Posted By: Thad McKraken JAN 19, 2016
It’s been a bit odd archiving my magickal journals (which you can read in real time on my Facebook Page) and realizing just how much of this otherworldly communique involved controlling humanity by keeping us addicted to shitty drugs. With all the batshit Illuminati conspiracy videos on the internet, you’d think this would be a common theme, but it isn’t really. In fact, barely anyone talks about the vast mind control apparatus that is the drug war in that capacity at all. We talk about it in terms of prison populations and addiction, but not in the context of cultural control. And yet, alcohol is precisely how we keep people in line: make them work soul draining jobs for most of their week which leave them craving for release, then sell them one legal route to escapism which will keep them fat, lazy, and complacent until the end of time. Look, I’m not pointing fingers here, in fact I fell into this repetitive trap hook line and sinker for a large portion of my adult life, which I’ll get to in a bit. I suppose it takes an Occultist to point out that our culture’s got a serious daemon problem and offer insights as to how to combat it.
And that’d be a big part of my insight, it’s easier to control people by regulating the means by which they can chemically alter their consciousness than it is by pretty much any other medium. Daemonic forms of intelligence have repeatedly shown me that running the booze/narco trade is precisely where their power stems from, and the more you think about it, the more it adds up. The game is fairly simple, keep people focused on lower level materialistic bullshit so they won’t notice the infinite “free energy” potential of the human imagination. Drugs like alcohol, caffeine, Adderall, meth, and opiates do precisely that. In fact, I find it more than a bit odd that people don’t step back and conceptualize exactly how these chemicals directly influence consciousness. We talk way more about how they manipulate various neuro-receptors in the brain than we talk about how they can be used in a practical manner, and if you think I’m going to start going off on how psychedelic drugs are good and alcohol is evil, you should in fact know by now that nothing in life is even close to that simple. As the one person comfortable enough in his own sanity to openly talk about communicating with lower dimensional (or daemonic) forms of intelligence and higher dimensional (or angelick) ones, the first thing I’d point out about these interactions is that daemons aren’t evil and angels aren’t necessarily good. This is the bullshit rut that religion gets lost in, and it doesn’t even fit the material. It should surprise no one that a society governed by an underlying belief in primordial spiritual warfare finds itself immersed in a state of perpetual war. But if you read say, the Bible, it was God that cursed us in the book of Genesis, not Satan. See what I’m getting at?
Moving on, any magickian worth his salt involves chemicals in his practice (magick potions anyone?), but you’ve got to choose the right chemicals for the job. I’d be the first to acknowledge that alcohol has allowed me to accomplish things I probably wouldn’t have been able to otherwise, but it comes with a price. It always comes with a price. Which leads me to our first topic of contemplation.
Lower Dimensional (or Daemonic) Drugs
As established, I’d file things like booze, speed, and narcotics neatly in this category and it’s really no surprise that they are the most popular drugs known to man. I know weed is maybe catching up slightly with legalization, but on a larger economic scale, it’s not even close. The reason these drugs are so enormous is fairly obvious, they help you fit into society, because our society essentially runs on them. What these drugs truly do from a perspective of consciousness is bind you to the lower realms. Lord knows I couldn’t make it through a day in my bullshit office job without 2 or 3 cups of coffee because what I do is so soul suckingly dull. I wouldn’t be able to keep myself awake without the continual jolts of caffeine, even if I got a hundred hours of sleep the night before. The truth is, we’re in hell. As depressing a concept as that might seem, it isn’t really at all. There’s so much transcendent beauty here, and we’re only in the lower realms. It only gets better and less structured the higher you ascend.
I find it truly ridiculous how hyper-jaded black magickian types think they’re worshipping evil, when what the daemonic more accurately represents is order, not evil. Can the quest for order come across as evil? Most certainly, look at the modern conservative movement. Conservatism in general inherently means a resistance to change. It just so happens that conservatives in politics are the ones who doubled the size of the war machine, which would be veering into the evil category, but that’s another topic. What’s important here is that we live in a society where you’re almost always going to be rewarded for doing boring repetitive bullshit. Doesn’t matter what field you’re in, boring repetition is going to pay off.
