4/6/2023 -
First the most inane hypnagogic vision I've had in a while. My brother is making pancakes in my old apartment and he's explaining to us that we have to be careful when we pass the syrup to the people in the other room who are eating the pancakes. Since the syrup has to be passed over the refrigerator for some reason, we have to make sure there is someone on the other side of the fridge waiting to catch the syrup. Why? Because it's a glass syrup bottle and it might break if it's dropped to the floor, spilling syrup all over the carpet. I got nothing with this one other than that it was an old style like Aunt Jemima bottle. We did stain that exact carpet with something years ago. I don't even remember what. I think booze. Maybe some sort of commentary on passing shitty traditions on to new generations? Even I feel like I'm stretching with that one. Maybe it's precog of some variety.
Further on down the road I find myself arriving in a new destination. This is the new locale where I'm supposed to be working on whatever new project it is that I'm working on. We arrive in like a charter bus in some sort of small seemingly American town in the middle of farmville. My brother has to hang here to track down our tour bus or whatever sort of transportation we need to embark on this mysterious adventure. I head into the city to scope out some mystery locale. I'm hanging outside of the place I'm supposed to be checking out and am repeatedly informed that I'm in a very sketchy neighborhood and need to be careful, particularly about flashing any sort of what might appear like a valuable item as it might get jacked. I have to wait outside this I'd say average sort of looking small tan building for a while.
When they finally let me in I realize it's a music store and it's supposed to be our new practice space. But what's super odd is that it looks like your typical mom and pop music store with instruments hanging everywhere. There's another band just chilling in the middle of the space all sitting down on those classic silver metal folding chairs while running through the final minutes of their practice. This is our space too that we're now sharing with them apparently, right in the middle of the music store. I even comment on the lack of walls. Like, every other practice space I've ever had has involved walls to dampen the sound but whatever. If y'all want to watch us fuck it up in practice have fun with that.
I then walk away and sit down to wait for my brother to show up and at this point I'm made aware of my new bandmate, who's this striking short thin young white woman with over-gelled mid-length brown hair wearing maybe a bit too much eyeliner. I'm sitting in front of her and out of nowhere she starts rifling through my pockets and backpack from behind, to which I turn around and am like:
"What the fuck? Look, if I'm going to be working with you I need to know that I can trust you!"
That's about all of the dream that I can remember.
In the morning though I have about the most bafflingly mind blowing synchronicity imaginable. Beyond a synchronicity honestly and more into dream pre-cog/life lucidity territory. So the other night when I went lucid, I found myself sitting under these blossoming deciduous trees. I actually contemplated this for a spell mainly because the imagery was so specific and I honestly didn't remember if there were trees like that near my old place at all. Fast forward to this morning when I'm walking my dogs. There's a tall thin old man wearing a neon green city worker jacket coming up behind me slowly on the sidewalk but my dogs are sniffing around and he's catching up. I step aside to let him pass, he's says hi to my dogs, then looks up and says:
"Enjoy the blossoms."
And with that, I look up and realize I'm standing beneath the exact sort of trees that I found myself sitting under in the lucid dream two nights prior. The main thing is though, I never in a million years would have noticed this if a random man hadn't walked passed me and pointed it out. Ahh, to go lucid in a waking state.