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Infiltrating the MILF Industrial Complex

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

9/5/2023 -

I'm at this party in this all concrete room with a mattress in the middle of it for some reason. This woman I went to high school with is lying on the mattress fully clothed and there's some expository information in my mind that there's romantic potentiality there. I'm not sure how to get her attention though so I decide if I casually sit down on the mattress and take off my shirt, this might work. So I do. I'm now down into my boxers (which is odd because I don't wear boxers in waking life) and I sort of do the yawn/stretch, I'm gonna lie down thing which absolutely works.

The next thing I know this woman has stripped down into her black bra and panties and we're snuggling together engaged in a superficial conversation. It's basically like we're having a first date cup of coffee but we're instead caressing each other in various positions, on a mattress, in the middle of the floor, in a largely concrete room, surrounded by a bunch of other party guests who are all standing up and drinking around us.

Things seem to be going well though. There's chemistry between us and I did always have a crush on her when I was in high school. She's tastefully put on a few pounds with age but honestly I'm digging it. Her skin feels good enmeshed with mine as we chat. I also somehow know that she has 2 kids and I'm fine with that but why is this woman showing up in my dreams? She's one of only like 500 women I went to high school with that I had a crush on and haven't thought of since. Zero clue but I feel like I now have to look her up.

What's absolutely bizarre though is that in the middle of this meet cute love fest I just get up and leave. Why? To go check out the security on one of the upper floors. Yep, I can absolutely get into the top floor through the stairwell. There is no security preventing this which I'm sort of shocked by. I also remember that I've been to this gray concrete industrial skyscraper several times in my dream life. I knew exactly where to look for the security flaw. Even as I'm scoping out the infiltration options though I have no idea why.

I head back to the party that's a few floors down and the woman is now sitting up on the mattress fully clothed. I can tell the chemistry between us has been somewhat disrupted by my spy excursion and possibly there's no getting it back. Why was I compelled to do that?

That's about all I remember but the next day, still in dreamville, I'm really embarrassed at how drunk I got at the industrial complex party. I feel like an idiot but there are some photos and another couple of women were apparently flirting with me pretty heavily according to the visual evidence. Maybe I didn't make as much of an ass of myself as I thought I did, I just got too drunk to seal the deal.

9/6/2023 -

We're getting back home from partying somewhere and in this scenario my brother is dating my mom, which is creepy. Even weirder because his wife is hanging out with us but again, he's apparently dating our mom. I don't know what we're up to exactly but as we walk in the door my brother's wife and I are pushing to head back out to a strip club but we're met with some resistance by my mom and brother. Also, we're getting home to our old house in Ohio, which is a common theme in my dreams but here's where it gets funny. As I enter the kitchen I declare:

"God it's so crazy that I constantly have dreams about being in this house and then they just so happened to start renting it out on Airbnb."

Hilarious but it is the most tangible explanation I've come up with in these dream scenarios for why the hell I'd be in this house. It makes at least a mild degree of sense. The fact that I'm talking about how I constantly dream about being here in a dream is mildly fascinating.

We head to my crappy small room in this place and as we enter I realize I was running a pirate radio station that's been in a dead air scenario the entire time we were gone.

So I immediately start putting on CD's to fill the space. I'm doing this the entire time we continue to discuss whether or not to go to the strip club while internally considering how clunky it is to run a music only radio station with a 1 disc CD player. There's essentially dead air every time I'm loading a new tune and the only act I remember playing is The Future Sound of London.

That's it as far as dreams although I know this scenario continued for much longer and was lost to the ether. I've mentioned before that I almost never remember anything from my sober meditation sessions but once again I do. Here I'm in a mall with a rather attractive black man with short hair wearing a green t-shirt and athletic shorts. We're supposed to be accomplishing some task here but there's a small line and he sort of goes:

"Yeah, that's what we're here for but I also want to get some frozen yogurt so let's do that first."

And so we walk to the other side of the mall to get our froyo and the second we've all got our cones he's like:

"Wouldn't you know. Now there's no line and we can walk right to the front."

This is a lesson in intuition.

9/7/2023 -

I didn't sleep very well but there were a couple of memorable occurrences. I'm in a record store browsing through albums and I find a record from the early 2000's by Mogwai that I'd never seen before called Do What They Truly Mean. It has a cool dazed out almost twilight at dusk with distant yellow sparkly power lines cover and a rectangular white box in the center with 4 arty looking glyphs etched in black reading form left to right in it.

I immediately find this both hilarious and synchronous because it's a joke-y reference to the show Ancient Aliens, and my friend just asked if I wanted to go to Ancient Aliens live a few days ago (I declined because that show puts me to sleep quite literally, can't keep my eyes open).

I'm thinking about how I have to text my friend because I never knew this album existed and he just mentioned Ancient Aliens but then I wake up and am like:

"Wait, what?"

Do what they truly mean? That's not a reference to Ancient Aliens. I don't even remember what the catch phrase from that show that I used to mock even was. I think it was:

"But according to ancient alien theorists..."

Or something to that effect but it's been so long. My immediate interpretation was that you put your mystical shit into action. They mean that we live in a goddamn illusion, act accordingly. As I'm meditating later though, the phrase:

"Collective hypnosis"

Pops into my head. Seems about right. As I wrote in a song lyrically over a decade ago:

I love how in the studio my friend Liz who sang those lines asked what the song was about. I told her straight up and she legit thought I was joking but it was no joke, which made it even funnier. Such is the nature of talking monkey shit show.

The next thing I know a teenage girl is seeking the advice of an elder magi who's this woman with greying red hair dressed in a cool looking green robe who I'd guess was in her late 60's/early 70's. The youngling asks the elder witch woman:

"Do you have a brand?"

And she replies in a thick British accent.

"No. I question what brands do."

Collective hypnosis indeed.

While you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do.


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