This all starts with a sensation similar to a few nights prior. I’m in my room, except that I know it’s not actually my room. It’s just an illusion and there’s an infinite complexity lurking right behind the scenes. Just obvious stuff.
Then a dream about hanging out with one of the women I’ve been having a group dream Zoom meetup with. We talked about showing up in each other’s dreams in this gathering and there she was. I wish I remember more of what happened here though. In this sitch, we’ve just had a meeting talking about dreams but I apparently left something at the meeting that I need returned. I’m now talking to her and her mom about picking whatever I left behind at the meeting up and her mom suggests they take me out to lunch to return it to me. It’s sort of last minute but I agree. Also, her mom is this very haggard looking white woman with short hair which I can pretty much guarantee isn’t the case in real life.
Then I’m not sure what happens but I’m waking up the next day and going over to her house first thing in the morning to talk about how I dreamt about her. She of course now lives right up the street from me at my old basement apartment because everything takes place there. Of course. When I show up I’m greeted by these 2 burly dudes and I’m immediately like:
“Oh yeah, showing up to talk to her this early in the morning probably isn’t the greatest look. I can see how that’d be interpreted wrong.”
But the dudes are cool and they eventually let me in. I have zero recollection what’s discussed but as I’m leaving I’m told that the kind of psychedelic therapy she’s getting involved with is a bit sus. Something to do with tacked on hidden fees. Sounds about right.
Now I head back to the old basement apartment and there are 2 completely different women hanging out there. They’re both sitting at the breakfast table eating when I realize that, wait a minute, this is a dream. There is absolutely no reason I’d be in my old basement apartment so clearly I’m dreaming. To demonstrate this to them, I start phasing my hand through the wall. I have to do it multiple times before they pay attention to what I’m saying. When they do, one of the women vanishes into thin air and I now head over to give the other woman a hug from behind while she’s sitting down.
There’s an incredibly pleasant and relaxing sexual charge to this hug and I somehow know that it shouldn’t go any further than this, because of my years of lucid dreaming. That’s only going to make the dream fade. But suddenly she’s got this cat in her lap. I’m petting the cat when I realize that holy crap, the cat looks exactly like Wilfred Brimley. Like no, really, that cat really looks like Wilfred Brimley. It’s also scratching my arm but I for some reason can’t feel it’s claws in me.
After a while I decide to get up and now there are these odd gangster dudes at the door, chasing us out. I somehow beat everyone out of the apartment through this gap in the wall that I’m seemingly creating on my own. I could basically just run away if I wanted to but as I’m heading out I realize that these gangsters had accosted a couple of people and are harassing them. You know what? I’m not going to put up with that bullshit. So I head back and talk smack.
“Hey assholes! I’m more powerful than you here. Leave us the fuck alone and get the fuck out!”
The main gangster dude summons his henchwoman to deal with me and she’s decked out in this very odd almost 1920’s style pant suit with shorts and a fedora. She fires her sawed off shotgun at me once and nothing.
“Go ahead, shoot me again.”
She does and it phases right through me. Honestly, at this point I’m not even sure what exactly I do to vanquish this stylish henchwoman but it works. Possibly my memory is saving me the brutality, but I head back to the main gangster on the bench and talk more shit.
“Look motherfucker. I don’t give a damn about you or your stupid mafia. You mean dick to me and I could erase your entire organization from existence with the snap of my fingers. Get the fuck out of here, leave us alone, and never come back.”

That seems to do it but as I’m heading up the street this new, much younger stoner looking super hero dude accosts me. The guy looks like a metal guitar player with thick long hair wearing a mask, sort of like the Ultimate Warrior in a way but with a much cooler hero garb.
“Did you happen to see the kid with the white paper tablet sitting on the bench with the gangster?”
“Can’t say that I did.”
I tell him.
“Well, the kid saw what you did and it inspired him.”
I’m still not following.
“It inspired him to become your nemesis?”
“Uhhh, no the guy tells me. That trucks up my notes.”
It isn’t until I wake up that I realize I inspired the guy to become a hero himself, which was the point. Fascinating.
3/13/2024 –
Extended dream sequence that I only sort of remember. Does it involve some sort of prolonged festivities with my family? Of course it does. In the first scenario I can recall we’re outside and there are these odd light patterns showing up in the sky that sort of look like laser show visuals projected into the night. Brightly colored hovering patterns. First my brother detects one and his mind is blown. Then my dad sees another and same deal.
