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Elongated Cartoon Heads

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

10/30/2023 -

At this point there is so much going on in my dream life that it's getting increasingly difficult to remember all of it honestly. This night starts off with an insane vision. I'm looking at 2 elongated cartoon heads. One is orange and has an elongated chin and mouth. The other is blue and has an elongated skull. The one with the elongated mouth is apparently great at opera singing. The one with the elongated skull can store tons of semen in its enormous head. In looking at these two options, I determine that the one with the cum storing mind is the better one.

Now a dream that I'm watching a Las Vegas Aces game in this utterly bizarre surrealist stadium. I've got these circular red metallic race car box seats and the game is about to start. The crowd is getting increasingly fired up and my friend has just arrived. He's trying to catch me up on what's been going on with the team and I'm like:

"Dude. I was at the last playoff game and you weren't."

And I was. I can remember it clearly and this is what I was just getting at. I remember the whole thing, the feeling, the crowd going bananas in unison and yet? I do not recall any of it now that I'm awake. I'm only pulling back glimpses of the action into this realm.

Now we're going on a vacation at this pool resort. That seems to be all that it is. A hotel resort on top of this enormous indoor pool. My brother is with me and it's like he and his friends have decided they're going to rob us when we leave our rooms to go grab food. Except that I hear him planning this so I know exactly what he's doing. I'm not worried.

The next thing I know I'm in a public park, that seems like Central Park honestly. I'm Jerry Seinfeld and I'm walking behind this tall black guy with dreads wearing all black athletic wear. He's behaving in such a manner that I know he had anal sex with his girlfriend the night before. I'm a good15 feet behind him as I'm making this observation and I have no idea how I am. Is there like a secret walk I learned on the internet that's code for I-had-anal-sex-with-my-girlfriend last night? I have no idea how I know or why I'm thinking this but the guy somehow feels that I am, turns around to confront me and I'm like:

"Did you have anal sex with your girlfriend last night?"

And he's like:

"Well, yeah."

He's not thrilled that I noticed but also not angry enough to continue the confrontation. He just sort of walks away and the perspective shifts back to me as Jerry Seinfeld and I'm doing the shrug my shoulders gesture. OK then.

Now I'm back at the pool resort. Honestly I don't entirely understand the concept of a vacation that revolves around a large indoor pool but as I'm touring the first floor facility I'm becoming sold. It's just a giant ass pool in a large totally white walled and floored pool room. I'd be worried about crowds but currently there's only one person using it. Looks like there are tons of hot tubs as well. I, uhhh, I suppose I could make a vacation revolve around an enormous pool now that I think about it.

Later in a meditative trance I'm creating these whistling sounds by touching my tongue to certain parts of my cheek. I get the impression there is some metaphysical application to these whistling sounds, but I have zero clue what that might be.

10/31/2023 -

More adventures with the crackling energy kid. He invites me to this party to do the trick I'm supposed to do. I show up and we initiate the process where he summons the crackling energy and then I ride it, but it only sort of works. I start rocketing around the room and jumping everywhere and it's like I'm sort of on the backs of the party guests in a way. I'm walking around on the shoulders of the people on various floors of the party, navigating through the place while never touching the floor but only flesh.

But it fizzles pretty quickly and both of us are sort of disappointed, except we knew this was a possibility. I posit that the last time we really got this trick to work I was very very drunk. I've only had a couple of drinks this time because honestly there's only so much drinking my body can handle. If that's what it takes, then I can't really do it on command, you know? It's just not worth the wear and tear.

Neither one of us know but what seems different here is that the crackling energy kid very much planned this event and invited people to check it out. When it's happened in the past, it's seemed more spontaneous. Most of the time I seem pick up on the energy and wander into it, causing the chain reaction where it massively spreads. I was told years ago the trick was only going to work a few times before the predictability of it would prevent it from working in the future. If you could predict when it would happen and replicate it, then it'd be boring sort of vibes. Anyway, that's it, that's the only thing I remember from this entire night of dreaming really.

11/1/2023 -

A night of boring recurring dreams. I'm out doing something with a friend and now I'm heading home but I accurately remember to go to my actual place and not the old basement apartment. And yet, just in thinking about it, we somehow end up at the old basement apartment anyway. It seems pretty run down and while we're heading out I can tell it's slated for demolition. This is fascinating because the last dream I had in this scenario I learned that the place was going to get torn down, which I'd completely forgotten. Here I'm being reminded. There's a consistency to it.

Now it's the "I'm on a trip to some sort of college town with college friends" recurring dream. We're hanging out at one spot, then we head over to another pad. It's early and we're essentially just waiting around to party later (a sensation I'd completely forgotten honestly) and wow is it boring. We're just watching a bad movie on television. The movie is so boring I can't even track it but it seems like an action comedy vehicle. I don't care. I try to call the other group to see if they're doing anything more interesting but before I call I remember that they aren't. This is it. Watching a bad movie is seemingly the only option to pass my time and honestly, this very much reminds me of my actual college experience. Sad but true.

Later we're finally getting ready to go out and of course, I can't find anything to wear. This is particularly frustrating because I just bought several new shirts at the thrift store but what the fuck? Did someone actually steal my new shirts? I keep digging through piles of clothes and I can't find them. The only one I can find is one of my least favorite shirts. I'm about to settle on it but then I can't even find that. Then I wake up. This scenario def seems like a fairly new recurring dream but wow have I gotten a lot of it lately.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!


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