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I Detach Myself From the Spectral City as a Flying Eye

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

4/21/2024 –

I’m at a very odd party at my childhood next door neighbor’s place (it’s very odd how often I find myself here in my dreams). I remember very little from this party although I think it might have involved the crackling energy kid. The main thing I recall is looking at the structure from the first floor and I can see through the floor and the walls. Everything is surreal and people seem to be floating in mid-air. It almost seems like an homage to the cover to Carlos Casteneda’s A Separate Reality and honestly, the strangeness is probably why I’m not able to put it all together in a waking state.

What I do know is that we’re quite intoxicated and my wife and I wake up in our old basement apartment the next morning, and I’m doing the typical thing where I appropriately wonder how the fuck we got here and why? The night does seem to be a drunken blur. Then I’m trying to pack all of our stuff out so we can leave, which proves to be more difficult than I would expect. The one thing that’s different is that being here reminds me that I know the much younger people who are now living here, in fact we hooked them up with the place. Another forgotten dream from earlier in the night apparently. So it’s cool that we’re here because we know the current inhabitants but also we’ve got to get out before they return.

This goes on for way longer and in far more variations than it ever should and begs the question: how does this not lead me to lucidity? Answer: it does. At one point I wake up and my brother and my old next-door neighbor are hanging out in the old pad, which I know is off. So I start phasing my hands through the walls to prove to them that we’re all dreaming. This not only does not lead to me going in further with the lucidity but honestly, I’m not sure what even happens afterward.

I do know that at one point, as I’m once again packing up my things to leave and getting irritated with how much stuff there still is to pack, I have a strange realization. Wait a minute. This is the exact thing I was just dreaming about and here I am doing the exact thing I was just dreaming about. Certainly trippy and yet? Nope. It doesn’t lead to me doing something more interesting with the dream.

 4/22/2024 –

For hours I’m on a higher plane of reality and I’m filling in this skeletal house world with appropriate soundtracks. In this environment these things are visible and I’m like, yeah, let me throw this percolating galaxy looking collection of sounds in the upper corner of this skeletal room. Then that one over there. You know, this would be good transition tunage so I’m going to throw this reverberating energy source in the background as they’re between partially filled in line drawn locations.

This was all quite fun and eventually it leads to dreams of being in my Mom’s old place on Beacon Hill. It’s my last day here and I’m starting to crawl out of my skin, as per the usual. We’re going out for a farewell dinner tonight and then that’s it. After that, I’m off. As I’m contemplating this, I somehow strike up a conversation with an older white woman with shortly cropped chin length hair and a bit of a haggard face. She’s just hanging out in the kitchen and we head upstairs, then there’s this sequence where she’s on my lap. It’s like we’re into each other romantically but have to pretend that we’re not for the time being.

So we’re having this extended conversation while she’s on my lap and we’re semi-dreamily staring into each other’s eyes. And yet, as this is going down I’m also quite palpably realizing that I have nothing to talk to this woman about really. I don’t get the impression I’ve spent that much time with her but the conversations are already dragging and I know it. I also know this seems to only bother me.

We eventually head downstairs and when I head back up my schizophrenic brother is now playing my video game console and wow. Those games look like cartoons straight up. I’m immediately reminded of those Dragon Slayer arcade machines and the promise of playable cartoons that never really panned out. These look different though. I can tell my brother has a far higher degree of control than that crap offered but I’m still skeptical. I’m also razzing him a bit for playing my video game console. I’m totally fine with it but I’m flipping him shit. He then shows me this secret room adjacent to the upstairs bedroom.

It's super cool with these odd angular indentations in the ceiling and I can’t say I noticed it before. That’s about where I lose track of the dream.


4/23/2024 –

I pull out of this visionary state and honestly, what the fuck was going on here? I’m flying through this sacred surrealist city that’s flying through space on the astral plane. I detach from what would be my body in this state but it’s not a body at all. It’s like I am the MC Esher art city floating in space itself and I detach myself as this flying eye that ascends into the sky above the city. Me detaching myself into a flying eye is jarring to the point that it wakes me up. That’s the best way I can describe it.

Later in the night I have an extended dream. I’m supposed to go out to eat with my dad and brother downtown but somehow we end up in this trendy urban school space where we quickly lose track of each other. It’s like a school/shopping plaza that’s I’d say roughly 5 stories tall and I start wandering around in the upstairs area. At one point I run into a situation as difficult to describe as what I was just getting at with the space city. It’s like I walk into this one area that’s seemingly a bar yet it’s just a bunch of what look like painted body parts floating in a void space instead, yet I can tell that these are entities that are interacting with one another. It seems like they’re making some sort of art yet I truly have zero clue what I’m even looking at or how it’s possible but I eventually suspend my astonishment and leave.

When I head to the lower levels, I now find my dad and oh yeah, we were supposed to meet up for dinner, weren’t we? Where the hell did my brother go though? We were supposed to meet up with him as well. As we’re standing out on the street in front of the school/shopping center thing I look out at the moon and holy fucking shit is it cool. These cascading circular patterns of clouds start hovering around the it and accentuating its unnatural astral plane hue. It’s absolutely stunning and you’d think it would make me go lucid but somehow my dad prevents this from happening.

He thinks it’s choice too but convinces me to stop fixating on it so we can solidify dinner plans.

So I head back upstairs looking for my brother but run into my wife instead. I’m mentioning how my dad wants to grab dinner and she’s pointing out that it’s already too late for that. Honestly, I see what she means and we still haven’t found my brother. So she takes off and eventually I decide to bail too. When I do, I realize I have a bunch of stuff to take with me and surreptitiously there’s this green trash bag available for me to pack it up in. How convenient. I’m not sure what I would have done with that stuff without the bag.

And with that I’m out on the city streets heading east to 3rd avenue to catch a bus home, carrying a large green trash bag over my head. It’s not super wieldy and it’s going to be sort of awkward taking this on the bus but that’s the plan. In fact, it strikes me as super strange in the dream that I’ve had a ton of dreams where I’m awkwardly packing up and carrying shit. How curious that the same thing I’ve dreamed about would happen in waking life. Curious indeed and yet? Nope. It doesn’t make me go lucid.

Later while meditating I have a vision of this woman in full on sci fi fantasy gear manipulating these metallic magick machines. When I say full on sci fi fantasy gear, there’s lots of odd shiny metal armor like pieces and she’s wearing a golden tiara shaped helmet thing. Super hero/sci fi vibes, like a more futuristic Asgard, and the device she’s wielding has a baby inside one of its see through compartments that’s filling with white smoke. She’s either trying to kill or genetically enhance the baby (I can’t tell which) but her plan fails. The baby killing device vanishes and in its place is this strong older looking black man wearing similar sci fi/fantasy regalia. I do not know what this signifies.


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