What’s interesting is that they’d both heard reports of these things appearing in the sky in this part of the city but they didn’t believe them. I’m sort of annoyed with this because I personally told them I’d seen these things before but you know, of course they didn’t really believe me either but now it’s right in front of their faces and undeniable. What’s also undeniable is that I know these have at least something to do with the crackling energy kid and his odd psychedelic sound experiments. That’s where I’d seen them before. So for a while I’m like:
“Yeah guys, I tried to tell you those odd floating colors in the sky were legit. Shit tons of people have reported seeing them including me, you know? Did you really think we were all just making this up?”
Ahhh human psychology. It’s genuinely conflicting because it’s nice they finally believe me but at the same time sort of insulting that they had to see it for themselves for this to happen. Right as we’re contemplating the mystery, the biggest one yet appears out of nowhere and hovers well above the horizon. It’s a green geometric shape laser art thing just hanging there against the backdrop of black night.

That’s about where I lose the plot and when I come back to, we’re now all huddled in this odd diving metal contraption above the sea. We’re here to watch this play that my cousin is supposedly starring in and we’re all sitting around this bronze metallic contraption waiting for her to dive into this underwater submarine from above. Sure. When it’s time, she leaps from the holed out bottom of the device into watery depths below but honestly, it does not look like this goes well. In fact, it looks like she got knocked the fuck out and fell into the water unconscious, possibly dying in the process.
Myself and a couple other witnesses are very concerned but her mom and dad aren’t. In fact, they start getting very irritated at me for suggesting we might want to see if she’s OK. They’re upset at the very insinuation and storm out, angry with me. Honestly, it’s very hard to explain what this means but it does make sense and is in direct relation to a conversation my wife and I were having about our concerns for this cousin earlier in the day. Fascinating visual metaphor though.
There are another couple scenarios that happen later in the night. In the one it’s like I’m sharing a crappy apartment with this hairy overweight slob guy who seems to be molesting his young adult daughter and I’m determined to put a stop to it but it seems like the dream shifts well before I can.
Then an extended sequence where I’m trying to leave an amusement park that’s been mostly abandoned. As I’m leaving, I get the telepathic impression that one of the staff thought I was cool because I was a generous tipper. That’s about all I recall.
3/14/2023 –
There’s a particular dog in our neighborhood that our chihuahua always freaks out about but in this vision he walks right up and is super friendly.
Now I’m in my mom’s old place on Beacon Hill. My wife and I are hanging out there and it feels like we’ve been staying here for a while. Out of nowhere I start wondering about how much money this is saving us and since my mom’s getting old I also start wondering if we’re going to inherit the place. I’m wandering around this environment contemplating these things when I wake up at a desk in the upstairs bedroom. It’s now a completely different environment and the most random coworker imaginable is across from me.
Since I just woke up he asks me what I was dreaming about and I tell him I was wandering around my mom’s old house. He then asks if I drank a juice box when I was there and holy fucking shit. I did. I now clearly remember drinking a juice box in this dream. An apple juice box.

I am so weirded out by this. How the hell did he know? I let it go for a while until I’m all:
“Wait a minute. How the hell did you know that I just drank a juice box in my dream?”
He doesn’t truly know the answer to this and I continue to be baffled. In fact, I look around the room and everything is odd. My mom now lives in Bremerton and this looks like an amalgamation of her old place in Seattle and her pad in Bremerton but weirder and I also start wondering if I’m going to inherit this place, not that it’d be worth much. All of this confusion is of course supposed to make me go lucid but it doesn’t. Instead the random coworker dude comes over to ask me for money to tide him over to payday. I dig into my wallet for cash and he doesn’t want me to give him a 20 but I’m like.
“Nah dude. Seriously. Just take the 20.”
The next thing I know I’m in a Toys R Us from way back in the day. It’s like we have a central station in the middle of the store where we’re set up and I’m going out and searching for goodies, then reporting back. On one of these excursions, I find this huge and super shiny yellow truck. Man, it’s cool but I’m not entirely sold on the thing. I report back to camp and am still on the fence so I take another compatriot out to search with me and just as we’re evaluating the truck this other guy swoops in and makes the purchase. I’m only sort of disappointed as in a way, I was on the fence and he made the decision for me.
My brother and I then head back to his camp in the store and are gawking at this thing.
“Wooooow. It’s got Disney wheels on it.”
It does have neon green Disney wheels and you know, that does look pretty cool.
