7/14/2024 –
I’m listening to a podcast and these 2 guys are talking about something that sounds relatively heavy but that I can’t recall whatsoever. One of them eventually changes the topic and does so by transitioning with something along the lines of:
“But that’s more a matter of politics than anything else.”
And in my head I’m like:
“It’s actually more of a matter of spirituality than anything else.”
In the next vision I remember I’m sucked into this hot tub situation. I’m standing in some fictional sunny outdoor veranda universe roughly 100 yards away from a hot tub, then I’m magnetically sucked over to the hot tub. I’m supposed to be looking at a person but instead I’m looking an amorphous mass of the same living component I was shown last night. Best way I can describe it is shapeshifting moldable sand that’s subtly shining with cosmic dust and jagged pieces of sci fi looking reflective glass magick mixed within. Ok then.
Now a group of us is trying to get this I’d say mid 60’s woman with shortly cropped boyish gray hair into the hot tub. She’s very reluctant but finally relents and when she does, she lets her robe drop to the ground revealing this amazingly excellent full blue swimsuit with calculated side cuts. She has all these reflective crystal tattoos that are expertly framed by the cut of the suit and sparkling playfully in the sun. It is a fantastic look and pretty much the exact second she dips her toes in the water there are roughly 5 dudes all over her. She’s made of this underground imaginal sorcerous alien statue sand substance. That’s what they’re showing me.

7/15/2024 –
I’m meeting this I’m guessing Native American woman at a non-descript non-chain coffee shop south of the city for unknown reasons. After I’m done chatting with her, I now go and talk with both her dad and who I think is her brother (or maybe her uncle) at their house a block or so away from the shop. After consulting with them for a bit, I now sort of phase through the wall into this very odd astral environment.
I’m looking at the valley leading into downtown where I can see all these new black sky-scrapers protruding from the ground in the SODO/Georgetown area. They look a bit like towers of Sauron without the flaming eye if I’m being honest but it doesn’t make any sense. I look to my right where I-5 should be and that’s the problem in a nutshell. The highway isn’t there. In fact, there’s no westernized infrastructure at all. These new towers are apparently being erected right by a downtown area that somehow exists in a world where there is nothing that facilitates their existence at all.
I’m confused by this for a spell when I now warp north and seemingly into a slightly different area of perception. The towers are gone. It’s just wilderness now and I’m looking at what the valley leading into the city was like before the city existed, which is certainly intriguing.
Now I’m in a small silver metallic walled diner that feels like it’s made from several vintage RV’s. I sit down with this godawful woman who used to be one of my 8 bosses at a job I had years ago. She’s with her girlfriend/partner ant they’re explaining to me that they used to think they wanted a place with an amazing view of the city. Then they realized a glorious wilderness view is actually superior. As a bit of history, this woman, who was a piece of shit and an enormous moron (not to mention an alcoholic), did in fact own an RV and that’s what she did with her free time. Bitch also had an MBA.
Now I’m meeting up with the woman in the coffee shop again.
“I kind of can’t believe this but what you were looking for was legit just a few blocks away from here. Like, seriously, about a half a mile to the northwest. Your dad’s been living right next to it the entire time.”
And with that I leave the meeting or whatever it was. I’m confused by this entire exchange so I dig in a bit in a meditative state and am told:
“You were helping her find her ancestral land.”
And that:
“This is really all you could do for her.”
The shitty MBA boss. The black tower of Sauron structures. I’m sure they’re shamans saw this impending doom well before it hit. Moreover, I’m now shown that this has to do with a particular writer’s book. I’m looking at a bookshelf and the living green glowing almost Matrix graphics font on the sleeve stands out but alas, I cannot pull the author’s name back into the waking world with me.
7/16/2024 –
I’m having a deranged telepathic conversation between myself, at least 1 unidentified fellow astral traveler and this imaginal feminine orb type entity, who it feels like we just met. This dialogue hasn’t been going on long before our new acquaintance mentions the word bubbles and when she does, I’m sort of stunned because it feels synchronous.
“I can’t believe you just mentioned bubbles.”
