4/26/2023 -
Sometimes dreams are boring. I had a very long dream about hanging out with my extended family in this lakeside home. Normally I'd say something to the effect of: "the only things of note that happened here are..." But nothing of note really happened. At one point I was considering telling the younger kids in the family about the anti-consumerism of the 90's but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the effort. At another point I went outside to the patio with my mom. The house seemed rather modest from the inside but outside from this porch vantage point it seemed huge, almost like its own mini city. In marveling at it I quipped to my mom:
"Well, you always wanted to live in a mansion and it finally happened."
My mom did used to take us to this ridiculous wealth worship event in the Seattle area called the Street of Dreams where you got to tour all these exorbitant rich people palaces. I suppose I had mostly forgotten that memory and the fact that it's called the street of dreams is sort of metaphorical. You finally got to live in that stupid fucking mansion you always coveted...literally in the dream world. Before the dream ended we were planning on having the scavenger hunt that I was going to participate in, but they decided to bump up the event time and because they decided to bump up the event time I decided not to participate. That's about it. All in all genuine pretty dull.
4/27/2023 -
I am looking at a large building and this is sort of a game. There is a square black field of concentrated energy. I am trying to move this energy around to various parts of the building with my mind. That is the purpose of the game. I engage in this for most of the night.

Before I wake up I have this brief dream conversation. Someone is asking me about my favorite stuffed animal from when I was a kid, Monkey Moo. I begin telling the story of how his ear fell off at the Space Needle because I used to carry him around by said ear constantly. My mom actually ended up sewing it back on for me but eventually he became so ragged that they got me a second Monkey Moo but you know what? I still have the freaking original and he sits on a bookshelf in my office to this day. I uhhh, I suppose the fact that as a small child I was obsessed with monkeys isn't something I've really given much thought about if I'm being honest. All and all though, the second fairly mundane night of dreaming in a row.
4/28/2023 -
From 2 nights of minimal/mundane dreaming into pure maximalist territory. First this hypnagogic imagery of a potent reddish energy controlling these forces of sentient black smoke, molding them into tangible structures. Very much a vibe of creating a black smoke vortex portal around them as they traversed through the unknown depths, but also manipulating the energy into arty animalistic structures as well. Fun times and for the second night in a row the liminal portion of the evening's festivities was clearly crafted in the theme of the game Control that I'd been playing. They can translate the theme of disembodied consciousness into any vernacular effortlessly.
The next thing I know I'm at a rock show and this experience feels like it lasts exactly as long as going to a rock show would in the waking world. Legit like sitting through 2 bands who both play at least 45 minute sets. As for what I remember from all this? Well, the genre was definitely hard rock. I remember that. Not metal, but loud upbeat rock music just without the chug a chug, growly factor. Both bands seemed to be instrumental as well, but here's the thing.
We weren't looking at people on stage. Rather than seeing the bands perform, it's like we were watching the energy tying them together and getting them to play in sync with each other. This looked like a swirling portal of sentient energy and the translucent circling form of it almost looked like water in a way. This circular vortex of energy was playing the instruments. I'd say there was no one on stage, but I think it was more that we were looking at a layer behind the surface layer.

As we're walking out of the venue one of my friends definitely enjoyed the show but thought the performance was a bit off. Like, the music was solid but he thinks the bands were both kind of sloppy because the large crowd rattled them a bit. I disagree and my perspective is that he's not a musician. What one of the bands was doing in particular might seem fairly easy to someone who's never played in a band but as someone who has, I was fairly impressed. What they were doing was actually quite a bit harder than it looks type of shit. Same show, but we both saw different things in the energy. Always with the metaphors.
Now I'm crafting these elaborate glass structures with thick patterned wooden frames. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because of how unbelievably stretched out this experience was. I had what I was doing down to a science and just like in the phantom energy rock show proceeding it, this legit felt like I was laboring in a workshop making these cosmic picture frame whatever the hell they are for like 2 hours. I had them all racked up to the ceiling of my work space and was banging them out production line style.
One point in this process involves assistance from a 3rd party vendor or something and this dude with a beard and overalls comes to help me with this step. When he does though, I realize I temporarily changed the engraving in the glass to see what it'd look like on a couple of the portal/frame things, and I didn't like it and was going to have to switch it back before this guy could do whatever he was going to do. And that's where it gets nuts.
I go through everything I'm going to have to do to resolve this and it's complicated as shit. In fact, it's almost like the 2 hours I spent in the workshop only existed as exposition in this moment. Like, none of it happened until I realized I had to fix the mistakes, then the entire process created itself to fill in back story, and the entire work session only existed as a flashback so the present moment could exist. Heavy.
Now I'm in another long astral entanglement. I'm hanging with two other astralnauts and for whatever reason we have to leave this place we were staying in which seems like it might be problematic before I remember that there's this huge house that these mob dudes were living in, but they were forced to move out so we can live there now. So phew. But something about moving into this former mob house makes me go lucid and when I do it's rather hilarious because I turn to my fellow travelers with an unintentionally comedic reaction:
"Well y'all, I've got some weird news. We're dreaming and I'm a goddamn wizard so I suppose we can forget about whatever the hell it was we were just involved with because we can do whatever we want now."

To prove this to them I turn the mobster house into a penthouse in a skyscraper with the power of my will. Then I fly out the window and start streaking across the fictional downtown skyline. They look back and are reluctant to jump off the balcony of the penthouse, like cautious baby birds. They eventually do though and immediately start falling fast before I swoop over and zap them with my wizard powers. Now they're shooting around the imaginal skyline with me.
I don't remember how long this goes on or much of what happens next other than us partying in our ridiculously swank astral penthouse. At some point one of them steals this what looks like a surrealist lightning bolt sculpture thing from me. The other one rats on him, so I go out on the balcony and see him several blocks away running away with the thing on his shoulder to which my response is to immediately summon it back into my hand from 70 floors up or so. I'm not going to lie, it's a cool trick and I'm pretty sure I look cool doing it. In fact he comes back and I'm like:
"You can totally have this I don't give a shit."
Now the infuriating part. The last thing I remember about this very lucid dream is that the one girl I gave the dream wizard powers to also at one point used them to start some sort of mischief. It was no big deal but she somehow pissed someone off someone or broke/spilled something and was extremely apologetic to me about it, to which my reaction was:
"You know what, that's the funniest thing that's ever happened in one of these lucid dreams. You're good!"
But I do not remember what this hilarious incident entailed in any capacity. Again, infuriating.
What was funny though is that before I got out of bed an image of a dude that looked sort of like Jared Leto was sitting with a pouty face in this polaroid picture surrounded on all sides by a giant pile of macaroni and cheese.
"This is your legacy".
I'm told. Lol. That is what I'm going for. I've been shown before that in the not so distant future what I'm doing will look pretty fucking tame. One can only hope. Also, macaroni and cheese is goddamn delicious. Jared Leto is an absolutely douche-nozzle though so, hmm, yeah, that part isn't great. Fucking hilarious though.
I'm later told that:
"This is what God did to you!"
Turned me into Captain Cheesbro. I suppose the world needs Captain Cheesebro the sorcerer right now!
4/29/2023 -
Only one repeating vision on this night and nothing else. Two parallel glowing white lines creating a narrow path through pure blackness. In the periphery of the blackness there are vague, looming, surrealist shape entities. It's almost like I can feel the presence of these colored shapes, but they exist in another realm outside of the dark. This all absolutely looks very cool and the metaphor is obvious but that's it. That's the vision.