One more vision. Here I’m watching an older man in sunglasses sitting courtside at a basketball game. He gets up and then casually stabs a man sitting in one of the first rows and I’m like:
“Uhhh, ok. Pretty ballsy place to just stab a person I must say.”
Then this other guy comes down and tries to stab him but these two other dudes in track suits jump in and stab that guy. It’s a mob hit stabbing frenzy right up front and center at a crowded basketball game. I can’t help but think there’s no way they’re going to get away with this.
3/15/2024 –
A vision where I’m immersed in a new Justice League video game. We’re infiltrating what seems to be some variety of occupied museum and fighting large robots with round metallic heads. The only thing of any real significance I can draw from the sitch would be that the whole thing legit feels like being inside a living cartoon. It’s like playing an episode of Justice League Unlimited or some shit and video games still aren’t quite to the point where they can pull that off. More people should definitely try.
In the next scenario I’m on a trip in the middle east for completely unexplained reasons. This starts off in the unspecified “safe part” of the region but I then have a vision of where we’re headed, which is into Iraq. God this is cool. My entire consciousness turns into this cut scene where we’re driving on a freeway into this city erupting in chaotic protest. Craptons of people are out in the streets all wearing the same green, red, and blackish sci fi burqa looking outfits. Are they all women?

The whole thing is clearly referencing Dune II, which I watched last weekend. It’s got the slow motion disembodied consciousness perspective, the pulsing orchestral drone soundtrack, and most importantly produces the exact same sense of overwhelming environmental unease, as well as the odd underlying racism. I was literally thinking about how low key racist toward Middle Easterners Dune seemed to me as I watched it. Don’t think it’s intentional at all but it is a guy from the Pacific Northwest writing about how desert cultures sort of terrify him in a way. I can’t say I like the heat.
Just like the cinematics in Dune II, this all looks very freaking excellent but why the fuck are we going to Iraq exactly? The same low key fear is in me which is why this scene is so powerful. What the fuck are we getting ourselves into and again, why?
No idea but before we get there the first stop on our tour bus is in this odd village with a waterfall tourists can dive off. All of this is inside this massive wood paneled gift shop and there’s supposedly a traditional indigenous dwelling of some sort at the bottom of the falls. I’m incredibly confused by this entire sitch but the more I look, the more I’m realizing this waterfall is little more than a prototypical waterslide. It looks fun honesty and I haven’t ridden a waterslide in ages but I’m legit a little bit cold. If I’m cold without even getting in the water, I probably shouldn’t go swimming with my auto-immune disease. All of this is very strange and eventually my wife shows up and wants to take the plunge so I’m reconsidering.
In the next situation, I’m looking at the stats for this black smoke djinn entity from above and it’s very much presented in tactical video game RPG format. I’m trying to decide whether or not I should recruit this thing to the quest squad I’m assembling and in looking at the stats I’m not super sold. Then I have this vision where it pops out of this ancient looking yellow desert stone balcony and puffs itself out to look like an imposing cloud of sentient dark mist, almost like the head of a cobra. Impressive indeed but I look back at the stat sheet and I’m still on the fence.
Psi Coda:
Because I'd been asked to do an equinox themed podcast I'd been thinking increasingly about how these cosmic processions might be influencing my dreaming. I did have an fairly fascinating dream on both the spring equinox and winter solstice last year as it turns out. But also you know, it strikes me that the more I expect this profound weirdness, the less likely it'd probably be to happen.
As it turns out, leading up to this year's equinox I didn't really have to force it. Remember that dream I had where my sister was freaking out because I thought she should check up on her recently submerged daughter? What I wasn't mentioning there is that I was going to see the play she directed on Saturday called Into the Woods. I did and what was the theme of the goddamn play? Well, that you need to let your kids go out and fail on their own if that's what's going to happen. My sister even wrote a piece in the playbill talking about this quite specifically. The exact thing I'd just dreamt about essentially.
Remember the Dune dream? Well, after the play, I finished getting that all down to paper a few hours before getting to bed. Then, when I woke up in the middle of the night to break up my sleep cycles I accidentally yahoo stumbled on an article pointing out that Frank Herbert was a shitty right winger who even wrote speeches for the RNC. All news to me and I wasn't even putting together the spice as middle east oil subtext at all either but jeez. Guy probably would have supported the Iraq War if he'd lived that long. Honestly, I loved the Lynch movie far more than I dug the book when I was a teenager. I also quite accurately surmised that the spice was a metaphor for psychedelics pretty much immediately. I suppose watching it high out of you goddamn skull on acid will make that sort of thing click.
