or something and I’m trying very hard not to creepily gawk as I walk back to my room. When I do get back, I’m telling my brother about the free dessert and naked women. We discreetly take a peek out our window to sneak another look. The sun seems to be coming up.

The other thing that’s weird here is that I wake up quickly after this and am legitimately confused.

Like, I just went to the bathroom. That was in a dream? Apparently yes because I still have to pee.

When I get back under, we’ve now gotten up and are eating breakfast in this huge windowed dining room that seems to be on at least the 20th floor of the same condo complex. I’m with a couple other unidentified peeps and we’re eating by ourselves but decide to switch tables for unknown reasons. As we grab this other open table all these unknown people intentionally switch tables to sit next to us, which I think is odd.

As we’re finishing up, this woman who was sitting next to me flirtatiously tells me to e-mail her and hands me her card. I find this strange because I was sitting right next to her the entire time and we didn’t exchange a single word. In fact, I somehow didn’t even get a look at her as she handed me her card. Also funny that someone would request e-mail in this sitch in this day and age. Anywho, I’m asking around the table like, was that the short cute pale woman with strawberry blonde hair? I do remember getting a look at her and she was very attractive. I think that’s who that was.

The question is answered as we head back to another communal apartment for a get together and she just shows up. I go over to the table to chat with her and explain that I’m married, which doesn’t phase her at all. Long story short? She does manage to seduce me but I don’t remember the sex much, which is typical. I can taste food and feel bodies in dreams but there very rarely is any charge to a sexual experience. I definitely get the impression this dream was forcing me to contemplate this to an extent.

6/13/2024 –

I’m back in the crappy suburb where I grew up in Ohio and I’m hanging out with a woman I used to date in high school. I do not remember anything about what happens here other than that at one point we head out. We decide we’re going to walk up “the strip” as it were and this gets pretty weird. It’s like a hyper-exaggerated version of a lifeless suburb. Just bland ass strip mall chain stores as far as the eye can see and it’s almost like one of those circular imaginary theoretical future space stations that were envisioned when I as a kid. Reality seems to be warping upward in a repeating loop of boring consumerist mundanity.

“Yep. This is where I come from.”

I think to myself.

In the next scenario it’s like I’m on a fancy cruise. A lot happens here including one scene that illuminates my dad’s strange sense of humor while he’s chatting with a woman at a bar but in a way that’s tough to explain. Later I’m getting sucked up in this James Bond adventure that I’m supposed to be embarking on that includes Hayley Atwell. Hayley Atwell is certainly sweetening the pot here and I’m pretty excited about this this Bond style adventure, although, she was in Mission Impossible, not Bond now that I’m thinking about it.

I’m supposed to take a shower and get back with them and I head to the communal shower area which is sort of like one of those beach shower stations. I’m putting my things in a locker getting ready to go when this other balding white guy with all gray hair and a beer gut hanging out of his open button down short-sleave shirt darts into the shower in front of me. I sort of look at him like:

“I was just getting ready to use that.”

But he’s all:

“Well, I technically got here first though, didn’t I?”

Ugh. Whatever, it shouldn’t take too long. Except it does. He doesn’t seem like he even has any plans of using the shower at any point in the near future. In fact, he somehow starts cooking meat on his grill instead. I’m standing there rolling my eyes before I go over like:

“Dude, you’re not even showering. Let me cut in front of you and get in a quick rinse. It’ll only take a couple of minutes and you won’t even be done cooking your food yet.”

He agrees to this and that’s about where the dream cuts out. One more scenario though. Here I’m sitting in a 50’s style diner with a couple of unidentified people. Here Comes the Hot Stepper comes on the radio and I somehow know the guy to the right of me is from Florida so I ask if they make him “Jeb step” there.

Everyone thinks this is funny because the concept of Jeb Bush dancing seems funny for unknown reasons and the next thing I know, the diner is freaking packed.

As I’m fading out of sleep I’m greeted with a vision of a fishing pier on a remote lake. No one else is around. It’s very calming.


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