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Finally Ready for Adventure

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

2/11/2024 –

Wouldn’t you know? I’m at some sort of hotel with my family and struggling to pack up everything so we can finally head out. Pretty much the most common dream scenario I run into. In this situation, the one difference is that I keep looking at the clock and being all:

“Jesus, who the fuck waits until 11pm before checking out of a hotel?”

Who indeed. There is one other variation on the theme here, which is that somehow now I’m at a party at a modest white house rather than the hotel and there’s some sort of football game afoot. We’re in the back yard when I realize that wait a minute. There’s barely anyone left here and I doubt they even care. We have the ball, it’s our down and we can easily win this thing with a touchdown. So I call this play where I hand it off to the hefty looking I’d say early 50’s looking black guy on my team.

“Here, you take the ball and we’re all going to block for you.”

But we don’t really. I just head into the house with one other dude and am like:

“Are you all even going to try and stop us from getting out of the house? You can but we’re going to block you into the walls.”

It doesn’t seem like there’s going to be any resistance and we make it out the front door which is apparently the touchdown we needed. Everybody just sort of forgot about the game until we brought it back up and won. Ahh, the dreams you have after watching the Super Bowl.

Then I’m back in the hotel scenario, once again pondering who the hell checks out of a hotel at 11pm but I do finally realize something odd, which is that I live here. Everyone else is leaving and I’m going to pretend like I’m leaving, but I’m then just going to come right back because one of the rooms here is mine. OK then.

Then one additional scenario. I’m wandering around what seems like a small college town with a couple other unidentified people. We’re using our odd telepathic powers to scan all the rooms of these student filled houses looking for people who might need the use of my unique talents. What are these talents? Well, I can draw a very flattering black and white image of pretty much anyone. We’re scanning all these houses to find someone who would benefit from these talents and the images we’re getting back are these black and white profiles of people in their rooms. How can this ability be put to good use? Who could use a very flattering black and white drawing of themselves? That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Very odd.

2/12/2024 –

While pulling out of a trance the prior night I was told something in reference to:

“Family therapy.”

This night’s dream seemed to be in tune with that, just like last night’s. I’m at our old house back in Ohio and it’s packed for some sort of family gathering. Everyone seems fine with this, except me, as I apparently don’t have a room. They just forgot to give me a room and even though it’s the morning and it’s light outside, there’s nowhere to sleep as the whole place is packed with bustling people. I’m obviously annoyed by this because I have to work later in the day. So for quite a while I’m just wandering around, trying to find a place to sleep and very irritated that this was an oversight.

That’s really it and none of the specifics are honestly worth mentioning, except that eventually I do come around. I head down to the packed basement and it’s one of those scenarios where tons of people are playing video games on multiple systems and screens in the same room and I’m cool with it (it’s also the second time this scenario has presented itself in the last week). Like, I could get into this I suppose.

Now I’m on another type of vacation without my family and I’m searching for my room. There are multiple compounds in the snow capped mountains and as I’m locating the correct one I’m realizing that I’ve packed all my bags in these 2 bass cases. So I’m just rolling up into whatever vacation situation this is, with 2 bass guitar cases, one in each hand, ready for the adventure.

The odd thing is that I know what the bass case metaphor means as it was shown to me just recently.

2/13/2024 –

I’m picking up this mental radio signal about these women doctors struggling with the increasingly strict and ridiculous anti-abortion legislation in their state, followed by a declaration in my head:

“People don’t need to follow politics.”

Need being the operative word there and that in a nutshell is exactly the problem. Most people can in fact go through their entire lives not paying any attention to politics whatsoever, or participating in any way. Fuck, progressives Seattleites can’t even be bothered to fill out, then mail in their ballots in odd year elections. It’s the saddest shit imaginable.

Now a vision of this metallic almost sci fi looking contraption that’s being used to hold this woman down on her back. At first I’m slightly confused by this before I realize. Oh yeah, a mechanism designed to hold women down and keep them on their backs. What an incredibly obvious metaphor.

In the next scenario I’m a detective and I’m investigating some unidentified crime. What’s funny is that I’m clearly an undercover detective and I’m wearing a cool brown leather jacket and have slicked back black hair. We’re in this dingy office space and I’m obviously trying to look like what a cop would think a shady criminal would look like. I’m working with this other cop with white hair in a tan suit, though he looks far younger than a person with white hair should. One of those dudes that greyed at an unusually young age.

I’m getting increasingly irritated with this guy based on his participation in this investigation and at one point I just straight up snap at him. My perspective now follows him into this room where he’s by himself and a trickle of blood starts dripping from his forehead right near his hairline. He reaches his hand up to wipe away the blood and has an incredibly disturbed look on his face. My read on this is that he has expensive health issues which lead to him being on the take, which is why I’m yelling at him but this is not explicitly spelled out. Maybe I’m invading his mind Scanners style.


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