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Get In, Do What you Need to Do, Then Get the Fuck Out!

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

6/8/2023 -

I'm for some reason walking home from what is apparently school in downtown Seattle to Ballard with a bunch of other people. Like, rather than commuting home from there's an enormous crowd of us all walking together filling the streets with people rather than cars. In the midst of this I hear something abnormal coming up behind me and when I check it out I realize that it's El-P. He's slowly approaching and freestyle rapping the whole time.

Of course being a big fan I'm like:

"Holy Shit! El-P's just out here giving an impromptu street performance!"

And he's is, just emphatically rapping his way through the crowds and very few people are paying attention at all. I join in and essentially become his silent hype man. I can't rap so I'm just dancing and throwing up shapes/hand gestures in rhythm with is rhymes. We slowly cross over the Ballard bridge in our our own little world wildin' out yet in the midst of an enormous crowd that's barely noticing.

I get home (which is my parent's house in Ohio) and am telling my wife:

"You'll never believe what just happened. El-P was giving an impromptu performance on my walk home."

Then he shows up at our place all casual like. Now I'm in a disembodied state listening to his music. The bass kick hits are even beefier than I remember them being in the waking world. In fact, they're often covering up his vocals which totally works.

Now I'm taking him to school the next day, except that I'm riding a string that's somehow functioning as a motorcycle. I'm driving and he's in the back position holding on. I don't get it either but after school I'm slated to take him back home. We're ready to jet down this square metallic portal but this string isn't the same one we rode in on. I need another string and so I request one from the ambling group of other students behind us. They hand me what looks like a much larger shoelace and yeah, this one will totally work.

And with that, we both jump on the shoelace with me again driving and we're off down the square metallic chute, headed to the light at the bottom. Except that it's not a slick ride. We're sticking a bit to the sides but we'll get there.

6/9/2023 -

Sleeping on a worn down guest bed while house/dog sitting finally started to wear on me here as I didn't sleep very well at all. Despite the discomfort and lack of sleep I did enter a dream state where I was continually hanging out at some family gathering at my grandparent's old place in the Columbia gorge with mostly my Dad's side of the family.

The only specifics I truly recall from any of this is that at one point I woke up sleeping in the same bedroom as my brother when a baby started crying. At first I found this strange but I then remembered that my brother does have a young child so it tracked. From there I get up and go into the sun drenched dining room and enter a conversation in progress. My uncle is asking me whether or not Vince McMahon was ruined by insurance fraud? I do not know the answer to this question.

Later I hear some of my cousins talking about Warriors basketball and I'm tempted to chime in but decide not to. Now I'm supposed to be getting dressed for this family dinner but I'm fairly annoyed that my wife decided to wash the exact shirts I was planning on wearing. The only ones I have left available are super brightly colored but those aren't the vibes I was looking for. I dig and find one I'd forgotten about that'll maybe work but when I try it on I realize that it's a Pittsburgh Penguins shirt and a bit too tight. That's all I remember but I will say that after this I fell into a very deep dream state that was probably beyond my comprehension rather than forgotten. In fact, I woke up and realized that my brother and I were talking about planning a family gathering in the near future and we really need to include that side of the family. Good point.

6/10/2023 -

The effects of the back wrenching guest bed continue as I'm still super duper tired from lack of sleep but once again I do manage to recall a few nuggets. In the first gem I find myself in a pot shop chatting up a budtender about how the laws have changed and they can now sell more than an ounce of flower to a single customer. This thin non-descript looking younger white woman with scraggly shoulder length brown hair in a blue t-shirt and jeans is helping me out and what I want to know is if they've got any super value pack options. You know, for the people who are gonna wake up and smoke blunt after blunt all day every day. God, I totally knew people like this back in the day and I never truly understood it, not that I didn't play along on occasion. Cedric Bixler apparently used to spend $1,000 a week on herb which is goddamn astonishing if true.

Anyway, when asked about the new laws, this woman quite charmingly explained that they do now have options for "that kind of smoker" and she whips out these weird large plastic circular containers. They're all nicknamed after classic stoner snacks like nachos and pizza and what not and she's recommending the pizza option if I want to go that route. It has a brown ring around the bottom of the container to look like pizza dough I guess or maybe simply to color code it so they don't have to look at the labels. I have zero clue how much this is but I'm guessing a QP. I can't help but think the fact that they named them pizza implied potential delivery options as well. You know, it's not like legal weed can't get better. Why can't I have a QP delivered directly to my pad? I think I'm seeing the future here for sure.

I pull out of this vision at roughly 2 in the morning possessed with a completely unrelated, completely ridiculous idea. There's a guy who moves from the city out to the suburbs but he insists on calling the suburbs the rhubarbs. He didn't move to the 'burbs, he moved to the 'barbs. In fact, even though no one other than him finds this funny he's absolutely going to push it as far as he conceivably can. One of the main upsides to moving away from the city center was finally having a yard and he's going to fill the whole goddam thing with rhubarb. He's that committed to the bit.

I now snap into this black outer space astral portal bar enclave where Jimi Hendrix is explaining to me that when he incarnated into the human world, he got down there, did what he needed to do, then got the fuck out. I respect this entirely and it appears I've been duped into the precise opposite route though this shit show. I can certainly see why an entity as cosmically freaky as the godfather of noise rock wouldn't want to linger here any longer than absolutely necessary.

At some point I'm shown that a lot of the dreams I can feel but can't recall are more like songs. I'm slipping into a conscious state that's more like an echoing note than any type of narrative structure we can conceive of as people. This all tracks.

One more thing. There is a tall slightly thicc white woman with black hair and an almost beehive haircut wearing a fancy blue formal wear dress chatting me up. She's trying to get in my pants but I'm not interested. Damned if she's not persistent though. This goes on for a while and I'm flattered but still not buying it. I gotta give her credit though as she is continually charming with her coquettish chit chat and you know what? She eventually wears me down. Fuck it, let's get out of here and do this thing.


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