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Everything's Cool Because I Say It's Cool Sergeant

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

3/22/2024 –

I’m on Beacon Hill and I decide to do this thing that I do where I create these odd invisible living beige cloud structures and coast down the hill on them. Sledding down the hill on psychic energy clouds that sort of look like poofy balls of dough. Of course. I do remember quite a few different variations of this over the years.

It all seems pretty standard until I’m now in a fancy classroom face to face with my odd Invisible College addiction. Shit. What the fuck is wrong with me exactly? Why do I keep obsessively taking these classes? I am supposed to be remembering my dreams. Do I? Yeah, the sledding on invisible dough clouds thing. I do remember that at least. The experience of trying to remember your dreams in a dream? Always exquisitely mind bending. I’m also noticing how high end the classroom is when the professor calls me out in front of the everyone for my performance on the last assignment. It looks like I got a 65% or some shit but I can also see all the rest of my prior grades and I’m still solidly in B territory when it averages out. All I have to do is get like a D on the final assignment and I’ll still pass.

I’m pretty whatever about it until the prof starts going all bonkers with these ridiculous theatrics. Oh good fucking Christ this sucks. He’s getting so over the top and stupid. It’s a lot and when it’s getting to be too much he warps into this other penned in enclave in the class. It’s now fucking unbearable and the thing is, I genuinely got the impression the guy was hurt by my last shitty grade. Because of this, I’m thinking about quitting the class right before finishing just to insult him further, on account of the increasingly over the top spectacle he’s presenting us with. I mean, fuck this guy.

In pulling into a liminal state though, I’m told that this would be a fairly bad idea and also that this has to do with politics, which I did in fact infer. The way the professor was morphing into these spineless dipshit orators certainly implied as much.

The next thing I know, I’m in another Invisible College scenario. I’m downstairs and it’s like this evil red villain mean girl person activates her powers and starts terrorizing peeps. She’s starting to wreak havoc in the lobby of this campus building I’m in and I flee to the upstairs window. Here’s where it gets interesting. As I’m standing by the window I’m about to open up and fly through, I’m well aware this is the right strategy. It’s like a video game and once this mean girl bitch is in the open world environment, it’s going to be incredibly easy to take her out. Like, no problem. I’m slightly concerned about her getting to me before I get out the window though.

Now I’m flying around the campus. It’s a gorgeous day and suddenly everything is presented in these Harry Potter metaphors, which I’d say is weird because I’m not an HP fan at all but I mean. Wizards in training. It’s not hard to read and even though I’ve escaped into the open world I still don’t really give a shit about the threat but now I see my younger brother and his friends flying off to try to deal with the sitch. He’s this good looking younger white kid with and angular jaw and short dark brown hair parted on the left.

 “Oh god.”

I think to myself. He has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and I could take care of this christofascist witch twat without breaking a sweat.


And so I fly off and this is goddam awesome. There is quite an amazing semi-lucid super hero battle scene that I don’t entirely remember, other than having my mind blown by how excellent it was at the time. Once again, I almost feel like I’m not supposed to remember what I did to vanquish this chick, possibly because it’s a bit too gruesome.

It wasn’t hard though and after I’m done I’m flying back into this campus building. This lady is giving me shit about not being able to use the changing rooms because I’m not a student or something. I just ignore her and then come out as my secret identity, who’s this sci fi punk rock looking young woman with shoulder length pink hair. This is how I learn that I have a secret identity. I throw the woman my used super hero clothes as if it’s her job to wash them.

Oh yeah, did I mention the older Army sergeant dude? I feel like that was pretty important. He was summoned at essentially the exact moment the red witch threat materialized and he had some sort of shady interest in it. He was also essentially tasked with stopping it though and I just did his job for him so he’s got jack to say to me. He does want to talk though.

After getting up and getting back under, I do in fact have this meeting with the slightly shady general dude and everything is super chill vibes there. Why? Well, partially because he knows I saved his ass and partially because I’m intentionally glamouring him with my blue smoke powers. Sweet, sweet, calming blue smoke. Such pleasant meditative persuasions. Everything’s 100% cool because I say it’s cool, Sargent. You understand now.

3/23/2024 –

I’m scanning these potential lesson plans for this new class that I’m taking, which involves incarnating into these similar but substantially varied worlds. This looks like a spinning portal screen with a black and white globe inside and when you spin the globe the scenes rotate. All of them look like a black and white map of planet earth but each time it spins you can see the topography change, sometimes subtly, sometimes not.