And daemonic drugs can help you with that, which is why they’re so appealing. They bind you to the world, they help you get out and interact with society. Of course the most popular and technically only legal recreational drug fits this description to a tee. Ahhh, sweet booze, our culture fucking runs on it. I’ve had alcohol jammed down my throat at every for profit gig I’ve ever had. We’re so inherently repressed socially that a drug that makes you turn outwardly rather than inwardly serves a critical function. I think all of us suffer from a certain degree of inherent social anxiety, and what better way to alleviate that social anxiety than imbibing a chemical that not only inflates the ego but makes you far more prone to acting on primal instinct. I’ve often joked that if it wasn’t for alcohol I probably never would have gotten laid as a kid, and I wish that was only a joke. Fact is, working up the nerve to walk up to a random stranger and trying and talk your way into their pants is fairly daunting when you’re sober. Alcohol made it infinitely easier for me, not to mention lowering the inhibitions of the women I was seducing.
But what I find so fascinating about these sort of drugs is how they reflect metaphorically through our weird little microverses. Much like a classic daemonic pact, there’s always a buy now, pay later aspect to indulging. With booze, you have fun and then you’re hung over, but it goes much deeper than that. The more you continue to buy in, the more the horrific the blow back is going to be down the road, which leads me to stories of my magickal experimentation with the drink.
I can’t entirely say why this is, it almost came from a deep darkness emanating within me, but not long after I got into magick I came up with this ridiculous idea that I was going to master alcohol, or something like that. I was going to conquer it. Fact is, beer in particular does give me more vibrant energy than pretty much anything, so I decided I’d capitalize on this energy and transmute it into action. I’d get home from work feeling drained, then drink a few beers and write for several hours. Same deal with music. I’d want to relax after work or on a Saturday afternoon, but bam, a beer or 2 later and I was writing a song or working on my book (which you can grab super cheap). Since you’re typically playing in bars and your role as a musician is to essentially sell overpriced drinks, I decided I’d teach myself how to play shit faced drunk (and stoned mind you)…which I did…for years.
These days I listen to my older albums sort of astounded that I was tracking fairly complicated stuff in the studio in one take after downing 4 tall boys in 2 hours. On the upside, now playing sober strikes me as ridiculously easy. The downside would be that this little magickal experiment blew up in my face quite spectacularly. The embarrassing part is that I really should have seen this coming. It’s not like I wasn’t warned repeatedly, but I also wanted to fit in. Our culture IS alcohol culture. In an epic daemonic lashing nearing my 35th birthday, I had an intense visionary experience telling me in no uncertain terms that either I cleaned up my drunkard act or none of my magick would work moving forward. It was either pass or fail. If I kept up my drinking, I failed. I was severely depressed for quite a while after this revelation. It was so jarring to me it was unbelievable, but I did in fact manage to scale back roughly 75% of my intake over the coming months. I’d still drink, but rather than having six tall boys I’d have 2 glasses of wine. Three years after that I was shown I had to quit entirely, and not just shown, but forced. I started getting severe headaches even after a beer or 2. I can no longer drink anymore even if I want to, which I’ve got to say, in a culture that revolves around drinking, really fucking sucks. In the 7 months since I quit entirely, I think I’ve gone to 3 concerts and I’ve been increasingly trying to find new weird tricks to motivate myself to leave the house on weekends.
When I call these drugs daemonic, again, there’s a metaphorical aspect to all of that. Alcohol does in fact lead to an enormous percentage of rapes, murders, child abuse, sexual abuse, car accidents, etc. Hell, the list could go on and on. I’ve never done heroin (although I’ve done my share of Oxy) but hey, I also wouldn’t deny that heroin has been responsible for some timeless art. I love my Ministry records, but man, you want to talk about daemonic shit? You go too far with that stuff and it enslaves you quite literally. And we’re in the midst of a new epidemic. As someone who went to high school in the 90’s, it’s like, Jesus, really? If we were to learn anything from the musical culture of the 90’s, wouldn’t it be that heroin is a terrible fucking drug? We haven’t learned shit, it’s more popular than ever (thanks big pharma). Then there’s cocaine. As much as I’ve had some fun bumping lines in the past, I’ve also known people who’ve gotten really out of control with it. Sometimes I think about tracking some down because it’s been so long, then I think about how America’s thirst for blow has eviscerated central America. Don’t fool yourself, when you’re doing coke, you’re basically snorting murder. This is already veering into TL:DR territory but let me just wrap up this section by stating what I think would be the obvious point, which is that if you’re going to use these lower dimensional drugs in your magickal practice, use them sparingly. Don’t overdo it. Learn from the failings of people like myself and say Aleister Crowley on this front. It’s hilarious how much shit I’ve caught for trashing the guy as a hack but seriously, you really think alcoholic heroin magick is a good idea? Good luck with that.
