4/6/2024 –
In this scenario, I’m a part of a group of people trying to take down some kind of threat in a trendy urban neighborhood at night. I meeting up with these peeps with at a calculated spot according to our prescribed plan of attack when my consciousness dissociates from my body and here’s where it gets heavy bruh. Say the line my dude. There are no words.
I can tell this younger woman with short red hair has become possessed by some sort of creepy far out space witch and when I say possessed I mean this thing is all the way in her head. She goes back to her small old architecture house and that’s when everything goes otherworldly. She’s shrinking and growing Alice in Wonderland style while popping in and out of these box shaped portals in the air all over the interior of her place. The entity is there. Inside of this woman yet coming across as a separate character. A floating, world altering demon head. Her conscious has become a surrealist house of horrors that needs to be exorcised as soon as possible.

I snap back into my supposed normal headspace in this sitch and the crew is finalizing their plans to contain this thing. They had to create a bit of a wider perimeter around it than they were expecting but it’s not big deal. They’ve run all the numbers and this should work no problem. I see no flaws in the plan either except wait a minute. I’m here for a reason.
“I know a lot of you don’t believe in what’s often called the supernatural but just so you know, what you’re dealing with here absolutely falls into that category. You’re going to run into some shit you’re not expecting and you should maybe be prepared for that.”
I’m trying to get their attention but they’ve already all left on the mission somehow. Wait a minute, that seemed to have happened a bit too quick. I was only talking for a second. Time seems to have jumped slightly to prevent them from hearing what I was saying.
That’s about all I remember but for the next several hours I’m controlling these circular swatches of blue energy that represent the trilogy of King Crimson’s 80’s albums. Why? I have no idea, other than the fact that I’d listened to all 3 of them the day before while I was writing. I wanted to understand what I was doing with the blue portals though so I dug into it as far as I could and was told that if I wanted to communicate to a band what I wanted them to sound like, they could use the blue portals to tune themselves to the vibage. Ok then. I would love to have a band that I thought could pull off 80’s King Crimson vibage, I will say that.
I eventually come to in the prototypical high rise recurring dream scenario. Here the rooms are getting increasingly crowded and I’m hanging out in a downstairs living room by a window on a sunny day that’s clearly modeled after my Grandparent’s old house in the Columbia Gorge. I’m just sitting there in a room with like 5 other people. There’s a huge magazine next to the recliner I’m sitting in, so I pick it up and start casually flipping through the pages when this woman sitting on an awesome looking circular chair on the other side of the room starts chatting me up.
She’s this small pretty kind of basic looking I’d say late 20’s/early 30’s woman with a short kind of spiky blonde cut and I’m not entirely sure why she’s chatting me up but she keeps at it. In fact, I’m trying to track the conversation but I’m a bit far away from her so I go sit near her excellent retro chair on the floor so it’s not awkward. But it continues to be. I’m just flipping through the pages of this enormous publication which has some Sears catalog girth to it. As I’m doing this offhandedly, she sort of painfully interjects that she did an ad for Swifty in the thing that I’m reading, to which I’m all:
“No way. Where?”
She tells me and I forward to it, pretending that I’m impressed even though it’s about the most quotidian accomplishment imaginable.
“It’s a 2 page spread.”
She informs me and yep, it does extend to the other page. The best way I could describe it is that it’s like blue denim corduroy pants and the white text is on like the ass pockets and the size/label tags of the various pants spreading across the 2 pages. Not that it’s bad or anything, it’s just, you know, an ad in a magazine and I’m all:
She then seems sort of embarrassed and you know, maybe she should be. Apparently she just left this ad packed magazine lying around solely so someone would pick it up, then she could humble brag about how she managed to get a 2 page ad in whatever this thing is. Also, I can very much tell this is the only reason this woman is talking to me so I politely continue to chat for as long as seems acceptable, then promptly get up to find someone else to talk to. When I do there are all these boxes of square white line seating/dining areas and it looks like corporate marketing hell to an extent but you know, with creative types. The amount that the 90’s slacker side of myself shows up in my dreams is legit funny I must say because fuck that shit.
Anyway, I do wake up thinking to myself: What the fuck is Swifty? It seemed like a tech company in the vision and apparently there is a sports betting company called Swifty that’s website has the exact same blue and white palette as the ad the woman showed me so uhh, weird.
4/7/2024 –
In this first situation there’s this enormous red circular portal on the ground. I’m told that by jumping into the portal I can see myself from a higher dimensional perspective. I of course try to test this out and when I do, I’m now looking down at myself from above from a 3rd person perspective but rather than looking at a person, I’m looking at this ball of mutating art hovering in the corner of a mostly empty tiled room. That’s what I look like from this elevated perspective: an energetic orb comprised of continually shape shifting art. Sounds about right.