It’s then explained that the point to this exercise does have a bit to do with randomness and responding to chance. As such, you definitely want to prepare for the worlds you’re going to incarnate into but you can’t actually plan too much. It spins and you have to go where it lands, so there’s only so much you can prepare for as sometimes preparing for the wrong things would actually be hurting you. Do I have to incarnate into an absolutely batshit realm it seems like there was no real way to prepare for? Of course. Obviously that’s what happens.

After getting up and back under I’m now pulling out of a dream situation where my wife is talking about a cleaning job she had once in the lower realms.

“They made me do odd stuff that was far outside of what would typically be expected and forced me to obsessively document everything. Way beyond the letter of the law.”

I can understand why they would want everything documented on some intuitive level. Strange new worlds to psychically inhabit for sure.

Later in the night I’m going to a basketball game on a sunny day in what feels like an alternate dimension version of a modern Southern California small city. When we find the court the game has somehow moved. I’m with another guy and gal who want to check out the updated locale but I’m realizing it’s 4:30am in the morning. I mean sure, it’s bright ass daylight outside but I’m fairly sure I’m supposed to be waking up a 6:30am, so I probably shouldn’t be getting involved in hoops related shenanigans.

Wait a minute though. Oh yeah, I’m dreaming. I go lucid for a bit and the primary thing I can truly remember about this sitch is that it’s fun and at one point I see a neighborhood kid who died young in a classroom at the Invisible College. I have clue how to react to this or what to make of it other than I’m on the other side. I quickly try to manipulate my environment like a god which works but also jars me awake pretty quick. Should have tried some of the advanced techniques. Why is this so hard to remember?

3/24/2024 –

This all starts with a continual hypnagogic transmission about how I have to program this level of reality with this segment of what’s essentially code that’s all these capital letters, mostly consonants. More details were given on the specifics of what this all caps code entails here and I wish I remember them, I really do.

Then some vignettes.


-  I’m being gifted this red athletic looking jacket. It’s one of the ones with the slick shiny exterior. Sort of like a letterman jacket but in looking it up I believe baseball warmup jacket is what these things are typically called, although this one doesn’t have the striped collar or buttons. It’s like a combination of a letterman jacket and a baseball warmup jacket. This seems like some type of award or key to the city shit. This shiny red athletic jacket has been bestowed upon me.

- I’m out to eat with this woman I haven’t hung out with in at least a decade and the implication is that her husband and my wife are both out of town. Everything is going fine here but we’re eventually summoned away by this woman’s mom. We head back to her house and her mom is informing her that her other friend has not only just had a child but also wants to meet up for bowling tonight. Since it’s so last minute, she’s very much on the fence about going to this bowling event but I’m all:

“If you don’t have anyone to go with, I’ll head with you. I haven’t actually gone bowling in years.”

She’s still on the fence but it occurs to me that this bowling event would be the perfect place to wear my new shiny red jacket. Also the all caps computer code thing is somehow related to this situation and the red jacket.


-  I’m in some scenario where I’m sitting with a bunch of other peeps in a cafeteria type room and it’s also like a cooking show I guess. Everyone sitting in the cafeteria space is told they can order anything they want off this extensive menu and I choose the fancy seafood sandwich. Then I go and watch the chef prepare it. Even he’s like:

“I’m gonna be honest, this is a pretty elaborate dish.”

He’s cramming all these different types of sea creatures into the thing, (some of which are completely alien I might point out) and smothering them with lots of tomato sauce. I’m joking about how clearly I made the right choice as it’s obviously pretty tough to make and not something you get a chance to eat every day. I’m also aware that my stomach is slightly queasy on this day (probably from drinking the prior night) and I’m wondering if a sandwich with tons of exotic seafood in it was the best option given those circumstances.


-  We all hear the stunning news that Dave Grohl has died. It’s not just that he’s died that’s significant though, it’s how. Apparently one of his daughters had been kidnapped by some hostile foreign entity or pirates or something and were holding her on this ship in the middle of the ocean. Because of this, DG figured he was going to go all action hero and rescue her himself.


We then see this footage of him being dropped into the ocean on a helicopter and making his way into the ship through a hatch on the bottom of the boat. Now we’re watching him crawling through the vent system or whatever it is to try and sneak up on his daughter’s captors. As we’re watching this (and I have no idea who we are, seems like everyone on the internet basically), we’re all collectively thinking:

“Holy shit, the guy really does think he’s an action hero or some shit. Crazy.”

And we of course know that he died in this mission shortly after this footage we’re watching. Crazy indeed.


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