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Friendzoned on the Astral Plane

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

3/24/2023 -

I for some reason find myself visiting an unspecified Latin American country. We're there to party out with these three locals who have apparently invited us, one woman and two men. I've also brought along some unidentified white compatriot bro. This extended vacation bender dream goes on for quite a bit and almost like a real life bender the specifics are fuzzy, but here are some of the highlights:

  1. We like to all get dressed up to the hilt but all in completely different themes. So the five of us will go out to bars with me dressed up in high end 70's leisure ware, another one of us dressed like a 50's Hollywood queen, another like a modern sci fi wearable tech person, etc. That's just an example of the vibe I was getting but this is absolutely a thing we do on the regular together because we apparently find people's reaction's hilarious.

  2. At one point we are hanging out on a rainy night, playing some sort of a card or tabletop board game while getting drunk and my pants mysteriously vanish. Everyone finds this hilarious.

  3. This is the big one. When I first start hanging with these three I quickly notice that the one guy has a crush on the woman and I ask about it. She swears to me that they're just really good friends and she seems convinced of this but I'm not buying it. There's definitely romantic chemistry between us but the dude is going way out of his way to cockblock me in any way he can. This is all so obvious that it makes me doubt the woman's intentions and/or intelligence. Like, how can she not see this? What's strange is that this makes me sort of friendzone her. I am not going to push this romance because it's just too awkward. I have been in situations exactly like this in real life honestly. Many years ago.

As I pull into a liminal state I'm informed:

"They'll never find the body!"

Oh the mysterious murder I helped cover up. I'm getting that this is part of the astral plane history lesson. I have found myself in South American countries on like 3 occasions in the last week. I've been to Mexico once total in my entire life, 30 years ago. That's the furthest south I've ever been. Definitely seems like some ancestral memory.

Much later in the night I'm hanging out in this trendy urban loft style apartment with this former Disinfo writer that I've never actually met in person. We're watching TV and an ad for this new video game comes on. We're both rolling our eyes because we've seen ads for this game before and it looks very stupid but it keeps playing an extended demo promo. It's a Looney Tunes game about Bugs Bunny in a haunted house, which sounds like the dumbest idea in history but we both must confess, the Bugs Bunny powers do look pretty fucking cool. In a way, he sort of does have magic cartoon rabbit abilities and the game has really leaned into this. He does classic bits at the touch of a button.

After watching this both me and the dude I'm hanging with share the exact same thoughts.

  1. We thought the game looked really stupid at first but it was executed way better than we imagined.

  2. It's kind of amazing that the only Looney Tunes anything that's been made in like the last 20 years is Space Jam, which sucks. So obviously this would be a nostalgia IP that probably could have been snapped up cheap and turned into something arty.

We both100% agree on both of these points. It's like, this is what the advert was intended to do. Then I remember all the racism involved with the original cartoons and am like, "oh yeah, there was a reason they went away wasn't there". Then I wake up.


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