I tell her. Now my mind is filled with this image of a sparsely drawn colorful cartoon woman. Almost like Janice from the Muppets. Just as whimsical but even more minimalist in design. Then these orangish/yellow solar energy jelly roll things that look like an animated version of blood cells flowing through a vein flood through the shot, super imposed on top of the minimalist cartoon woman. Then the silverish translucent bubbles that encapsulate the whole scene and pull it skyward. There are lots of them and come to think of it, I was just talking about a bubble metaphor the other day in regards to how a piece of music is tied together. Like conjoined bubbles.

In another vision I’m seeing this short I’d say late 50’s thin character actor looking guy with longish black hair. His hair is now painted white along with his shirtless body. White paint. His hair is also puffed out with tight curls in the back. It’s poofy. Like a cloud. I’m seeing his silhouette when this pointed finger enters the shot from the left-hand side of my mind screen.
I somehow intuitively know it’s coming in to boop him on the nose playfully but the perspective keeps shifting in and out, as if time is freezing individual snapshots. Each time this happens, he looks more and more like a Bichon Frise type dog with the exact same hair-cut, curly cloud poof in the back and all. The finger keeps closing in for the boop and his face keeps shifting back and forth with the different snapshots.
Very Tim & Eric style living comedy and yeah, dogs are angels, humans are like dogs to higher beings. The metaphors, they all track.
Now a pastel-colored crystalline energy metallic robot that I’m viewing from above. This is odd because I can see it’s essence in what seems like another dimension but I can’t see it with standard vision exactly. I’m seeing it like I’m Daredevil or some shit but what I do know is that it’s violent. It’s just massacring a bunch of unidentified astral creatures and it’s gory as all get out. Obviously inspired by the show Invisible that I’ve been watching and you know what? Nope. I don’t like the vibage.
I don’t like it at all, so I decide to fix it and how do I fix it? I turn the weird crystalline robot into a super hero with a bitchin’ blue outfit. Not too much different from the Nova Corp if I’m being honest but different enough that it’s not a rip off. More of a bitchin’ blue sea captain-y hooded trench coat with red glowing eye type thing.
What’s this dude do? Gives everyone delicious bubblegum. That’s his power. He’s seemingly tapped into an infinite supply of bubble gum and can grant anyone as much as he wants. Also, don’t think this is a joke. Guy could absolutely wreck your world with his bubblegum powers if he wanted to as they seem to be infinite. I watch him summon seemingly an entire ocean of the stuff at one point. He could really stick it (pun intended) to big gum by undercutting their market share as well, I’m sure. No really, this is what I somehow came up with. The fact that I stumbled on the Candy Everybody Wants video by 10,000 Maniacs the next morning doesn’t seem accidental. Give them what they want.
Oh and hey, there’s more. In fact, I slip into this elaborate malleable blue tech energy amusement park for most of the rest of the night. Excellent vibes. Normally I’m bored by astral vacations on the other side but here I’m definitely pleased. It’s basically like a world where these blue tech blocks can make everything happen and it’s absolutely designed for no other reason than recreation.
At one point I head to the concert area. I get in with VIP passes but it’s weird because I can’t really see what I want from this vantage point. So I back out with the rest of the crowd. It’s techno shit so I’m happy. This teenager is on stage with the DJ and he’s got this large blue plastic controller thing that he is using to manipulate the beats. It’s like a huge blue hulk hand thing in a way, which is funny and he is slamming his right arm with this contraption as a way of controlling the beats. Holy crap are the young kids in the crowd going absolutely apeshit for this. This is the fucking future I’m thinking to myself.
Eventually I run into my wife and I’m finally wanting to gather the crew and leave. She’s in this living musicals exhibit and having the time of her life. She’s going to see if any of the people in the other musicals have seen my brother and I watch her warp through a thin barrier into these adjacent worlds. When she gets there, she’s still the character from the musical she came from and all the people she encounters stay in their character from their play and interact with her like she’s a visitor from another world. This is clearly the culture of this fantastical enclave and I must confess it’s pretty sweet. Also not super-efficient because both she and the people she’s meeting both keep having to provide each other enormous backstories to get through standard interactions.
She does eventually manage to track him down and he shows us this Night Rider colored like black gyrotron type theme ride that you can pull from the floor near the entrance of the joint. You guys caught this one extra special feature in the orb thing, didn’t you? We did.