Down the road another dream where I’m in my brother and my old room at our house in Ohio, except that I’m sleeping in an odd corner of the room when I’m hearing some odd sounds from outside. When I take notice, I’m now also noticing that I’m sleeping in a windowed enclosure, so I’m simply look around to determine where the sounds are coming from. The answer: it’s this group of older men who look like they’re in some sort of work release program or something heading to the bus stop they use to get to work and they’re just being playfully cantankerous in the morning.
Here it gets a bit odd because I essentially realize that I’m dreaming and fly out of my bed toward the Youngstown core, except that I don’t entirely seem to understand that I’m dreaming.
I just do this intuitively all the way to the edge of the city where I meet this woman, I’d say about my age, with pinned up curly brown hair and circular glasses wearing a gray button down business dress type outfit. She stops me on the edge of the city limits and tells me that she’s always like the cut of my jib essentially. She could always tell that deep down, I’m not a shit person, which is fairly rare in this reality. I tell her I’ve always felt the same way about her and honestly, there’s an odd sort of wondering between both of us why we never dated. I get the vibe we were both involved with other romantic entanglements but who knows.
What I do know is that we now rocket off into the depts of inner space. Impossible to describe honestly. What looked like a midwestern city now looks like an alien warp tunnel with shimmering gold energy continents passing by rapidly on the periphery. Even I’m sort of taken aback by the otherworldly nature of it all. Like, wow, man. Fucking wow. The entire structure of pretty much everything we know seems to have just reconfigured itself into delicious energetic chaos. What a ride.
The night brings many other dream scenarios that I’m mostly forgetting but I do know that at one point I’m once again in the Invisible College and confronting my strange addiction to taking courses here when I suddenly realize that this is a sleep thing. Like, this is not something I’m doing in my waking state. Christ, I graduated college nearly 23 years ago now in waking life. This seems very profound and yet for some reason it doesn’t make me go lucid, which is baffling.
4/8/2024 –
I’m in an underground metal cave or something that seems like an underground metal cave. There is a blue energy force all around me that I can interact with, that also looks like it holds records of actions. Like, the field has the loose shape of events in the human world and they’re continually shifting. I don’t entirely understand what this represents and I’m eventually informed that it represents how godlike beings live through all these potentialities in this field, so whatever then happens they’re prepared for. So a bunch of our lives are honestly like contingency plans in preparation for whatever events might possibly occur.

Fascinating take on the multiverse I must say. The alternate realities all exist as counterstrategies for some cosmic game, so the player always has the right answer. Kind of a tedious strategy I must confess though. I can’t say I remember a ton from this night but I do recall pulling out of this blue living energy field at one point, then seeing some phantom entities in the corner of the cave, then rushing over to the corner of the cave where I saw the phantom entities and absorbing them into my spirit, which felt rather strange and hard to describe. Neither pleasant or unpleasant but more like a mild gurgling in my soul. More importantly, how did I even know how to do this? I just did it instinctually.
One other extended dream about waking up at my mom’s old place on Beacon Hill and getting continually annoyed because she woke me up so early. Like, I’m not supposed to be awake right now. I have several more hours to sleep. The most interesting thing that happens during this whole excursion is that at one point I get out my watch to check on the time and realize I’ve bought some variety of fancy smart watch, which is pretty goddamn sweet. The way the screen can extend to be absolutely enormous and engrossing is sure a cool feature. And one you’d think would lead me to lucidity but nope.