Higher Dimensional (or Angelick) Drugs
I’d put compounds like THC, LSD, Psilocybin, DMT, and Ayahuasca in this category. Rather than binding you to the lower material realms, these drugs possess the potential to quite literally take you out of this world and into internal states of unbound imagination. It’s not surprising that in the past I’ve known a bunch of potheads who’ve stopped smoking just to double down on booze, and when asked why offer the response: “when I was getting high all I did was sit around the house all day, but when I get drunk or bump lines I’m the life of the party”. It’s a classic example of how our materialist expansionary culture has no idea what to make of these angelick chemicals whatsoever. We’re so clueless about them that we made them illegal despite the fact that there’s scant research demonstrating that they’re dangerous to anyone. They’re illegal precisely because they’re dangerous to the ideology of materialism (and therefore capitalism) itself, not to mention organized religion as it’s currently practiced. And the funny thing is, capitalism in its current incarnation wouldn’t exist without them in the first place. People work shitty mindless jobs all week. On the weekend they want things like TV, music, movies, and video games to help them relax. But someone has to write those things, which is where higher dimensional drugs come in.
One of the greatest hypocrisies of the drug war has always been the mixed message it sends in this regard. Hey kids, don’t do drugs…unless you’re a creative type working for an enormous entertainment corporation. In that case, do drugs and we’ll sell the shit out of the ideas you come up with while you’re high. It’s particularly weird in terms of children’s entertainment, which is often quite obviously made by people baked out of their skulls. We love these drugs when they help us make products, but when they help us not give a fuck about products, well, that’s why they’re really illegal now, isn’t it?
It’s an odd conundrum, and I’m not one to just say that psychedelic drugs are the answer to all the world’s ills. Clearly they’re not, the problem is our workaholic culture in the first place, which they can certainly help us detach from. These drugs tell you that there’s more to life than buying and selling products mostly to make other people rich. They let you know that there’s a spiritual dimension to our lives that’s conveniently edited out the itinerary of most major media, academic, and religious institutions. But as mentioned, the issue isn’t necessarily that overuse of these chemicals can turn you into a socially crippled shut in, it’s that our culture inherently doesn’t appreciate the value in not giving a fuck about our culture. There’s a reason it was called the counter culture back in the day. It’s up to people like me to point out that things like environmental devastation should sort of lead us to the conclusion that chilling out all day, fucking, raising our kids, and smoking pot might just be a better use of our time than actively destroying the environment or waging war. Maybe people who choose to detach themselves aren’t the slackers we’d love to slander them as due to their cultural indifference. Maybe they have a very valid point. Work in it’s current incarnation is in fact bullshit and corporate psychology is sociopathic.
Hey, I’m not going to lie, since I’ve quit drinking my productivity has gone on a bit of a downslide. I spent so much of my young adulthood relying on booze to help jumpstart me socially and creatively that cutting it out lead to one of my least productive periods in recent memory, which I’m still slowly pulling myself out of. I’ve had to confront the fact that without the aid of booze, I started to turn into a bit of a stereotypical lazy stoner shut in, spending way too much of my time playing video games and listening to trippy albums rather than getting the boring daemonic shit done that moves my work forward. The angelick drugs help you come up with ideas, the daemonic ones help you actually execute those ideas in the flesh. Would I have even gotten this written if I’d just gotten stoned and not downed a couple cups of coffee? Who knows, I might have just meditated and taken a nap. Then again, most of my ideas come from these exotic unconscious states in the first place, so maybe that would have been productive in itself. Balance is key, like the Yin and the Yang of Taoist philosophy. Hell, you could call them Yin drugs and Yang drugs if you wanted. Or time accelerants and time decelerants as that seems to be the way they influence consciousness quite specifically, but that’s another essay/philosophical concept entirely. Until I have time to tackle all that weirdness, stay tuned true believers!