2/5/2024 –
In a hypnagogic state, something about “sea urchin head.”
I must confess I’m aware that consuming sea urchins is supposed to enhance dreaming but I hadn’t contemplated as much in years. Maybe I should look into trying that, or maybe they’re just pointing out to me that it’s like I’ve consumed sea urchins all the time.
Now in hypnagogia, I’m outside of some circular lower realm but I’m exploring it with this small metallic square robot that has a red plaid pattern. I’m on the outside and I’m controlling the square metallic plaid bot that’s feeding me info about the inner reality of this unexplored realm.
On the dream front it’s the classic high rise condo scenario except this time it is a bit different. I’m typically sharing this place with a couple of different peeps who mostly aren’t around but here I’ve arrived at a point where everyone’s there. So it turns into this spontaneous communal party thing and the vibes are just great. Everyone who’s sharing this condo space is hanging out and the conversation is just flowing. None of us planned on this. It just happened and we’re all sort of amazed that it worked out this way.
I wish I remember a ton of what happens here but other than the excellent vibes and staring at the amazing view I don’t recall a lot but wow is the view fantastic. It keeps morphing which should tip me off to the fact that I’m dreaming but doesn’t. It makes sense though, why all of us would want to periodically live here. How could you not want to live in a pad with such an amazing view and hey, I’m genuinely enjoying hanging out with all these roommates too.
At one point we throw on a movie and it goes into this very odd surrealist thing where I’m watching a film within a dream with all these other people in our posh living room. I wish I remembered more of the film but I do remember that it was arty and Cronenbergian with some sort of brown special FX puppetry involved.

The last thing I remember is that after the film this older roommate is pigging out on this pineapple cake that’s in the fridge. He ate nearly the whole thing by himself and he’s joking about it as if he’s a monster in a horror movie kind of way, which is legit funny.
2/6/2024 –
I’m connected to another spiritual entity of some sort. I’m not sure if we’re in a communal astral space or two communal astral spaces or whatever but as this connection is ending, I see this circular portal that had initiated the connection between the two and I’m pulling into my own realm. Then there’s this flashing light type pulse that’s indicating that a transaction has been processed through some sort of pay app. OK then.

Later I’m told something about helping someone avoid eating a mouthful of glass. Sure.
Then an amazingly random dream. Here I’m living with an unknown woman and her teenage son in a small one story tan house in what seems like southern California. The son’s father comes over to visit and I get the vibe that this is a rare occurrence. In fact, I’ve never met the son’s father before. Anyway, the kid has a friend over and for unknown reasons they get in a physical fight. This goes on for a bit before the dad breaks it up be here’s where it gets odd. The dad is not concerned that the kid started a fight with his friend for no reason, he’s upset by his fighting style. He’s from the school of karate or whatever and his kid was doing Tae Kwon Do. I’m not getting the specifics right there but that’s basically it. “This is a karate family son” type shit.
Anywho, after the fight is broken up by the father because of the wrong fighting style chosen, I go outside and they’re hashing it out in the driveway. Honestly, I’m sort of on the kid’s side here. I mean, you’ve got to give a kid a chance to be his own person. If he wants to fight Tae Kwon Do style, then so be it, you know?
After they’re done I go up to the dad and am all:
“I’ve never actually seen the kid get in a fight until you came around.”
While I’m telling him this, I’m noticing how young the guy looks for having a teenage son. We then have a discussion about how you want to avoid conflict but sometimes it’s necessary, which I’m only half agreeing with. I uhhh, yeah. That’s the dream.
2/7/2024 –
I’m jamming on guitar with another guy playing guitar and while this is happening I’m thinking to myself:
“This works but if he plays that part while palm muting it, it’s not going to work at all.”
We keep jamming on the riff for quite a bit but eventually he does start playing it while palm muting and I’m like:
“No. Absolutely not. If you palm mute that part, I won’t be involved with this.”

I’d say this is completely nonsensical but I did just write a new song on guitar where I’m palm muting a part of it. Maybe I should get rid of the palm muting.
Now the next ridiculous scenario. I’m hanging out at my townhouse when my Dad calls to let me know he bought a used piece of drywall off this guy online who’s going to be showing up soon to drop it off. Then the guy shows up and he’s this Latino construction worker dude. He brings the piece of drywall upstairs and I’m telling him I’m not sure where my Dad is but he should be here soon. Since he doesn’t show up immediately, now I’m just making conversation and I’m all:
“Well, I think I have enough cash in my wallet to pay for the drywall if he’s not here soon but let’s wait for a bit.”
Now for unknown reasons I’m hanging out downstairs again and Danny Carey is sitting next to me. I’m not sure how this comes up but I go on a tangent about how in programming more beats I realized that I don’t understand a ton about drumming. So I’d have a part in my head and it’d take me a bit to realize that the reason I was having trouble programming it had to do with me not understanding the basics of the time signature it was in. Danny seems mildly amused by this.
Then he’s about to leave and I’m all:
“Oh yeah, what about the whole drywall thing. Whatever did happen with that?”
Danny kind of jokes that of course he has to know how the drywall sitch worked out before he can head out. So we look upstairs and my Dad does seem to have shown up and they’re now doing some sort of work on the second floor of our townhouse.
Now Danny’s walking out the front door and it’s occurring to me that this is the second time a member of Tool has hung out at my place in the last couple months as Adam Jones stopped over not long ago in some dream scenario that I’d either forgotten or quite possibly spontaneously invented just for this scenario. I’m finding this genuinely confusing because you know, I’m not actually that huge a Tool fan at this point in my life. Haven’t listened to them in years. Odd indeed.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!