3/15/2023 -
First I have this continual liminal bombardment. I am a floating technicolor energy orb, not a human. Obviously. This goes on for quite a bit and it's various combinations of my psychedelic dayglo energy self detaching from my body, then re-attaching itself. Each time I attach myself to my body it's actually sort of jarring.

Nothing new here really but I will say that in combination with the last few nights of dreaming I'm sort of getting it. I'm a being of infinite energy that's constrained to this very specific path through the human world. The entire purpose of this is to find a way that entities like me can roam more freely and not have to be restrained by such strict parameters. Or at least that's the impression I'm getting.
Later I have this long meandering dream that isn't super interesting but it ends with a profound little nugget of insight. I'm chatting with this teenager and he tells me that I talk a lot but I'm not completely full of shit like all the other people he knows that talk a lot. To which I tell him:
"That's because I know I'm full of shit and they don't. One piece of advice kid: The more you know that you don't know, the better off you'll be!"
Which is sort of funny because it's a riff off the "The More You Know" public service campaigns of my youth. I'm definitely going to have to remember that one.
Not long after this I'm walking with a friend and we start meandering through this pedestrian tunnel in a public park. As we do though, we realize that they're filming an episode of Better Call Saul in the tunnel and we accidentally just walked into their shot. As nonchalantly as possible we try to remove ourselves from the situation but it's already too late. They call cut and we apologize but they're like, that's on us. We needed to make it more obvious that people shouldn't be wandering in here while we're shooting.
After this I'm again meandering through the same neighborhood that they're filming in and Bob Odenkirk is just sort of hanging out wasting time. I'm not going to go over to him and fanboy out but he actually initiates a conversation with me from about 30 feet away. I can't tell what he's trying to tell me from this distance so I walk over so I can understand better. What's he trying to tell me? He's standing on the sidewalk in front of this house that left its garage door open and he's critically commenting on the interior design of the garage.
"You see that green cushion there, right by the work bench? Terrible choice from an aesthetic standpoint."
He continues for a bit and the randomness of his commentary is quite hilarious. We eventually start walking away together back to the shoot and I now can't help but fanboy out.
"It's actually kind of synchronous that I ran into you, because I just re-watched all of Mr. Show in the last month and have now been plowing through Tim & Eric."
When I bring this up, he immediately becomes detached, stops talking, then distances himself from me in about the most awkward manner imaginable. I totally get it honestly. It's why I wasn't going to go over and chat him up in the first place.
As I continue to wander though something seems off and I now go lucid. When this happens I start to explore but then realize, wait, there are very specific things I'm supposed to be doing when I hit this level of lucidity. Let me do the back out of reality cheat code thing. I do and when I start detaching from my dream persona everything goes black for a spell. I'm sort of confused before I now come to in an elevator going up. I am also possessed with the notion that I have superhuman strength and that my purpose is to fuck shit up with this strength.
Eventually the elevator stops and I don't even wait for the metal doors to open but rather tear them off with my bare hands. I'm now in this almost television control room studio from the 80's. Except that it doesn't really look like a TV control room studio but I somehow intuit that this is roughly what it is. These people are looking down at the lower levels of reality and monitoring/creating them. Holy crap am I going to fuck this place up, which I proceed to do.
I'm just breaking down walls and destroying equipment indiscriminately for quite a while before a woman with huge 80's glasses and terrible curly brown hair comes over to try and calm me down. She honestly looks exactly like the dead wife in The Righteous Gemstones, which I'm sure is completely metaphorical for a dumb religious con man. She's handing me a bottle of wine and trying to flirt with me but I call her bluff.
"Oh what, you're going to fuck me to make me fall asleep?"
I condescendingly ask her to which she's like:
"Umm, no."
I'm irritated but honestly this tactic somehow works as I'm now realizing that destroying stuff like this is actually getting sort of boring. And so I head to the elevator and jump down the elevator shaft, tearing shit up the entire time. I eventually find myself on a lower level of reality that's like a high end prep school, but I still want to Hulk smash. Eventually I find these kids playing football and one charges at me. I'm about to pancake him to next Tuesday but just as I'm leaning in to do this I wake up.
Some notes here. One, I have never had a lucid dream that involved me hulking out like this before (that I remember). Two, for the second time in the last month or so, I've actually managed to use the cheat code feature in lucid dream mode and both times, this has lead me to a situation where I am a force of destruction. I personally love the metaphor that I'm supposed to be taking apart the higher level of reality. I need to target the suits and skeezy creative types making this exploitive crap, not the participants/students. This all tracks.
