4/10/2023 -
I'm putting together this remote presentation with a couple of coworkers. I'm doing the main presentation with the PowerPoint but they're like co presenting. So we go through it all and everything seems fine. Then when we get to the actual presentation, they start it off and introduce me but I quickly realize there's nowhere for me to sit while I'm doing the thing. It's not a big deal and I can do it while standing but we practiced this beforehand and it's a fairly ridiculous oversight. Like, oh, we somehow didn't think about the fact that you had nowhere to sit while you were presenting.
Now I'm in the Invisible College except that this time it looks distinctly like high school, with lockers and everything. I'm sort of wandering around for a bit baffled as to not only the detail of the setting but why I'm here in the first place. Then I realize something odd, which is that even though I shouldn't be here and have graduated, I for some reason eat my lunch with the juniors. There are different floors where the different grades eat lunch, one higher than the next almost like a business set up in a high rise office building. And yet I eat lunch on the second highest floor rather than the top floor. I contemplate this for a bit before realizing that I do this because I am friends with the juniors and don't know any of the seniors really. This somehow makes sense to me.
Not long after, at one of these lunches, people are giving these brief presentations in pairs. This duo of two young men go into their quick spiel and one of them loses it mid presentation and flies off the handle yelling. We're all fairly surprised by this but later we're chatting with his partner and the guy is s total dick. Because of this, I think to myself:
"Yeah, I can see why this dude's partner would lose his shit. This guy is insufferable."
4/11/2023 -
Continual visions of solar beings incarnating into classrooms. Just visions of these bland white empty classrooms that these sentient energy entities are descending into. They almost look like 2 dimensional photographs from this perspective but here's the catch, there are handcuffs on the corners of these photos. Once you enter, you're trapped there.
In the morning, in a deep meditative state, I intuitively find myself willing these handcuffs in the corners of the classroom pictures to vanish. I don't always feel the need to explain the metaphors involved with astral communication because they're so obvious. This would be one of those times.
